Saturday, May 18, 2013

If You Knew

If You Knew

Do you want to find me?
How hard have you looked?
I am right in front of you
Invisible to your eyes
Your eyes look right through me
As if I wasn’t there
I know that you can’t hear me
You have no idea about me
What I have to say
How I feel about you
Why can’t you see me?
My heart beats for you and you alone
You have no idea I exist
And it doesn’t bother you in the least
But I am here
I do exist
I do love you more than you know
If only you knew

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Who I Am

Who I Am

Why do I do everything wrong?
My hair
My beard
My old shoes
Not up to your standards
They are who I am
The man that I have become
My ideas are different than yours
They always have been
They always will be
I like the way I am
I chose to be this way
Why can’t you accept that?
I am not the Wall Street type
I cannot work the old 9 to 5
Routine doesn’t fit me
Hell, I don’t even own a suit
That’s the way I like it
I am who I am
That is all I can ever be
Accept me or don’t
That is your choice
It really doesn’t matter
I will still be me

Wednesday, May 15, 2013



Just one day in a lifetime
When the planets align
The stars twinkle with just the right rhythm
Breezes sound like a choir
The sun sets at just the right time
The baby sleeps all night long
You find a hundred dollars in your wallet
The car starts without a problem
Your wife wakes up with a smile
The mother-in-law leaves after two weeks
The Browns win the Superbowl
Baseball gets rid of the designated hitter
You talk yourself out of a speeding ticket
The weight you gained at the buffet fades away
A day like that is so rare
Serenity granted by the gods above
Still serenity is fleeting
Enjoy it while you can because tomorrow it may be gone
And once again the gods will crap on your life
Once again you will take it and smile
In the hope that another day will come

The Ancient Stone Wall

The Ancient Stone Wall

Green fields going on forever
Traveled by Romans, Celts and Brits alike
They each left their marks before they left
Walls built ages ago still stand
Made of rocks dug by hand
Carried by slaves taken from conquered peoples
Thousands of them stacked one by one
Each one a piece of art on its own
Covered by dull green moss
Ferns grow in their narrow cracks
They go on for countless miles
No one really knows who made them
Their names were lost to history
Still they are remembered
Their legacy remains in an ancient stone wall
Rocks placed with their sweat and blood
A timeless memorial to their spirit
Something that says the they were there

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Fires Of Passion

Fires Of Passion

Such a fire
Uncontrolled passions
Hiding for so long
Erotically burning
Heating your body
Longing for a single touch
One moment of pleasure
The sharing of a breath
You were told that the fire was wrong
An evil within your body
Something that you have to deny
Still you dream of the moment
The fire will be satisfied
Your body will soar in orgasm
Although the fire will be sedated
The heat will always remain



Writing is a great thing to do
You can do it all alone
Or with a hundred other people
You can do it naked
Or wearing you best tuxedo
You can write a death if you are upset
Or a gentle kiss if you feel romantic
You can tell off someone who annoys you
Or compliment someone’s heart
You can climb to the mountaintop
Or dive to the depths of depravity
You can die a tragic death
Or live a life in paradise
Writing is a great thing to do
It is the one place you can truly be yourself

Friday, May 10, 2013

Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall

A large block of concrete
Locked in a museum
Its barbed wire twisted and rusted
Graffiti covers one side
Blood stains cover the other
People stand and stare
Some take pictures for their albums
All remember those who died
When they tried to escape oppression
They remember the few who escaped
Searching for the freedom they never had
It is more than a large block of concrete
Locked in a museum
Its barbed wire twisted and rusted
It is a memorial to lost freedom
It is a memorial to sacrifice
It is a memorial to human nature
And how it cannot be denied

Fire Dragon

Fire Dragon

Look into the sky
Dragons of fire
With wings of fire
Fly between the clouds
They follow the sun
When it sets so far away
The dragons spread their wings
Lighting the evening sky
Beautiful amber light
Night comes
They fold their wings
Resting for another evening 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Summer Experiences

