Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hidden By The Light

Hidden By The Light

Look into the daylight
See the horrors that live there
Men killing men over land
Money, food and oil
Children molested, abused and neglected
Starving while others gorge themselves
Missiles that kill from a world away
Without ever seeing who they hit
Diseases come from making love
Long lingering pain and a slow death
All from being in love
Animals caged for our amusement
Hunted for sport or for trophy
The crystal blue sky turned grey
Poisoned by mans need to make money
The beauty of the world has been taken
Hidden by human’s warped values
Slaughters by those who should have known better
Give me the night when my eyes are closed
The demons, devils and serpents of the dark
At least there you know where evil hides
You know where the Hell begins and where it ends
You can see what is hidden by the light

And at least it is the truth

Dark Girl

Dark Girl

Where is the real you?
The girl behind your sweetness
The one who dreams of passion
Who wanders the world
Wondering what the darkside is like
That is the girl I want to know
The girl your parents told you not to be
The girl who knows that sinners are more fun than saints
I want you to be the girl you know you are
That is the one I want to love
The one hidden deep within your soul
Give yourself a chance to leave the light behind
Ignore all of the rules that run your life
Allow yourself to be free
To become the girl you want to
Only then we can love and live as one

Sunday, July 21, 2013

I Do Not Want A Mirror

I Do Not Want A Mirror

I do not want a mirror
I do not want to see what you see
The sadness in my eyes
The pain the hides within
I do not want to see the ravages of time
How they have worn me down
The lines they have carved into my skin
I do not want to see that my life is fading
The fact that I only have a little time left
I want to think that I am still young
I do not want to see the truth
I want to live the lie of my mind
Do not ask me
I do not want a mirror
I want to be the me of my fantasy

And what’s wrong with that?

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Fires of Love

The Fires of Love

Smoke floats into the air
Coming from a heart that burns for you
Ignited when I first looked into your eyes
Stoked when we shared our first kiss
Even when the flames faded to embers
When words were spoken in anger
They grew again when my hand touched yours
They are all consuming
Burning my heart, my mind and my soul
The flames cannot be controlled
Nor should they ever be
Long after my body has gone from this world

The fires will burn far into the next world

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Black Future

Black Future

So long ago
Before even time was new
My soul was created
Made out of the darkness
Gathered pieces of empty nothingness
The light tried to enter
God made suns came and went
Dying in massive explosions
Destruction beyond my wildest dreams
Still I live
My soul grew
Stronger and more powerful
My darkness will outlive the light
It will consume everything it touches
It is the way reality was meant to be
No one can change it
Nor should anyone try
The future is just the purest black

It just has to be that way

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What Are You?

What Are You?

What have you seen?
Where have you been?
What are you?
Questions to be asked
As you stand under a new moon
Your eyes glow with icy blue
Staring through the night air
The taste of blood on your lips
Droplets run down your naked breasts
They drop from the tip of your nipples
Falling to the ground
Still you smile
Baring fangs that few ever see
You hunt to feed
You feed to simply exist
Such beauty living such a life

How could that be?

I Just Won't Be Here

I Just Won’t Be Here

My heart is filled with darkness
Blood turned black over time
The feelings of youth have died
They rotted in my veins
Let my demons rule my life
They know who I really am
They understand my darkness
Let me cry if I want to
Let me look into my life
Trying to find a spark of light
A spark that does not exist
Allow me to die my way
How I choose
When I choose
That is all I ask of my life
It is all that I want
So please grant me that
And do not mourn my passing
I just won’t be here
That is all there is

I just won’t be here

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...