Sunday, November 16, 2014

Remember The Rain

Remember The Rain
Think back
Remember when you were a child
When rain was a toy

To be played with
To be run in
Dance in
And laugh in
The days we were drenched
Warm water dripping in our hair
All over our faces
And the taste of nature’s purest water
Rolling down our tongues
We were so innocent
So amazed over the smallest things
When did that change
When did we stop playing with our toys
When did rain become something to avoid
Next time the clouds let loose
When rains fall to the ground
Return to that child you used to be
Go outside
Keep your clothes on
And just play

Sunday, November 9, 2014

I Need Quiet

I Need Quiet

I need a bomb
Not a big one
Nuclear would be nice
Not even a mega ounce
I need to kill them
They scream all night long
Screaming and whining
I cannot sleep
I cannot think
I just need to get rid of them
I think God made them
Placed them just to bug me
I plan
Think of ways to kill them
But they are always here
Maybe they are like cockroaches
Radiation won’t harm them
I think old school may be the way
A rock in a sling
Lobbed more than one hundred feet in the air
Aimed right
Aimed right on target
I want them dead
More than anything I have ever wanted
I should just stone those damn crows

And finally live my life in quiet

Saturday, November 1, 2014

My Last Fairy

My Last Fairy

Mom and dad
Why did you tell me the truth
I was so young
Just a little child
Full of hope and faith
I believed in Santa Clause
The Easter Bunny and fairies
They were alive for me
You didn’t have to tell me
I didn’t want to know
Santa Clause is just a man in a suit
The Easter Bunny isn’t real
Fairies were just the stuff of stories
You didn’t watch as my youth died that day
You didn’t see me cry when I went to bed
You never told me
That would be the night my last fairy friend died
If only I would not have listened
If I would have followed my heart
That fairy would have been flying around my room

And maybe I would still believe in miracles

Please Little Angel

Please Little Angel by Lord R.e. Taylor Please little angel You have done so much Helping children in trouble Taking them through their illn...