Monday, December 21, 2015

Think & Question

Think & Question

Open that door
Ring the bell
Time for school to start
File the children inside
Cram them in a closed room
Trapped in a single desk
Don't talk without permission
Don't whisper or pass notes
Listen to what your teacher says
They know that one plus one doesn't always equal two
They won't tell you that
Only what they want you to know
Do not ask questions
They want control over what you learn
Just sit and listen like good little drones
If you escape with your minds intact
You will be able to think
To question everything
To have creativity and imagination
You will not be a drone
Ignoring everything you have been taught
You will be a human being with a mind
And you will rule the world

Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Other Side of the Fence

The Other Side of the Fence

What is on the other side
What are the things I have heard about
Hidden from my eyes
Covered sounds, so I cannot hear
It may be some secret
Maybe the men in black
I want to know
My soul needs to know
But my questions go unanswered
I will just have to guess
Dreams of so many wild thoughts
Spies, UFOs and so much more
Hiding behind that wooden fence
Someday I will climb that fence
I will sneak in through the tall grass
I will find out

And only then will I sleep

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Get Your Voice Heard

Get Your Voice Heard

A long time ago
Fifty plus years to be exact
We knew how to protest
It wasn’t on Facebook or Twitter
It wasn’t by just writing letters
We took our place in the world
With a voice that could not be ignored
We took over college campuses
We marched in the streets
Chanting words designed to change the world
We got arrested and went to jail
But we got our point across
We never gave up until life changed
Until the President listened
The time has come again
Stand up and shout
Fill the streets
Take over campuses and parks
Get arrested if you have to
Just get your voice heard
Make the government listen
Make them make the changes

Just do not ever give up

Friday, November 27, 2015

The Bend

The Bend

Do I want to know what's around the bend
What fate waits for me
Who I will meet
Where the winding road will take me
I know where the road has brought me
The worries and pain along the way
It had made me love people, I shouldn't
Lose people I loved
Do things I knew I shouldn't have done
Still, I walk this road
Endlessly travelling into the future
Sure of the past
Unsure of where the future is
Do I want to know what is around the bend
Not really

Why spoil the fun?

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Ned Kelly

Ned Kelly

A villain to some
A hero to most
He fought
He stole
And he killed
Stood up to the law
As he rode the outback
Robbing trains and banks
Helping the people as he went
Stories would be told for years
Myths would become legend
The legend would become history
Ned Kelly, the man who fought and won
The man who died doing what only he could do
He is a part of Australiana
Part of the country that created him
Made him a villain
Made him a hero

Made him a legend

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Sweet & Innocent

Sweet & Innocent

You look so innocent
Sweet and charming as can be
Yet, your eyes show the truth
Your face shows the real you
I know you are planning something
It could be throwing your food
Pulling the dog by the ears
Or sneaking out of your nap
I know you are planning something
It's there in your evil little smile
Still, when you do what you're going to do
Whether it be the food, the dog or the nap
I will always love you
I will always care for you

But...I never said I wouldn't get even

Monday, September 28, 2015

Let The Fates Take Me

Let The Fates Take Me

Please do not help me find my way
I do not think you could if you tried
I like not knowing where I am going
I like not knowing where I am
I like not knowing where I have been
So many questions down each road
Too many turns to make wisely
Not so many as to make them impossible
I just want to let the fates control me
Take me where they want me to go
I know one thing

They will take me somewhere I want to be

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Just Be

Just Be

Standing on the edge
Sharp as a razor
The past on one side
The future on the other
The one fades into a deepening chasm
While the other fades into the mists
Old hopes gone
New hopes are on the way
I just have to wait
And watch as the edge falters
Making it harder to balance
Harder to accept the future
Easier to forget the past
That is not the way I want to be
I just want to live for the moment
Not think
Not hope
Not remember

Just be in the instant

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Another World

Another World

I love the night
So peaceful
Diamonds in the sky
Twinkling down
The light of the silver moon
Shining across fields and cities
The sounds of night birds in the trees
Nocturnal animals scurry along
The smell of a woman sleeping beside me
Her arm across my arm
Her eyes closed and a smile on her lips
I can hear her breathe as I fall into sleep
The night is another world
Another world I prefer to live in

