Wednesday, March 18, 2015

And You Just Say I Don’t Care

And  You Just Say I Don’t Care

Look at the TV or on the street
See the children starving
Hoping for a scrap of food
So they can survive
And you just say I don’t care
The people killed for no reason
Left dying on the street
Killed by a bullet from someone they never met
So many die every day
And you just say I don’t care
Watch the black child
Beaten and harassed for the color of his skin
Hated for something he cannot help
He just wants to grow up just like everyone else
And you just say I don’t care
Listen to the politician
Lying to himself and to you
Pretending everything is okay
While the country destroys itself
And you just say I don’t care
Hear the bomb in a downtown shop
The explosion kills a hundred people
Men, women and children
Killed for no good reason
And you just say I don’t care
However, maybe there will be a time
When you are starving
When you are frightened
When you are the different one
Facing hatred for who you are
But, don’t you dare ask for help
Don’t you dare
Because all you will hear from every voice
A familiar phrase
They all will say I don’t care
And they won’t

Sylvia Plath

Sylvia Plath

I want to be like Sylvia Plath
A talented writer
Someone to be admired
As she read her work
Spending time in the darkness
Writing more and more
Still, her mind saw the beauty of the world
Each of her poems showed the woman
The person she was inside
Someone hidden by the torment of her last years
She knew when she wrote her last words
She knew the moment when it was right to give up
Four hundred of her children survived that moment
You can still find them if you look
A modern master who died way too soon
Sylvia Plath will be remembered for the way she lived
All of the four hundred plus poems she wrote
The way she died

Monday, March 16, 2015

You Know Who You Are

You Know Who You Are

You kill women and children
People who do not think as you
Destroying whole villages
Does it make you feel brave
Brain washing kids to kill for you
Do you really think it is what your God wants?
Are you acting in His name
If the answers are yes
Why do you hide your face
Cover it with black cloth
Aren’t you proud of your cause
Are you a coward who doesn’t want to be known
Or do you know it is wrong
You don’t have to answer
Just fXXk the hell off

Go home and leave the world alone

Thursday, March 12, 2015



I am so hungry
Nothing looks good
But I need something
I want something
Something for breakfast
Lunch and dinner
An all in one food
A perfect food
One no one can resist
Even though no one knows what it is
It doesn’t matter
I don’t care if it is a sandwich
A casserole or all alone
I need that special food to live
To be happy
For now and forever more

I need my SPAM

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...