Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Storm Of War

The Storm Of War

You should be afraid
I am the storm you heard was coming
Created by the hot air your leaders release
Enhanced by the stupidity they show
Whenever they challenge each other
To a pissing contest neither can win
I drift across so many lands
Watching everyone planning to kill everybody
The roar of my thunder doesn’t faze them
They ignore the blackness of my clouds
And the piercing of my rain
I know that if they do not stop
I will become stronger
And when I finish no one will be left

And who would be the winner then

Friday, April 28, 2017

The Solar Winds

The Solar Winds
By R.e. Taylor

Let the Sun fuel its fury
Let the solar winds come
Whipping our planet as they pass
We know that they could kill us
Wipe out our species at any time
Even with that we admire them
Looking forward to seeing them
As they light up our sky
Veils of color falling from the sky
Turning darkness into a beautiful dance
And all we can do is stand and watch
The beauty of the universe

As it drifts by

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Throwing In The Penny

Throwing In The Penny
R.e. Taylor

Everyday he opens his piggy bank
Reaching in, he takes one single penny
And he makes the long journey to the fountain
A magical place where a penny can get a wish
Throwing his penny in he waits and waits
Never giving up hope that one day he will get his wish
That the mother he lost the day he was born
Would return to him from Heaven
Even if just for a moment or two
So he could tell her that he misses her
And that he loves her more than anything
That wish may not come true today or ever
But, that little boy will keep coming with his penny
And he will keep making the same wish
Until someday it comes true and he will meet his mother
Even for just a moment or two

© 2017 Shadowlight Publishing

Monday, April 24, 2017

The War Hero

The War Hero
By R.e. Taylor

I lived on the street for my whole life
Across from the house of a crazy old man
I never spoke to him
I ignored him whenever he walked by
He never had a wife or kids
I never saw him with any friends
He lived his life and I lived mine
Until one day he was taken away
Maybe to hospital maybe to the grave
I didn’t care to know
The next day his house was covered with flags
All in tribute to that crazy old man
Word spread that he was an ANZAC
Who fought and survived at Gallipoli
He was a war hero with so many stories
Lone Pine, Beersheba and Hill 60
All were names burned in his memory
All of his stories are all lost to time
Now, I wished I would not have judged him
I wish I would have sat and listened to his tales
So that someone would remember his life
And the pride he had in being an ANZAC

© 2017 Shadowlight Publishing

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Just Be You

Just Be You
R.e. Taylor

Little boy
Little girl
Listen to what I say
You are special
You have talents no one else has
You know how to play and have fun
You have the ability to question
And not accept what you are told
After all you are the person you are meant to be
And only you know who that is
Not everyone can play sports
Not everyone can sing an opera
You may not love who they want you
But you don’t have to
And don’t let anyone tell you different
You are perfect just the way you are
So, just live your life and be happy
And above all, just be you
And never let anyone change you

© 2017 Shadowlight Publishing

Monday, April 17, 2017


R.e. Taylor

There once was a bubble named Mick
Who was always making me sick
He got caught in my throat
And he made me choke
Now I am dead as a stick

© 2017 Shadowlight Publishing

Sunday, April 16, 2017



I want to climb to the summit
To a place I knew so well
Yet, is now unknown to me
Concrete towers replace family shops
But so many parks let you see trees
Clear skies and flowers
Too many losses to remember
So many loves to be mourned for
Still, I want to return to the summit
To look around and see what I know
After all, it was my home
It is where I still belong

Monday, April 10, 2017

Web Of Beauty

Web Of Beauty
By R.e. Taylor

They are pieces of art
Masterpieces created by nature
Creations of single silk strands
Tied together with love and hope
Nearly invisible at most times
But, when the dew falls in the morning light
They become strings of diamonds
That the most expensive necklaces envy
Still, it is just temporary
A wind will come and tear the beauty apart
Only to have it rebuilt again and again
So, the beauty of the web will always be there

© 2017 Shadowlight Publishing

Sunday, April 9, 2017

A Walk In The Park

A Walk In The Park
By R.e. Taylor

If you don’t have the time
Take an hour out of every day
Or even just a few minutes
Walk to a park
Take your time and walk
Look at the trees
Listen to the birds
And maybe feed a squirrel
But stop and look at the flowers
Bend over and smell their sweet scent
Remember your experiences
When you go back to your life
And you will be better for it

© 2017 Shadowlight Publishing

Friday, April 7, 2017

The Real World

The Real World

Alone at night
I hear the demons scream
Hiding in shadows
People in the villages crying
As plague rips their bodies apart
Castles fall into rubble
And kings lose their heads
Still, I feel safe
I am only scared when I close my book
And I face the real world
For it is more horrible than any story

In any book ever written

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Her Mother's Shoes

Her Mother’s Shoes

She was such a sweet little girl
Born in sadness
Her mother took her last breath
When she was taking her first
She grew alone
With just a father to raise her
Still, somehow, she remembered
She remembered the woman who loved her
And she wanted to be so much like her
The way she was
How she smiled
But, all she had was a pair of her shoes
Too big for her tiny feet
She wore them every day
When she did, her mother was still alive
Was still watching over her
And still loved her
And that made her life happy

© Shadowlight Publishing 2017

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Neptune's Anger

Neptune’s Anger

For thousands of years
He has been watching
Seeing his reefs destroyed
Fish hunted to extinction
And oceans transformed from clear seas
Into continents of floating garbage
Radiation, chemicals and sewage
Filling even the deepest places
Life dying anywhere you look
Now, Neptune is angry
Fighting back to save his kingdom
Storms and flooding
Unbearable heat, famine and drought
The deaths of millions
It is the curse he has placed upon man
It is one that man will not survive
But, the curse of man
May be the seas can overcome
Comeback and thrive
Rebuild what the ignorance of man destroyed
And then Neptune can laugh once again
And once again be proud of his kingdom

The way he should be

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...