Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Segregated

The Segregated

Sitting in the backyard garden
Waiting for the sun to rise
It comes too early to let me sleep
Too late to stop my mind from wandering
Thinking about the people who are segregated
Not allowed to live the life they should
For the majority they don’t exist
Primitives to be caged like animals
Not allowed to speak for themselves
Their lives are ruled by others
Others who live their lives a thousand miles away
They do not know those people
They have never met a single one of them
Yet they have to live as the others decide
Maybe if the sun rises on others
If it gives them time to think
The segregated will be seen as humans
And they will have a voice that someone will hear

Once again they will be human

Little One

Little One

Where is the little girl I knew?
The one who played hopscotch
With pigtails hanging down on her shoulders
I remember the freckles that covered your nose
You played baseball and you played with lizards
And you thought boys were yucky
That was so many years ago
You grew up until you were an adult
The freckles disappeared a lifetime go
The pigtails left long before that
You became a woman
Strong and beautiful
And boys are no longer yucky
I do have to tell you my Little One
When I see a picture of you now
I do not see the sexual woman the camera sees
I still see that little girl
Wearing pigtails and playing hopscotch
Playing baseball with the yucky boys
That is the girl I see and I always will

And that Little One will never change

Friday, June 13, 2014

I Died Today

I Died Today

I died today
I know that you will not shed a tear
You know my life was yours
I was sad when you left
I was so happy when you came hope
Still, I was scared at the same time
I didn’t behave the way you wanted me to
I did do bad things
I ate your shoes
I peed on the floor
You never taught me what you wanted
All I wanted to do was please you
My life was made whenever we went for a walk
You never had the time
So I sat by the door while you watched the TV
All I wanted was to be your friend
But you didn’t care
I know you loved me once
You played we me
We walked for miles
And I got all the petting you could give me
But, that doesn’t matter
I died today
Killed by a stranger in a white room
I do know that you will not cry
You will not even remember that I died today

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...