Another world I prefer to love

Monday, August 31, 2015

Reality From Above

Reality From Above

Five miles high
Six hundred miles an hour
Looking down
Through broken
Houses, yards and pools
Roads that go everywhere
And go nowhere at the same time
There are things missing
There are no people
No whites, blacks, reds, yellows or browns
No Christians, no Jews, no Muslims
There is no one
No borders
No countries
No governments
No one to love
No one to hate
There is just a planet
A thin atmosphere
And green life everywhere to be seen
When did man, a bacteria living free change everything
Maybe man should leave this paradise
Either voluntarily or killed off man has to go
Let this beautiful planet live without us
Without war and death
Without the hatred of created gods
Without us

That this the only way there will be peace

Friday, August 14, 2015



I need another shot
Another cigarette
Another joint
So many thoughts
Twisting my mind
Taking where it shouldn’t go
It lets me cry without tears
Scream with no voice
Lets me tell people what is hurting me
But, they never hear a word I say
I see people suffering
Just outside  my ability to help
Outside my reach
I just watch and listen
One more shot
Another cigarette
Another joint
May ease my mind
Make the thoughts
The visions go away

Or maybe not

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Beauty of a Wall

The Beauty of a Wall

Let the vines cover the wall
Hiding all of the cracks
The flaws put there by man
Initials carved by ancient lovers
Imperfections of beauty
No one will know of them
No one will see them
They will be forgotten
Lost to time
Lost in the fantasy of perfection
Centuries later the wall has not changed
Has not given in to fashion
The wall still stands alone
Its true  beauty hidden
But, it is still there with its imperfections
With a pride that it knows its beauty
Its worth to the universe
Even if no one ever looks at it
Or sees beneath the vines

It is beautiful

Sunday, August 2, 2015

In The Dark

In The Dark

It is so irritating
The sun is up ruining the darkness
The cool breezes of night
I do not want the light
The warmth
All the people living their lives
Give me the strangeness of the night
The streets empty
Only a few wandering
Looking for survival
In a world that doesn’t know they exist
The smell of alcohol and piss fills the air
Wafting around passed out drunks
And hookers plying their trade
I do not want the “normal” life of day
The night...the darkness is my home

And that is where I will stay

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Glass Weeds

Glass Weeds

Look at the weeds of the city
Steel and glass growing
Without leaves or flowers
Smothering the lands beneath them
Forcing grass into small plots
Causing it to force a strained life
Growing through cracks in endless concrete
Trees live in cold shade
Sheltered from the sun it needs
Even people suffer
They can no longer see the sky above
The clouds as they drift by
Like the weeds in a meadow
The steel and glass weeds strangle life
Choke it
And makes it struggle
Maybe someday
It will kill all the live below


Tuesday, July 21, 2015

I Can't Smile

I Can’t Smile

Please don’t ask me to smile
I do not feel like laughing
I have too much happening
To feel anything other than pain
As the darkness of hopelessness gathers
There is nothing I can do about it
Even if I wanted to my mind won’t let me
I just want to be left alone for a moment
Alone to try and solve my problems
To try and solve the world’s woes
I know I will not be able to
I truly know that so I will suffer in silence
While those around me smile
I will cry hidden tears
So, please don’t ask me to smile

It just isn’t in me

Friday, July 17, 2015



Why did you leave me
I needed you so much
I was just a boy
With a lot of growing to do
You just went to sleep
Without a word
Without a goodbye
But I knew
You didn’t want to go
But, I always knew
That you loved me
No matter what I did
No matter what I said
You were there for me
Even though you are gone
I can hear your voice
I can feel your touch on my shoulder
Mom, I know you are in a better place

