Friday, March 31, 2017

What’s On My Mind

What’s On My Mind

Please do not ask what I am thinking
You really do not want to know
There is so much in there
How could I even give you an idea
Nightmares and fantasies
Story ideas and poems
So far unwritten
Maybe they will not be remembered
But for the moment they are there
There are so many memories
Of loves long gone and loves to come
So, please don’t ask me what I am thinking
I will not tell you ever
And you really do not want to know

So don’t ask and make us both happy

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Your First Guitar

Your First Guitar

You started so long ago
The night your father gave you your first guitar
You spent the night playing the worst sound ever
I heard you from my room across the drive
But you tried and tried
You never gave up
No matter how bad you really were
Years later you took the stage down at Kelly’s
Playing every song you knew
The chords were perfect
The notes were more that even you expected
Everyone cheered so loud they shattered the windows
Now you are a star
Singing before 30,000 fans every night
Your name is known all around the world
But you still own that guitar your father gave you
And you look at it with such fond memories
However, you still cannot get a note right when you touch it
But, that guitar is just who you are
It is where you came from
It is a good thing that you can remember
I just hope you can remember that little boy
The one from across the drive
The one who suffered hearing that first guitar

Because he remembers you

Saturday, March 25, 2017

My Nighttime Life

My Nighttime Life

The sun goes down
And darkness comes
I pull the blinds closed
And close the curtains
I lay for hours
In the total blackness
Listening and thinking
Talking to myself
And coming up with ideas
I never sleep when I should
The darkness is my home
It is where I feel comfort
At least until 5:30 AM
When the kookaburra laughs
Warning me that the light is coming
And only then will I doze away
So I do not have to see the light
But, I still listen and think
And talk to myself in my dreams
That is my life
And I accept that

© Shadowlight Publishing 2017

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

I Will Not Be Separate

I Will Not Be Separate

They want to separate you
By gender
By race
By income
By intellect
By sexuality
By nationality
By religion
By beliefs
So many groups to be controlled
To be kept apart
To be lied to about the others
So that no one will get along
Still there will be some who will say
I am not a part of any group
I am a member of them all
I am an individual
And I will not be controlled
By you or anyone else

Monday, March 20, 2017


By R.e. Taylor

Do you want to know
What loneliness is
There is only one place
To truly see it
Look out of your door
To your manicured lawn
Look at the lone dandelion
In an acre of trimmed grass
Yet it does not complain
It stands tall and proud
And it hopes to friend someday

© Shadowlight Publishing 2017

Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Great Dividing Range

The Great Dividing Range

I have thought for so long
What it would be like
No longer to have a paradise
Walking through Toowoomba
I feel the rain on my back
And the desert heat on my chest
The Great Dividing Range
The border between two worlds
The tropics and the Outback
Somehow, I know what I need
And it is not the green of the rainforests
I need solitude
Miles and miles of just miles and miles
The sun rising in the morning
And setting in the evening
With maybe a single cloud
To me, at this moment
The Outback with its heat and constant sun

Would be the paradise I desire

Friday, March 17, 2017

Daffodils And Crocus

Daffodils And Crocus

I heard a rumor
A little over a month ago
That Spring would finally arrive
The leafs would come back
And the world would be green again
There was a short-lived hope
Warm breezes came in from the south
Grass began to show
Daffodils and crocus began to grow
Then the hope disappears
Lost in a wind blowing in from the north
The newest buds start to grow
Reaching for the sun
Instead, they find a shroud of freezing snow
But, they will fight and they will win
They will see the sun

And they will welcome Spring

That First Step

That First Step

What is hiding in the mist
Noises come into the open
Echoing a world we cannot see
Maybe a world we would not want to see
Terrors we heard about in fairy tales
Goblins, dragons and monsters
Or maybe it is the Heaven we all look for
With angels, clear skies and music
A paradise we could only dream about
All it would take would be one step
One moment to take a chance without thinking
All you need to do is take a chance

And just take that first step

Thursday, March 16, 2017

I Do Not Know

I Do Not Know
R.e. Taylor

I do not know who I am
Nor do I know what I am
I do not know where I am
I do not know where I have been
Or where I am going
I do not know my past
My future
Or my present
I only know one thing
I know that I am
And that is enough for me

© Shadowlight Publishing 2017

Friday, March 10, 2017

Forget The Warnings

Forget The Warnings

All your life you heard
Be careful
Don’t get hurt
Now, you remember the warnings
But, it is so hard to listen
You know you want to do it
Place your foot on the board
And take the first step
You know that you have the ballocks
So, ignore your past
Forget all of the warnings
And just take a chance
After all

What’s the worst that could happen

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Her Loss

Her Loss

She watched at the window
Straining to see the masts fade away
And the HMS Victoria left New York for Liverpool
Her third trip ended when the rumour came
The Victoria had sunk just off of Harrington Bay
It said a wave had taken the ship
And killed all of her able-bodied seamen
Still she waited for the sails to rise above the horizon
She waited for the love of her life to step on the dock
And take her in his arms
But years later she still waits
She still sits at that window and she cries
But she will never give up hope
She will never let her love for a long-lost sailor die
As long as she has the smallest shred of hope

She will wait at that window

Monday, March 6, 2017

Long Ago

Long Ago

It has been such a long time ago
We first said hi
And you entered my heart
You entered my thoughts
And I fell in love
So many kisses
So many plans
So many dreams
And even now
Years later
You are still in my heart

And I still love you

Friday, March 3, 2017

The Twinkle Has Gone

The Twinkle Has Gone

Twinkle twinkle little star
My mother always sang that to me
And many time I looked through my window
And prayed to the brightest star in the sky
Now, I look in the sky
And the stars have changed
The twinkle my mother told me about is gone
The stars are just spots of light
Like light bulbs hanging in the sky
I still pray to them as I have for years
But the magic is gone
Maybe there were so many wishes
So many people asking the stars for something
They just became tired
And the twinkle was lost to all of us
But the wishes will keep being said
The stars will hear more and more
Let’s just hope they will remain in the sky
And our children will still hear that song
The one that made me appreciate what the stars had

And what they will have again

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Grab A Drink

Grab A Drink
By R.e. Taylor

The world has stopped smiling
Everyone hates everybody
And no one talks
The time has finally come
For one moment
Everyone grab a drink
Wine, whiskey or beer
And toast the person next to you
Say hello
Wish them a good day and smile
If we all do that just once
What a happy world this would be

© Shadowlight Publishing 2017

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Praise Be Electricity

Praise Be Electricity

It would be 140 in the shade
If there was any shade to be found
There's nothing but burnt grass
And cattle which are the walking dead
The sun never seems to set
It just gets hotter and hotter
The rains have been gone for too many years
Still, life remains
Some by choice
Some because it is where nature placed them
Without end
Without hope
In the end I make it home
My skin burned until it is black
Dust follows me in
Covering everything it touches
But, inside it is cool
The house is the only livable place I know
So, I settle back with a beer
And my thoughts are just of one thing
Screw nature

And God bless the electric company

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...