Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Curse of the Gods

Curse of the Gods

Let the snow come from the north
Let the rain come from the east
The drought come in from the west
And the heat come from the south
I will stand in the storm
Never flinching at what it sends
I will raise my fist and challenge the gods
Do your worst while I laugh
I am not scared of what they can do
I will stand and oppose their will
I will curse them as the winds whip around
I will not weaken like they want me to
I will win the battle
And I will still be standing long after they are gone
Wet and cold and dry and hot

But I will still be there

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Drawn to the Edge

Drawn to the Edge

Looking over the edge
I watch the water flow
I can hear her voice
Echoing through my mind
Filling my senses
She is calling me
Asking me to climb the fence
Wanting me to step out onto the rocks
She wants me to join her
Become one with her
She is drawing me
Pulling me into the turning water
I wanted to jump
Let the water carry me over the edge
I want to be held by such a beauty
I want to see the woman who calls to me
Who wants to be one with
I want to jump into her world

I want to love the Lady of the Mist 

Monday, March 21, 2016

The Spirit In My Room

The Spirit In My Room

Sitting alone at night
Watching the candle burn
So many words spoken
That can’t be heard
Can’t be understood
Shadows cross the room
Only seen in the corner of my eye
I know they are there
I have seen them so many times
Heard them crying over lost lives
They wander around me
Trapped in my room
No hope of ever leaving
I know they were someone to somebody
A mother, a father
A sister, a brother
Someone’s child who died too soon
Now they wander around me
Trying to let me know they are there
They want to say hello
I wish I could say hello to them
Invite them to sit with me and talk
I want to get to know them

And make them my friends

Friday, March 18, 2016



They tried to keep us apart
Said that we should never love
They didn’t know our feelings
How our hearts beat together
How we cannot live without each other
I told you our love was forever
That I wanted to look in your eyes
That I wanted you for all eternity
It didn’t matter what they say
What they do to us
We will be one person
One soul together forever
I will be with you for all time

That I promise

Fill The Ute

Fill The Ute

Let’s fill the Ute with ice
Stock it full of beer
Head into the bush
Have us a country party
Slim Dusty and James Blundell
Playing from my mate’s CD
We want to get drunk
Finish off a case of XXXX
And not regret one drop
Don’t anyone bring any Fosters
We won’t drink it
We all want to cuddle
With a home grown country girl
One we have never met
But one we all know
Maybe we will even fall in love
Tonight there are no worries
No thoughts about tomorrow
Only tonight matters
The beer, the music and the girls
Nothing could make life better
So, let’s fill the Ute will ice
Stock it full of beer
And enjoy living on this rock
Tonight, tomorrow will never come

As  long as we are having fun

Thursday, March 17, 2016

I Want To Be President

I Want To Be President

I am a liar
I can never tell the truth
Only what you want to hear
I send classified mail to my home
Gmail is such a wonderful thing
I am a racist
Who will punish all for the actions of a few
I pretend like I know everything
If I don't know something I make it up
Even if doesn't mean anything
I’ll spend the money you give me
Millions of dollars
To travel around the country and bullshit you
You'll fall for everything I say because I said it
I have to do what I do
Say what I say just to get your vote
If I get it
I will promise you one thing
I will screw you every which way but loose
I will be the president

So why should I care

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Poetry of Everything

The Poetry of Everything

Everything has a poem hidden inside
Feelings that the world does not know
Stories that will never be told
Words that may never be read
We poets looks beyond the surface
To find the words hidden deep inside
We listen to what everything has to say
We share it all with the world

And through us everything has a voice

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...