Friday, May 9, 2014

Flea Market

Flea Market

What they say is true
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure
Aged, rusted power tools
Sold next to beautiful lace gowns
An eclectic collection of items
A teenage girl sells her precious Barbie collection
An old man searches for a fender for a ’56 Chevy
Someone has something someone wants
Someone wants something someone has
All for sale for pennies on the dollar
The sounds of dickering fill the air
Mating with the scents of homemade cakes
It is the world of every market around the world
No matter where it is located
It is a very public world that is its own culture
Its own language
Its own idiosyncrasies
And that is why I love it



I don’t know where they came from
I never invited them
One came first
Maybe to scout the area
To find a decent starting point
Then five more
And then ten
The more I killed the more came
Toxic chemicals hid them from view
Still they came in ever-increasing numbers
I may fight on
I will fight until the day I die
Or the day I decide to shave my head
Even though the battle makes me want to pull my hair out
One by one or by the handful
No matter what
I will not allow the grey hairs win
I am just too young to surrender
Besides that I like my brown way too much for that.

Third Row Angel

Third Row Angel

Watching my television
The first baseball game I have been home for
Eight innings
Five strikeouts
Seventeen hits
A score of four to two
Yet, I never saw any of it
I watched the home plate shots
Shots made from centerfield
I could see you in the third row
Long blonde hair
Legs all the way up to your ass
You were perfection in a Tampa Bay Rays jersey
My heart broke when you went to get a beer
Your empty seat started at me
My heart stopped
My breathing went shallow until I saw you return
A pair of short pants and a Red Solo Cup
My team lost the day
Beaten to a bloody pulp
But I didn’t care
My only thoughts were simple
Are you a season-ticket holder
Will you once again be my third row angel
I will see tomorrow at seven o’clock
When ESPN is once again on my TV
And the umpire yells “Play Ball!”
Once again, if you are there the game will not matter
Too bad it will be a good game

I Don't Trust My Computer

I Don’t Trust My Computer

I don’t trust my computer
I won’t let it sleep
I know it dreams
That’s what bothers me
Is it wondering how to ruin my life
Then again is it truly asleep
It knows I have erectile dysfunction
It knows I dream about that redhead down the hall
It knows when I can sleep and when I can’t
I know sometimes it works for me as I sleep
Poems and stories on its screen I don’t remember writing
I also know it tortures me mentally
Showing pornographic pop-ups when my wife walks in
Ordering a lawn tractor for my fifth floor walk up
Saved emails sent at all hours of the night
I always trusted my pen and paper
The photo album I kept in my dresser
Still, I never trusted my computer
At least not since the lawn tractor was delivered today
So I will go and I will think
While I ride the tractor and cut my carpet
Maybe I can still trust my cell phone
At least until it butt dials one to many times
That will be the end
I will never trust a microchip again

Please Little Angel

Please Little Angel by Lord R.e. Taylor Please little angel You have done so much Helping children in trouble Taking them through their illn...