Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dying Dreams

Dying Dreams

My dreams are locked away
Hidden in the darkest room
No windows or doors
Not even a single crack
No chance for them to escape
No chance to ever be granted
And no one cares
No one even thinks of my dreams
Not one person cares
How could I ever had expected more
My dreams are just left to die
Alone and without light
Without any hope
Just dreams that have died
Just like a million others I have had
And a million other I have forgotten

Friday, October 26, 2012

Alone In The Night

Alone In The Night

Stand alone in the night
Listen to nothing
The pure sound of silence
Bathe in the light of a billion billion stars
So far away
Yet they look as if you could touch them
The moon rises from the horizon
A beautiful shade of amber
Let your imagination go
Allow it to run free
Hold you fears deep inside of you
Then and only then
If you can just believe
You will see the beauty of the night
The beauty hidden by the sun
Disguised by the warmth of the day
You will see the miracle God created



It is so hard knowing
Knowing that you know the time
Not the day, week or month
Just knowing that it is coming
Coming sooner than you expected
Years, months and days passed by
Sometimes seeming to last forever
Other times racing by until there is very little left
Still you take time to remember
Remembering everything you did
Forgetting a lot of it
Thee people you knew
The women who you loved
There are so many things left to do
So much life to be lived
Such a short time
If your life is measured in weeks
It is so hard knowing
Knowing how little time you have
Knowing that you are going to die
It is so hard knowing

Monday, October 22, 2012

Cold Air

Cold Air

North winds sweeping down
Ice covers the frozen land
Snow falls day and night

Sunday, October 21, 2012

When The Mind Goes

When The Mind Goes

It is sad when a mind goes
Trying to remember what has been forgotten
Are the memories real?
Are they something the mind has created?
Those people I should know
The things we may have done
It is so hard to tell what is real
It is sad when a mind goes

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Seasons Without Sun

Seasons Without Sunlight

The skies are so dark
Clouds block out the heavens
Day appears to be night
As the sun races past
The moon goes through its phases
Unseen and unnoticed
The darkness continues
Week after week
Month after month
The clouds drift by
A solid mass
Changing but always there
The coolness of autumn
The coldness of winter
Seasons without sunlight

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Under The Weeping Willow Tree

Under The Weeping Willow

I saw you when we were kids
Playing with blocks on the kindergarten floor
We grew up
You became a beauty
I became a geek
I never had the never had the nerve to talk to you
Then we met

Under the weeping willow down on the shores of the river
We met, we held hands and we kissed
That old weeping willow shed its tears
The willow's tears that flowed in happiness
We had found the love we both wanted

I proposed and we wed
Promising to share our lives from then on
Never to part
I saw the love in your eyes
The geek married the beauty
And the rest of our lives began

Under the weeping will down on the shores of the river
We shared our vows
The rings shined on our finger
That old weeping willow shed its tears
The willow's tears that flowed in happiness
We had found the forever we both wanted

Our baby was born on a summer day
The sun was warm and the breeze gentle
She was named willow
And she smiled at the sun shining through the leaves
She loves her mother and father
All the love in the world could be seen in her eyes

Under the weeping will down on the shores of the river
We were the perfect family
A beautiful little girl with a future of love ahead
She brought pure happiness into our lives
That old weeping willow shed its tears
The willow's tears that flowed in happiness
We had found the family we both wanted

That winter the love of my life died
She went to sleep
She answered God's call
All her prayers would be answered
I am sure that she was welcomed to Heaven
And given a beautiful pair of wings

Under the weeping will down on the shores of the river
I laid her body to rest
A beautiful love that will last forever
She is smiling because she was loved
That old weeping willow shed its tears
The willow's tears that flowed in sadness
The love of my life was gone

Sunday, October 14, 2012


demon blue black wings picture and wallpaper


Such evil
Hiding in plain sight
Hatred flowing free
It watches every movement
Listens to what is said
A demon from the bowels of Hell
It wants the world to burn
To destroy itself
Its eyes are burning skulls
Crying tears of putrid blood
Screaming in eternal torment
They watch as we suffer
That is what it was born for
Created by man
It is feared by its creator
It watches
It schemes
It sets man against his brother
Fighting war after war
Until man exists no more

Saturday, October 13, 2012



Colors, strands and beams
Arranged into a rainbow
Twisted around each other
They form a warped vision
Every piece large
Every piece small
Connected in an infinite web
Confusion and clarity
Chaos and order
All in one place
Spread across the Universe
It is seen in the mind
Conjured up in nightmares
Just a series of mathematical equations
Numbers in the right place at the right time
Creating such beauty

Friday, October 12, 2012

Losing History

Losing History

Buildings centuries old
Part of our history
They are who we are
They still echo with voices
Voices telling us who we were
Now, they are neglected
Left to rot under Summer rains
The art within is lost
The stories within the buildings are never told
The memories of who built them fade
They turn to dust as quickly as the buildings
Now is the time to save history
To let our childrens children know
That we had a glorious history
One to be remembered
Not left to fie and rot
They were always more than myths
For good or bad they have to know one thing
They were us

