Monday, August 31, 2015

Reality From Above

Reality From Above

Five miles high
Six hundred miles an hour
Looking down
Through broken
Houses, yards and pools
Roads that go everywhere
And go nowhere at the same time
There are things missing
There are no people
No whites, blacks, reds, yellows or browns
No Christians, no Jews, no Muslims
There is no one
No borders
No countries
No governments
No one to love
No one to hate
There is just a planet
A thin atmosphere
And green life everywhere to be seen
When did man, a bacteria living free change everything
Maybe man should leave this paradise
Either voluntarily or killed off man has to go
Let this beautiful planet live without us
Without war and death
Without the hatred of created gods
Without us

That this the only way there will be peace

Friday, August 14, 2015



I need another shot
Another cigarette
Another joint
So many thoughts
Twisting my mind
Taking where it shouldn’t go
It lets me cry without tears
Scream with no voice
Lets me tell people what is hurting me
But, they never hear a word I say
I see people suffering
Just outside  my ability to help
Outside my reach
I just watch and listen
One more shot
Another cigarette
Another joint
May ease my mind
Make the thoughts
The visions go away

Or maybe not

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Beauty of a Wall

The Beauty of a Wall

Let the vines cover the wall
Hiding all of the cracks
The flaws put there by man
Initials carved by ancient lovers
Imperfections of beauty
No one will know of them
No one will see them
They will be forgotten
Lost to time
Lost in the fantasy of perfection
Centuries later the wall has not changed
Has not given in to fashion
The wall still stands alone
Its true  beauty hidden
But, it is still there with its imperfections
With a pride that it knows its beauty
Its worth to the universe
Even if no one ever looks at it
Or sees beneath the vines

It is beautiful

Sunday, August 2, 2015

In The Dark

In The Dark

It is so irritating
The sun is up ruining the darkness
The cool breezes of night
I do not want the light
The warmth
All the people living their lives
Give me the strangeness of the night
The streets empty
Only a few wandering
Looking for survival
In a world that doesn’t know they exist
The smell of alcohol and piss fills the air
Wafting around passed out drunks
And hookers plying their trade
I do not want the “normal” life of day
The night...the darkness is my home

And that is where I will stay

Please Little Angel

Please Little Angel by Lord R.e. Taylor Please little angel You have done so much Helping children in trouble Taking them through their illn...