Summer Experiences

The experiences of summer
Swimming in the cool water
Getting the deepest tan they can
Riding a bike through country roads
Sunsets on white beaches
That first kiss from beautiful girl
A hotdog at a baseball game
Nights watching movies at the drive-in
Outdoor concerts fill the air
Girls in tiny bikinis laying on the grass
Fishing on the dock in the bay
Birds taking a crap on your windshield
Too soon autumn comes
The air cools and the leaves fall
Summer becomes a happy memory
Lost to the natural change of seasons
But there will always be next summer
With new summer experiences
Something to look forward to

Listening To A Man

Listening To A Man

I listen to you talk
You are so intelligent
You know about life
There is not a problem you cannot solve
I have never met a mind like yours
Still you live on the streets
Begging for pennies
Longing to a simple bologna sandwich
No one will help you
Your family turned their backs on you
Their houses are closed to someone like you
The government ignores you
It spends millions on a cup of coffee
But they cannot help you find a home
You are alive but not allowed to live
Still as long as you have your mind you have a life
Someday someone will notice you
They will talk to you
Listen you what you have to say
Even for a moment you will be important
Once again you will be a man
Someone who has the knowledge to save the world
All it takes is someone to listen

Did It Ever Exist

hands, while making love

Did It Ever Exist

I remember loving you
The nights we spent together
Kissing as the stars moved above us
The times our bodies were joined as one
Sharing a moment of pure ecstasy
Making love while we tried to create a life
We spoke of our futures together
How our love would never die
It was the ultimate time of our lives
But that was so long ago
My memories that used to me smile
Now they burn deep in my heart
Ripping my soul into pieces
What ever happened to our love?
Is it still in your heart?
Did it even ever exist at all?

Fetal Position

Fetal Position

Why is she so scared?
Curled up in a ball
So afraid of the world
She never knew love
Never knew happiness
She never raises her head
Never seeing what is around her
To her nothing else exists
The stars and dreams elude her
She only knows the little ball
Shielding her
Keeping her safe
That is her life
That is her universe

Monday, May 6, 2013

Do You Remember?

Do You Remember

Do you remember?
Living through the death of a president
A year of assassinations
Fighting a war no one wanted
Heroes spat upon when they came home
Peace finally found when American turned and ran
Black and white television
Only three channels from which to choose
Students massacred while walking to class
A British invasion that forever changed music
Healthy tobacco and saccharine
Sold through commercials and ads
Pollution filled our lungs
The death of a princess on a lonely road
Injections in schools to prevent disease
Nuclear test in the Nevada desert
Air raid drills just in case
Half of the world never trusted the other
One president resigned while another gave away cheese
The law finally made all kids equal
People stating their thoughts arrested and jailed
Locked away so that no one would ever hear
After living through all of this only one question remains
How did we ever survive?

The True Country Girl

The True Country Girl

Sitting in my ’66 ford truck
Watching life go by
A girl walking down the street
Wearing daisy dukes and cowboy boots
She’s a true country girl
Born and raised in true country style
No fancy schools and never been to a ball
The place she loves is a bar with a live band
Jack Daniel shots followed by a glass of Bud
She feels that the burn is better than any fine wine
She lives for Saturday night line dancing
Charlie Daniels, Jimmy Buffett and Bo Seefus
They sing the words that talk about her life
Her lost loves and the boy she wants on that big green tractor
She knows the country heart
How it burns and how the life is just right for her
She is a true country girl
And that is all she ever wants to be

Saturday, May 4, 2013

I Just want To Relax

I Just Want To Relax

I just want to relax
Drink some Jack
Smoke a joint or two
Forget about words
Forget about books
Forget about poetry
I want to see images in my mind
Pictures that don’t mean a thing
Listen to music from long ago
Voices that ended singing for a cause
Tonight I just want to relax
Be alone with my thought
Not have to worry what others think
Have no one telling me I used a instead of an
Just leave me alone
Only for just one night
Give me another Jack
Another joint and I won’t care
The words
The books
The poetry
They will be there tomorrow
Tonight I just want to relax



True beauty
Hidden deep
She doesn’t see
She doesn’t know
How beautiful she is
Eyes that sparkle with life
A smile that brightens the day
Her body was sculpted by the gods
She may be short
She may be too skinny
She may be too heavy
Still she is perfection in every way
If only she could see it

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...