Sunday, February 22, 2015

Missing Out On Beauty

Missing Out On Beauty

I cannot help you
As much as I want to
I just can’t
You’re in a world
Where beauty doesn’t exist
You cannot look at a flower
Read a poem
Or look at a painting
Money is your life
The only thing you love
More than your heart
More than your family
More than what you should feel
Have you seen your daughter’s drawing
The one on the fridge
She made it for you
But you were too busy to see it
Have you heard the poem from the boy next door
He put his whole heart into it
But you won’t listen
Some things are more important
They will make you smile
Brighten your heart and soul
Take the time to look and listen
See what the world has to offer
The money will still be there
But someday your daughter will not draw
The poet will no longer write
That will be a day part of the world dies

And you will not notice

Monday, February 16, 2015



The wind carries a magic sound
Bringing it over the mountains
Through the lowlands
It keeps beat with the beat of my heart
My soul takes me down the road
Traveling so far
The closer I get, the more it pulls me
Becoming a force I cannot resist
Hundreds of people greet me
As they dance in the street
Hypnotized by the sounds of a banjo
Played by a master more than 90 years old
Kids get their first taste of performing
Playing songs they learned from the radio
Music comes from people walking down the street
And others sitting on stools on the walk
Everyone has tunes playing in their head
The little town is Heaven for music
Letting people feel a way they haven’t felt before
The town of Tamworth
Hidden in the New South Wales backland
A place where music fills the air
It is a blessing to a different land

It is a blessing

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Waves Cover Me

The Waves Cover Me

Let the waves crash over me
So their power sweeps over me
Pulls me into a world
A world that started a thousand miles away
Let me feel the coolness
As my body loses its focus
The pain fades away
As do my hopes, dreams and nightmares
The waves carry me into the unknown depths
With my last breath I know one thing

At last I can feel a peace I have never known

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Walk Through The Forest

Walk Through The Forest

Walk slowly through the forest
Feel the leafs on your feet
The stones between your toes
Listen to the water of a nearby creek
And the sticks crack beneath your steps
The forest is a world of its own
Castles and palaces reach for the sky
Covered with a thick ceiling of green
Flowers glisten in the filtered sun
Birds sing to each other
But none of that is there for you
Just remember as you walk
You do not belong in this world
You are the alien intruder
Still the forest welcomes you
Wrapping you in cooling breezes
Sharing its shade with you
If you have the chance to walk through the forest
Make sure you appreciate what is offered you
Thank the forest for accepting you
Lastly, when you leave
Take only memories, leave only footprints
If you do
The forest will welcome you back

The next time you want to take a walk

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...