Saturday, June 20, 2015

Crayon Dog

Crayon Dog

I remember so long ago
I was just a boy no more than six
Left alone for five minutes with a box of Crayolas
A blank white wall was my canvas
I drew and drew
To me that bunch of lines was a beautiful dog
Orange, blue, brown and green
My Mom came in
She was mad, but she just smiled
And she drew a cat right next to my dog
She loved me
That was so long ago
Now I have kids of my own
When they find their canvases
I will just smile
Sit next to them

And help them draw a better dog than I did

Monday, June 15, 2015

Still I Cry

Still I Cry

It has been so long since she left
We fought and we loved
She would shout and yell
Then hold me and kiss my lips
I miss her so much
I long for the raised voice, the howl of rage or love
It still echoes through my thoughts
My dreams
It has been so long

Still I remember and still I cry

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Gifts From God

Gifts From God

When God created man and woman
He gave us the ability to question
To learn
To think for ourselves
To know right from wrong
To love
Over time we have forgotten
We have forgotten
What God wants us to know
We have to remember how to ask
How to make our own decisions
What is right
What is wrong
And how to tell the difference
We have to learn again how to love
How to love Him
How to love every being on this planet

How to be human

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Can You See The Moon Crying

Can You See The Moon Crying

Can you see the moon crying
Spreading tears of blood across the sky
Suffering for the losses of man
Lives taken by war
Taken on the streets for no reason
Mothers taken away from children
Children taken from their mothers
People left sick and starving
Ignored by those who could help
Lessons taught to build hatred
Taught by the ones who we trust
Gases killing our planet
While we kill our beautiful animals
Can you see the moon crying
Her tears fall to Earth
Unseen by man
She will cry and mourn
Until man is long gone

And once again life with cover the planet

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Two Gods

Two Gods

Keep what you're doing
Go ahead
Kill each other in religion’s name
God and Allah will watch you
Shaking their heads
They taught us love
They said that we are one
Their children
We never listened
A war that lasts a thousand years
Is that what they wanted?
When the time comes
And you stand before them
They will ask one thing
Did you love your brother?
When you say no, what will they do
Bow their heads and shed a tear
Cry out loud for the fall of man
All because you killed your neighbor
Let God and Allah mourn their creations

And know that you don’t care

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...