Sunday, August 18, 2013

Aboriginal Sweet Water

Aboriginal Sweet Water

This land as always been my home
More than two thousand generations
My people have shared this land
Living their lives and all they offered
Songs and stories filled the air
That was long ago when then sweet water flowed
Feeding the land and keeping us alive
Roos ran wild in our bush
Emus layed their eggs in plentiful nests
They fed our babies and gave us clothes
And we were a proud people
And the sweet water came at night
The water is now gone
Evaporated by the desert sun
The Roos and Emus have moved on
Nature and Australia have turned their backs on us
Our traditions are still among us
We are still a proud people
We can and will survive no matter what
The spirits will hear our prayers
They will grant our wishes
The sweet water will once again flow
We will once again be in paradise

And our songs can once again be heard

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Another Earth

Another Earth

What if there was another Earth
Just the same as ours
With people, animals and plants
I wonder if I was ever born there
If I were what would I say to him?
What would he say to me?
Would he be rich and famous?
Or would he be just like me
Would he write stories and poems?
Maybe he would love only money
Would he have a family to love?
Or would he lonely and sad
What would it be to look into my eyes?
And see someone so like me looking back
Would it be strange realizing that I am not unique
Not one of a kind in the massive universe
In that moment when we first meet
When we first talk to each other
Neither of us would be alone
We would each have a brother
Someone to share stories with
Maybe someone with the same memories
Maybe we could become friends


Night Sounds

Night Sounds

Laying in my bed
Listening to the tick tock of the clock
I hear a siren in the distance
A dog barking down the street
The people in the next apartment having sex
All are distracting yet relaxing
Waiting for my dreamtime to come
Thoughts cloud my mind
What could I have done differently?
Is there a plan for my tomorrow?
Too many thoughts to be able to sleep
Not tonight
I will just listen to the clock
The sirens
The dog
And the people having sex

Tomorrow will take care of itself

Sunday, August 11, 2013



I took the day off from work
Told the boss I had the flu
A Mc Donalds lunch
A movie at the multiplex
I just thank God it’s Friday
The bar opened at five
Jim, Jack and Smirnoff were waiting for me
My friends are always there
I don’t plan on eating
Just listening to the music
Jamie Gordon singing lively country songs
Everyone clapping to the rhythm
Ginger Sue dances on the beer soaked floor
Swinging her ba donkey donk like it never swung before
She’s God’s masterpiece in Daisy Dukes
I only wish I could see her
My vision comes from the bottom of a beer glass
My head swims from my drinks
So many bottles and glasses on the bar
Each one a moment of pleasure
Each on a lost moment of time
My judgment dies along with my liver
Even the ugly girls start to look good
A case of beer and a bottle of whiskey
All gave their lives for me
I know I will not remember any of this
I will not know the girl I wake up next to
But I don’t care
I just thank God for one thing

Next Friday I can do it all over again

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Look At The Roses Bleed

Look At The Roses Bleed

Look at the roses bleed
Given as a gift of love
They watched the love fade
First to indifference
Then into an unnecessary hate
They watched the kisses stop
Words of anger filled the air instead
The children watched their parents fight
Looked on as they were ignored
Ran when the anger turned toward them
Hiding from the people who loved them
Look at the roses bleed

Mourning over the sadness of a dead love

Please Little Angel

Please Little Angel by Lord R.e. Taylor Please little angel You have done so much Helping children in trouble Taking them through their illn...