Monday, January 23, 2017



Too much concrete
Too much glass
Too much steel
Holding too many people
There's no space to be alone
No place for me to be me
Awake or asleep
All I can do is dream
Praying for a moment
When I can do the impossible
Finding a place man has never been
With grasses, trees and mosses
The veil of a fog blown by a gentle breeze
Making the distance fade into mystery
Broken only by the immortal songs
Sung by a million birds
I will dream of a moment or a forever
When I can stand alone in paradise
And my songs will also flow with the breeze

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Old Photograph

The Old Photograph

I love searching
Looking for things
Trying to find that something
Something that makes me think
There was an old picture
Damaged beyond repair
Sitting in the bottom of an old trunk
Forgotten for years
It was so fragile when I touched it
I was a little scared
Afraid it would turn to powder
Yet, I saw you standing there
Two people in love
I wonder who you were
What kind of life did you live
What did you talk about
Did you have children you loved
Did the love you as much
You may just be an old photograph
But you were real people
With real stories
It is too bad I cant hear them
But I can see a lot of your life
Hidden in that old torn photograph
That no one remembers

Monday, January 16, 2017

We Never Met You

We Never Met You

We never met you
Maybe we never would
You were the good girl
Never hurting anyone
But you could not stand the evil
You knew you had to do something
Something to help all mankind
You traded your skirts for fatigues
Your make up for a rifle
And you fought for your flag
Bullets flew past your head
And bombs blew up next you
But you never gave up
You kept fighting the fight
Until the one bullet you didn’t hear
Now you come home to an honor guard
Covered by the flag you loved so much
We never met you
Maybe we never would
But we will cry for you
And for all those who came back with you
Under the flag they loved

None of you will ever be forgotten

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Beauty Of Nature

Beauty Of Nature 

Nature has such beauty
Only some of it we see
The flowers in the garden
The waves crashing on the beach
The bright colors of the birds and butterflies
And the clouds drifting in endless breezes
However, there is another canvas
Hidden under its own blue sky
So much color we rarely see
Corals stretching out for miles
Shining in reds, blues, greens and violets
Matching the fish who swim above them
Nature’s brush has touched every living thing
Even a lonely turtle swimming deep in the seas
It has its own beauty
Brush strokes unworthy of any artist’s skill
It is a masterpiece beyond words

Monday, January 9, 2017

The Man He Is

The Man He Is

He has walked so far
Holes in his shoes
His toes scrape the pavement
His pants are ripped
No knees
And just strings holding his ass
Still, no matter how he has suffered
How many people think of him
Look down on him
As less than human
He always says hello
And gives everyone a smile

That is just the kind of man he is

Thursday, January 5, 2017

If I Had Only Said Hello

If I  Had Only Said Hello

I’ve been playing with my beer bottle
Shredding the label with my fingernails
So scared that you would glance over at me
And notice that I have been looking at you
Such an angel sitting alone at the bar
I know that you are so far above me
Out of my class
Still, I look at you
Wondering what your name is
And why you are all alone
There is something about you
Something I cannot understand
Too bad it is so late at night
The bartender called last call
And I still have not worked up the nerve
To say hello to someone as beautiful as you
My friends Jack, Jim, and Captian Morgan
They all left me with a lack of courage
I watch you leave as the clock strike two
Somehow I know I will never see you again
But that is alright
I have my memories
Of that beautiful girl sitting on a barstool
And the dreams of what might have been
If I had only said hello

Wednesday, January 4, 2017



The time has come
Humans are no longer in control
Mother Nature has been raped
She has been abused
She has been assaulted
And she waits for humans
For the time when humans make a mistake
Then she will rise up
She will shake her fists
And destroy the temples humans have built
The roofs will collapse
Water will flood the footsteps of the human
Erasing them from history
They will be replaced with grass and trees
Animals will walk past rusting cars
Birds will nest in the empty buildings
Humans will have long since gone
Taken from the land they considered theirs
The world will change
It will return to a place before humans
Mother Nature will take in a deep breath
And she will smile
Her treasure has been reborn
And maybe this time it will survive

Woman Of My Dreams

Woman Of My Dreams

I have known you for so long
You come to me when the sun goes down
And the light of the stars shines on me
You are an angel in my dreams
And a demon in my nightmares
Still, your eyes haunt me
Your lips will not let me sleep
Your flaming hair has burned into my soul
I do not know how I could ever love you
Someone so evil and yet so good
And still someone I love to see
Every night I wait until the darkness to come
So I can close my eyes and fall to sleep
Maybe I will dream
Maybe I will have a nightmare
And I will see you once again

Monday, January 2, 2017

The Polar Bear’s Home

The Polar Bear’s Home

It was not long ago
I lived in a world I loved
I could walk for miles
In any direction
No walls of boundaries
I hunted through holes in the ice
Slept in the cold arctic air
My cubs learned to hide in the snow
And how to play between the drifts
We were a family and we were happy
Playing and hunting in the wild
The world was our yard
A place to run and live our lives
Now, it is all gone
The snows are just a distant memory
The ice no longer comes
So we will just sit and wait
Hoping the coldness will return

Hoping that someday we may have our home back

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Walking The Wall

Walking The Wall

I hate it
I can see both sides
The endless rules of Heaven
The endless punishment of Hell
Someone made a decision
Set down laws about how to live
And then just sat back and watched
They took the joys God gave us
And turned them into sins
But, man cannot live strictly by the rules
God gave us free will to live our own way
So it is a hard line to follow
Watching each step
On a wall no wider that a word
It is so hard not to stumble
Not to fall into the wrong side
Still, we tread carefully
Being careful of everything we say or do
Careful not to hurt someone
In the hope that we will not fall
That we will walk the righteous path
And we will be redeemed

Please Little Angel

Please Little Angel by Lord R.e. Taylor Please little angel You have done so much Helping children in trouble Taking them through their illn...