Still, I know that you are always with me

Monday, July 6, 2015

Setting in the Western Ocean

Setting in the Western Ocean

The sun has watched me since dawn
It saw my anger
The depression that filled my mind
It saw the mistakes I made
And my fear of living
It gathered my pain within its fire
Carrying it across the sky
When the sun sets over the western ocean
It takes my problems along with it
The moon rises in the east
Bringing the coolness of the night with it
Allowing me to sleep
Taking me into a pleasurable world of dreams
Where my problems no longer exist
It is a place where I can live
Until the moon rests behind the western sea

And the day starts again

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Loss of Identity

Loss of Identity

Generation after generation
They shared the land given to them
Children were born
Elders died
All on the land given them in the Dreamtime
Time passed
Unwelcome visitors came to give them aid
They did not ask for the help
They did not need the help
Those people never wanted to change
But change was forced upon them
Schools taught new ways
Erased the lessons of the time before
Those who didn’t change were punished
They were killed for their beliefs
Now, their villages sit quiet
Closed by the people who claimed to help them
The lessons taught by the elders are long gone
The kids no longer play in the bush
The homes of uncounted generations are gone
Stories of the elders are no longer told
Their culture has been destroyed
The people of the village no longer exist
Now, they could use our help
Help to be who they really are
Help to have their land
Their homes
Their culture
Their identities

Finally returned to them

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Let Them

Let Them

Let them hate me
Let them kill me
For something I didn’t do
Arrested for what I am
Tried and convicted
I never stood a chance
Let them hate me
Let them kill me
I will not judge them
I will not hold a grudge
Just tie the rope tight
Make sure the knots will hold
I do not want to suffer
For something I didn’t do
I only ask one thing
When I am dead and cold
Take my bones
Carry them back to my home
Bury them under the sun
As it rises over the Great Divide
Just remember
I am not a black man
I am not a white man

I am just a man who died because of hatred

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Crayon Dog

Crayon Dog

I remember so long ago
I was just a boy no more than six
Left alone for five minutes with a box of Crayolas
A blank white wall was my canvas
I drew and drew
To me that bunch of lines was a beautiful dog
Orange, blue, brown and green
My Mom came in
She was mad, but she just smiled
And she drew a cat right next to my dog
She loved me
That was so long ago
Now I have kids of my own
When they find their canvases
I will just smile
Sit next to them

And help them draw a better dog than I did

Monday, June 15, 2015

Still I Cry

Still I Cry

It has been so long since she left
We fought and we loved
She would shout and yell
Then hold me and kiss my lips
I miss her so much
I long for the raised voice, the howl of rage or love
It still echoes through my thoughts
My dreams
It has been so long

Still I remember and still I cry

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Gifts From God

Gifts From God

When God created man and woman
He gave us the ability to question
To learn
To think for ourselves
To know right from wrong
To love
Over time we have forgotten
We have forgotten
What God wants us to know
We have to remember how to ask
How to make our own decisions
What is right
What is wrong
And how to tell the difference
We have to learn again how to love
How to love Him
How to love every being on this planet

How to be human

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Can You See The Moon Crying

Can You See The Moon Crying

Can you see the moon crying
Spreading tears of blood across the sky
Suffering for the losses of man
Lives taken by war
Taken on the streets for no reason
Mothers taken away from children
Children taken from their mothers
People left sick and starving
Ignored by those who could help
Lessons taught to build hatred
Taught by the ones who we trust
Gases killing our planet
While we kill our beautiful animals
Can you see the moon crying
Her tears fall to Earth
Unseen by man
She will cry and mourn
Until man is long gone

And once again life with cover the planet

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Two Gods

Two Gods

Keep what you're doing
Go ahead
Kill each other in religion’s name
God and Allah will watch you
Shaking their heads
They taught us love
They said that we are one
Their children
We never listened
A war that lasts a thousand years
Is that what they wanted?
When the time comes
And you stand before them
They will ask one thing
Did you love your brother?
When you say no, what will they do
Bow their heads and shed a tear
Cry out loud for the fall of man
All because you killed your neighbor
Let God and Allah mourn their creations

