Friday, September 30, 2016



What did I do last night
I remember going out
Meeting a girl
We emptied a bottle of Jack
And she looked a whole lot better
I got her naked
She got me naked
And I don’t remember the rest
I know I woke up alone
My pillow soaked with drool
And the curtains pulled tight
I do have one thing to help me remember
My eyes are watering
My mouth is dry as a desert
And my head is pounding like a drummer
I usually love my life so much
The girls and the music
The lights and dancing
And I love my shots of Jack
If only the morning wouldn’t come
The sun would not come up
And the hangover would stay away

Everything would be perfect

Thursday, September 29, 2016



I want to escape
Just run away from the world
Climb to the top of a mountain
Drop down into a valley
Swim across a raging river
Step upon the distant shore
I want me to be left behind
Forgotten by me and everyone
I do not want to exist any longer
I want to become someone I am not
I just want to be the me I want to be
In a place far away from the past
I just want to be me

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Girl He Loves

The Girl He Loves

Even though he has a car
He walks to work
Again to go home
And sometimes for no reason
He always walks the same street
Past the same brownstone
The building is not that pretty
It is not important at all
But there is one thing he has to see
The love of his life
With her bright red hair
And skin, which is as perfect as perfect can be
She sits in a second floor window
Watching as life passes her by
Still, he has seen her lips
Has looked into her eyes
And he has often seen her smile
He does not know her name
Nor will he ever
Still, she has a place in his heart
And he will always love the girl in the window

The girl he will never know

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Raintree

The Raintree

There is a tree
A tree planted when the world was new
Kept away from anything
It must never be harmed
Its brilliant green leaves
Bloom under a tropical sun
Birds fly through the branches
Singing songs even brighter than the day
Yet, all is not happy within the tree
The Raintree was created for just one reason
When the angels look down at us
They see the suffering of everything
And they cry in Heaven
Their eyes begin to water
And their tears fall to Earth
Only to be caught by the leaves
And dropped into the River of Sorrows
Where they are lost forever
And all life is once again protected

From having more sadness than it could handle

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Light Of The New Moon

The Light Of The New Moon

The full moon rises
Casting its amber light
Changing the sea from blue
Into a field of glistening diamonds
That moon has powers
We do not understand
Inspiring poets to write
Singers to sing their melodic tones
And lovers to share their first kiss
Sadly, the light only lasted for a brief moment
Then, it turns into cold gray
Casting the darkest shadows of the night
However, we always know
In thirty trips around this planet
That amber light will return
The poets will write again
The singers will sing again
And the lovers will fall in love again
Even if just for another moment
The light of the full moon will make us happy

Even if just for a moment

Friday, September 2, 2016

When I Die

When I Die

The day I die
When I pass from this Earth
I will lay peacefully
And close my eyes
As my last breath leaves my body
I will join with an angel
And allows my troubles to be gone
Left in the empty shell that was my body
I will walk down a tunnel of flowers
In the fresh air and the scent of beauty
My soul will find peace in every step
And I will live again

In a paradise of my own creation

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...