Friday, January 30, 2015

Mother Earth

Mother Earth

Listen to the beating heart of our world
Feel as she stretches and changes
Her breath as it blows through your hair
We have abused her
Taken everything she has to offer
Hurt her in ways that she never deserved
Even though we are mere parasites
Germs infecting her skin
Still, she holds us and cherishes us
As any mother would her children
However, until now we haven’t cared
She gave and gave without asking for anything
She does not need us to save her
Despite it all, she is strong
After the scars we inflicted have faded
The wounds have all healed
Our mother will heal herself
She will bring back the life she once had
She will forgive us

This time

The Hidden You

The Hidden You

Tell me about the darkness
Let me know what you see
The demons you’ve created
The spirits that fly in your mind
I want to hear the screams
Listen to the terror around you
Share with me that part of your soul
The part of you that you deny
Tell me about the darkness
The part of you that you hide

Let me know the real you

Thursday, January 8, 2015



How many nights have I needed you
Went out in the snow to find you
Drank hours with other friends of yours
Got to where I couldn’t remember where I was
Or the way home to my bed
At times I couldn’t remember my name
You have given me so much pleasure
But you have also caused me more trouble than you know
There have been too many jail cells to count
Too many strange beds with ugly women
You will not let me remember what happened
But I do remember the pain when the sun hits my eyes
I swear that I will never see you again
Never hunt you down for the feeling I have with you
You know that cannot be true
I love you too much to just leave you behind
There will always be one more drink
One more night of not knowing what I am doing

And I am looking forward to it!

Wild Hair

Wild Hair

Will you please
Stop complaining
I like it just the way it is
I don’t want to change it
Too bad that it is not to your standards
I like my hair long
I like it uncombed and wild
It does what it wants
When it wants
No brush or comb can tame it
You are not going to change that
No matter how hard you try
Let my hair grow like an ivy
Wild and free
Reaching for something to grab onto
It has wanted that since the day I was born
It will be like that the day I die
That is how I want it
That is how it will be

No matter what

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Holy Ruins

Holy Ruins

I imagine your beauty
How you looked ages ago
Your thatched roof
Stain-glassed windows
The moss growing on your stone walls
There was life within you
Babies being christened
Men and women becoming one
And the last goodbyes to those who were gone
That was so very long ago
Since then time has ravaged you
The people who loved you left
Went away to the cities
Your roof fell into dust
Your windows shattered in the wind
Your walls came down from neglect
Your spires reach like claws into the sky
As they try to catch the passing clouds
The people of your past are long gone
So is the beauty of your youth
But your ruins have their own beauty
A majestic quality no place else has
And that makes you a treasure

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...