Tuesday, May 30, 2017

I Just Want To Scream

I Just Want To Scream
By R.e. Taylor

I am tired of it all
I want to scream
I want to holler
I want to use every curse word I know
I want to not have to worry
What some might think
I want to call people names
I want to be angry and rude
I am tired of it all
And I don’t care anymore
I just want to scream

© 2017 R.e. Taylor

Friday, May 26, 2017

The Missing Piece Of The Puzzle

The Missing Piece Of The Puzzle
By R.e. Taylor

She was never normal
And she didn’t want to be
Creative in so many ways
Not like anyone else on earth
They all tried and tried
To make her like everyone else
Make her complete in their image
But, she never listened
So, throughout her life
She remained different
Like a puzzle missing a piece
She was an unfinished masterpiece
Which would be made less perfect
If the missing piece were added

© 2017 R.e. Taylor

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Man In The Forest

The Man In The Forest

I walked away
Went to a far-off place
No phones
No people
And no internet
Just me resting on an ancient stump
Wondering about my future
Worrying about my past
Then I heard a noise
Very soft
It came from the forest
A man stepped out
He sat next to me
“You are a good man,” He said
“Your past should not bother you”
“Your future will be good”
“You are a good man”
He smiled the entire time
Then he just up and walked away
Back into the forest
I never learned the man’s name
But, my heart told me who He was
He made me happy
Made me feel loved

That day He saved my life

Monday, May 22, 2017

Proud And Strong

Proud And Strong
By R.e. Taylor

You are so strong
And so proud
No one knows the hell of your life
Being judged by everyone
Considered not as good as everyone
Still you fought through that
You became the person you wanted to be
Proud and strong
You became the champion you knew you were
You became a Paralympian
An example to so many
Whether they suffer as you did
Or if they were the ones who judged you
You have the human spirit
And for that you should be proud

© 2017 R.e. Taylor

Friday, May 19, 2017

Just For A Moment

Just For A Moment
By R.e. Taylor

I just want to hop in the car
Start her up
And start driving
With a full tank of gas
Maybe head to the mountains
Maybe to the desert
Maybe to the ocean
It wouldn’t matter
For just one single day
I just want to leave everything behind
Have no worries
Leave my stresses on the porch
And just go
But where ever I end up
I just want to look at the sky
And forget my life
Just for a moment

© 2017 R.e. Taylor

Let Us Build A Wall

Let Us Build A Wall
By R.e. Taylor

Let us build a wall
Make it high and thick
Not to divide us as a people
But to keep us together
As the united beings we should be
Let us build a wall
Place it deep within our minds
Locking the hate away
And allow us to see people as they are
Not as someone they want us to see
Let us build a wall
And put haters on the other side
So they can see how it feels to be alone

© 2017 R.e. Taylor

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Daughter Of Darkness

Daughter Of Darkness
By R.e. Taylor

Your mother was dark clouds
And storms moving in from the west
Your fathers were the demons
Who rose from Hell on a stormy night
Just like the night we met
But I saw more than darkness in you
I could see the peace in your soul
And the light of a thousand stars in your eyes
How could I not want to know you better
Take the time to know the real you
And not just see what other people see
How could I not fall in love with you
But it is too late
For now and forever

© 2017 R.e. Taylor

Monday, May 15, 2017

I Will Be Back

I Will Be Back
By R.e. Taylor

I don’t have two pennies to rub together
I do not even remember what a penny looks like
Slowly my life has disappeared
The couch went first
Then the bed and the fridge
Then the TV
But at least I still had my folding chair
And the four walls that surrounded me
After my car was repo’ed
And I was evicted from those four walls
They even took that damn folding chair
All I had left were my dreams and hopes
But that was enough to make it through the nights
When I slept beneath the 42nd Street Bridge
But I still breathe and my heart still beats
And as long as I have them
I will never give up to fate
And I will be back someday
That I swear

© 2017 R.e. Taylor

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Cells Of A Flower

Cells Of A Flower
By R.e. Taylor

The Universe is just a series of patterns
From the largest galaxy
To the smallest atoms
And, in some cases, even smaller
Yet, the most beautiful
Is when a million, million cells
Come together
Some say by chance
Others say it is divine inspiration
Whatever draws the individual cells
Bringing them together
In just the right pattern
In order to make a beautiful flower

© 2017 R.e. Taylor

The Miracle Of Youth

The Miracle Of Youth
By R.e. Taylor

It is amazing
When children see horrors
The pain and torture
Cannot erase their smiles
Their lives may have been
Gunshots and explosions
The dead bodies of their families
Yet, nothing can stop their smile
It is their innocence and hope
That they keep with them
No matter what their lives held
They could still smile

That alone is the miracle of youth

Saturday, May 13, 2017

The Last Walk

The Last Walk
By R.e. Taylor

He took the time to go home
Walking across the land
He had walked for more than sixty years
He remembered all of those before
Ten generations of his family
More than two hundred years
They worked the land
From a log cabin to a beautiful farmhouse
They suffered through droughts
And celebrated the good years
Then the oil came
Followed by large industry
Stealing their land
Harassing them until they could take no more
Finally, the land died
When the oil rigs spread through the fields
The eldest of the family cried
After eighty years, his home was gone
As he said goodbye
A gun against his head
And his sorrow was over

©2017 R.e. Taylor

Friday, May 12, 2017

A Longer Day

A Longer Day
By R.e. Taylor

I wish a day was longer
Maybe just an hour or two
To give me more time to think
To remember and to forget
The choices I made
The times I had in my youth
Or the mistakes I had made
Maybe sleep just a little more
And have the dreams I desire
Or the nightmares I fear
And maybe love a little more
I wish a day was longer
Maybe just an hour or two
Then again

Maybe not

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Two Cells

Two Cells

I was made from two tiny cells
The same as you
And every living thing on Earth
The was no white or black
Brown, red, or yellow
No Muslim or Jewish
No Christian or any other religion
There was no hate
There were just two cells who met
Creating a living being
Whether it is animal or human
The young created by those two cells
Do not know hate
They do not know what fear is
They just love everyone and everything
Then they grow
Mature into adults
They learn hate and fear
And they kill
What would happen if we never grew up
If we remained young for our whole lives
If we never learned the lessons of life
Would the world be a better place
Maybe, but it will never happen
Too many adults still make too many decisions
And they forgot the ideals of youth
And that is too bad

Monday, May 8, 2017

Your Dark Clouds

Your Dark Clouds
By R.e. Taylor

Everyone has the time
When dark clouds fly in
Taking over the mind and heart
Placing happiness in the shadows
Making stories and poems
Different from anything else you have written
Talking of thoughts that shouldn’t be thoughts
Actions that should never be done
Those dark clouds will remain
For as long as they desire
There is nothing you can do
Nothing you can say or think
Nothing you can pray for
They will not listen to you
Until you are truly ready for them to leave
Then your happiness will return
And you will once again be you
At least until the dark clouds return again

© 2017 Shadowlight Publishing


Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...