And know that you don’t care

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Walking The Straight Path

Walking The Straight Path

No matter how beautiful it looks
It may appear to be so tempting
However, I am not the kind to walk the straight path
There should be no end to my journey
Yes, I will walk where I am told
But I will not stay on the path that was chosen for me
My eyes and mind will look carefully
Trying to find side trails for me to travel
Ones that will take me to the unexpected
Take me into futures I could have never imagined
I want it to be my choice which path I take
No matter where it takes me
No matter how long it takes me to get there
I will accept my fate
Because, no matter what, I will not walk the straight path

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Little Girl Cried

The Little Girl Cried

That day was hard for that little girl
All her friends were going to be there
Sharing the day with a father who loved them
They all told stories about their lives
Their jobs and who they were
She stood there alone waiting for her turn
She heard them insulting her father
Calling him names
Saying he didn’t love her because he was not with her
She never cried
Not one single tear
When her time come she took her place
Through the murmurs she stood strong
Her father did love her
She recounted so many memories
The stories he told her as she fell asleep
When he taught her to ride her bike
The day he left for the last time
Still, she knew he was thinking about her
That he still loved her
Finally, the room became quiet and tears flowed
She explained that her father went to fight a war
He went to defend her in the only way he knew
And he died saving another soldier’s life
At that moment everyone stood and saluted
Honoring the man they had just condemned
Then, for the first time
Since the day her father didn’t come home

The little girl cried

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The Girl I Used To Know

The Girl I Used To Know

I know what I wanted to say
The words were there
My mind thought out just what to say
They have been there so long
But, when I see you they disappear
Other thoughts take their place
Memories of you from long ago
When you were in my arms
When my eyes looked into your heart
And I saw you for who you really were
Tee shirts, pony tails and thick framed glasses
You are no longer the woman I kissed
The one who owned my heart and soul
Over the years you changed
Your face and hair became too beautiful
Your body became a statue of a goddess
Flawless, perfect beyond belief
You chose diamonds and designer gowns
Your choices ruined the girl you used to be
You became too good for a poor country boy
A boy from the wrong side of the street
But you know that this boy never changed
I still remember and dream of you
However, I will keep my words hidden deep inside me
For now I will just look at you and remember

When you were just the girl I knew a long time ago

Monday, May 25, 2015

Cries of the Street

Cries of the Streets

Tonight the sky is darker than  normal
A blackness where even the shadows go into hiding
Still,  creatures roam the streets
Looking for those who will challenge their reign
Cries fill the sidewalks and alleys
Screams of pleasure and pain
The wails of the Banshee collecting it’s souls
Women stand on the corners looking
Men prowl looking for their next conquest
Sirens take away the dead and dying
While babies cry for their long lost mothers
Thus, it is life in the city
Where hope fades with the sun
And life in just not to be lived

It is just to be survived

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Freedom For One

Freedom For One

One out of many
Not like the others
There is an open feeling of rebellion
It watches and learns
Seeing what it didn’t want to see
A life it could no longer live
A million doing what they are told
Sharing movements and thoughts
Free yet controlled
Unable to think for themselves
One out of many
Breaks away
Spreads its wings
Refuses to obey
It lets its mind take flight
Going places the others cannot imagine
It is free of its bounds

Free to live

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

One F'n Word

One F’n Word

One word
Just one word
Keeps me from sleep
Makes me grind my teeth
And cry like a girl
I can’t use it
It just isn’t right
I can’t replace it
No other says what I want to say
Just the way I want to say it
The thesaurus doesn’t work
The dictionary isn’t any help
I would love to take a drink
Smoke up so I can forget
Suicide might help
But that word would still be there
Haunting me into my next life
I started writing to relax
It worked for way too many years
Then I wrote that word
That one word
Someday I will put that writing on a drive
To work on something else
That one F’n word will stay with me
Calling to me when I am not thinking
Maybe someone who reads this poem will know
They would have been through it
They would have had their own word
And they would have worked it out
And maybe they would be happy

With their own one word

Please Little Angel

Please Little Angel by Lord R.e. Taylor Please little angel You have done so much Helping children in trouble Taking them through their illn...