Friday, November 27, 2015

The Bend

The Bend

Do I want to know what's around the bend
What fate waits for me
Who I will meet
Where the winding road will take me
I know where the road has brought me
The worries and pain along the way
It had made me love people, I shouldn't
Lose people I loved
Do things I knew I shouldn't have done
Still, I walk this road
Endlessly travelling into the future
Sure of the past
Unsure of where the future is
Do I want to know what is around the bend
Not really

Why spoil the fun?

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Ned Kelly

Ned Kelly

A villain to some
A hero to most
He fought
He stole
And he killed
Stood up to the law
As he rode the outback
Robbing trains and banks
Helping the people as he went
Stories would be told for years
Myths would become legend
The legend would become history
Ned Kelly, the man who fought and won
The man who died doing what only he could do
He is a part of Australiana
Part of the country that created him
Made him a villain
Made him a hero

Made him a legend

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...