Monday, December 21, 2015

Think & Question

Think & Question

Open that door
Ring the bell
Time for school to start
File the children inside
Cram them in a closed room
Trapped in a single desk
Don't talk without permission
Don't whisper or pass notes
Listen to what your teacher says
They know that one plus one doesn't always equal two
They won't tell you that
Only what they want you to know
Do not ask questions
They want control over what you learn
Just sit and listen like good little drones
If you escape with your minds intact
You will be able to think
To question everything
To have creativity and imagination
You will not be a drone
Ignoring everything you have been taught
You will be a human being with a mind
And you will rule the world

Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Other Side of the Fence

The Other Side of the Fence

What is on the other side
What are the things I have heard about
Hidden from my eyes
Covered sounds, so I cannot hear
It may be some secret
Maybe the men in black
I want to know
My soul needs to know
But my questions go unanswered
I will just have to guess
Dreams of so many wild thoughts
Spies, UFOs and so much more
Hiding behind that wooden fence
Someday I will climb that fence
I will sneak in through the tall grass
I will find out

And only then will I sleep

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Get Your Voice Heard

Get Your Voice Heard

A long time ago
Fifty plus years to be exact
We knew how to protest
It wasn’t on Facebook or Twitter
It wasn’t by just writing letters
We took our place in the world
With a voice that could not be ignored
We took over college campuses
We marched in the streets
Chanting words designed to change the world
We got arrested and went to jail
But we got our point across
We never gave up until life changed
Until the President listened
The time has come again
Stand up and shout
Fill the streets
Take over campuses and parks
Get arrested if you have to
Just get your voice heard
Make the government listen
Make them make the changes

Just do not ever give up

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...