Wednesday, October 10, 2012



Doing 85 in a 35
Driving my daddy's El Camino
The engine roars like a hungry lion
A creature that would never be tamed
The wheels throw dust behind me
There is a redhead on the seat beside me
Daisy dukes and a halter top
Aphrodite has come to life
Her legs wrap around my stick shift
She takes it from first to fifth
Ever gaining speed on this country back road
Fence posts rush by in a blur
I can hear no sounds except the wheels
Tearing up the road as we fly over it
So many accidents on this road
So many people killed on “Dead Man's Curve”
What makes me think I can make it?
Is the chance worth the love of a girl?
Would I ever get a night with her
Or even a kiss?
The speedometer hits 110
The stars are no longer points of light in a distance sky
They begin whirling they are so beautiful
She moves closer tome
Her skin glistens in the light from the dashboard
Beads of moisture looks like a million diamonds
The song on the radio is pounding into my body
Building ecstasy far beyond what any boy should feel
Stopping would cause the feelings to wither and die
The faster we go the erotic she feels
Her every nerve controls her passion
Burning deep within her ivory skin
Bringing her to the edge of orgasm
The brakes lock
The tires squeal as she screams in passion
The motor dies with a bang
The wheels stop in total quiet
Then there is just silence
The silence was broken by her voice
She told me her name was Jackie
Then the door opened as she disappeared
Was she just in my mind?
An image conjured from my loneliness?
The motor died next to a tree
A white cross stood before me
Surrounded by dying flowers
One word was on the cross
It was faded because of the falling rain
It was a name
“Jackie” it said
Then I knew that she was gone

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Song Of An Angel

The Song Of An Angel

Standing in the bottom of the canyon
The sun beats down heating the rocks
The wind burns my skin as it blows by
There is not a cloud floating in the sky
Water turns to steam as I try to drink
The branches of dead trees build a roof
Brown shrubbery makes up my bed
A voice echoes through the chasm
Sweet and melodic it flows
The notes of a beautiful, unwritten song
So far out of place it makes me think
It makes me look through the branches into Heaven
An angel stands there
She is singing for me
Trying to give me hope in my hopelessness
Beckoning me to be at peace
To rest my tortured soul in her hands
I climb to her still hearing her song
Looking back I see my body
Torn and burned by only God knows what
I feel so sorry for the man below
My soul has found happiness in her song

Pandora's Box

Pandora's Box

The skies rip apart

Filling with a hot white fire

The winds blow both hot and cold

Burning and freezing

Birds are replaced by black dragons

Smoking cinders fall like rain

Covering the ground below

Burying people as they run

The ancient gods rise up from the ashes

Full of vengeance and hate

Desiring peace they fight for humanity

What has caused the world such pain?

Pandora's Box has been opened

Hope has died a violent death

The last chance was taken from man

Rains will wash away the ash

The sky will heal

Man will survive

He always has

The gods will return from whence they came

But Pandora's Box will remain empty

Devoid of all hope

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Standing at the Gates of Heaven

Standing at the Gates of Heaven

Standing at the gates of Heaven
I look between the bars
Such a paradise just beyond
Kept out of my reach
I am only allowed to watch
Gargoyles block my way
Holding me back
They rip at my cloaks
Tearing them to shreds
Black angels sing my praises
Wrapping leather wings around me
Holding my breaths deep in my chest
They tear at my heart
Pulling my arteries from my chest
Drawing my blood onto the floor
They laugh at my unending pain
Enjoying the torture they inflict
I am drawn away to a hell of my own making
Watching eternity from a molten rock
From now until the end of days
Snakes and demons will be my only friends
Only existing in my private hell

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mother Nature's Canvas

Mother Nature's Canvas

Mother Nature's canvas
Endless blue sky
She waves her brush
Such beautiful strokes
Moved by her breathe
They drift across her canvas
Lit by the sun
They become a masterpiece
Even though they may try
No artist could ever paint such beauty
No picture could ever match her work
Mother Nature should be proud
The world below looks up in awe
She has created such perfection
Using just a brush and her breath
That is a miracle to be admired

Monday, October 1, 2012

Demon Sleep

Demon Sleep

Sleep is such an evil creature
Living in the dark
Creeping through the shadows
It hunts every human
Wrapping itself around an active mind
Its tendrils draw ideas away
Sapping a person's will to think
Sleep will tell your mind what to see
The ultimate pleasure of a sensual woman
Or a demon tearing your soul to pieces
Sleep has complete control
It will never leave
Every minute makes it stronger
It knows what you desire most
Sleep will only release you in the morning light
It will wait in the light
Watching you
Planning what it will do
When the sun sets and the moon rises
Sleep will return stronger than ever
And again you will be under its control

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...