Monday, June 26, 2017

A Male Sanctuary

A Male Sanctuary

There is a place
So close
But so far away
A place where God does not exist
Where politics is never talked about
Where women are not allowed
Men sit around a burning fire
As fishing boats come in from their day
Sharing a bottle of Jack
They smoke and talk about their lives
They bitch and complain
And they even fight
But after all they are together
As friends and allies
Sitting together on a secluded dock
Alone in a male world
Where testosterone flows like a river
And they all can be men

© 2017 R.e. Taylor

Friday, June 23, 2017

Come And Get Me

Come And Get Me

Come and get me
I dare you
I want to see the fire in your eyes
Smell the sulfur in your breath
And hear your commands
Then I swear I will laugh
You do not know me
You cannot see into my soul
It is darker than any you could imagine
You know I know who you are
But I could never fear you
I would never serve you
I feel pity for you
You do not know me
But I will take Hell from you
And make it my home
That is what you should fear
So, come and take me

I dare you

Wednesday, June 21, 2017



I have seen you around
Hanging at the water fountain
Talking with your friends
You are so far out of my class
A living Grecian statue
So, I could never find the nerve
I could never be brave enough
I never hope to catch you eye
Or that you would speak to me
But you said hello
And you smiled at me

At that moment my dreams came true

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Take My Hand

Take My Hand

Little girl
Walk with me
Take my hand
I will always be there for you
And I will protect you
Whether we stand on rocks
Walk a mountain path
Or splash in the ocean waves
I will never let go of your hand
No matter what may come
I will never let any harm come to you
I will never let your smile fade
So walk with me and take my hand
And I will be beside you forever

© 2017 R.e. Taylor

Friday, June 16, 2017

The Future Is The Enemy

The Future Is The Enemy

The future is the enemy of the past
It wants us to forget everything
The pain we have caused
All of those who died
And those who suffered but survived
It doesn’t want us to remember
All of the mistakes we had made
All of the wrong decisions
Which led to our very destruction
It doesn’t want us to learn
It hopes we will not make the same mistakes
But we won’t know how to correct them
Since there will be no one to tell us what they were
Because they will be locked in the past
Their voice no longer able to be heard
So, the past will be repeated
And more will suffer
More will die
Until someone remembers and speaks out

In a future where the past is the enemy

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Do not tell me
That I am the fairest of them all
I have been hurt
Way to many times
My heart has died
And I can only dream of love
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Hear my wish just one last time
Return my living heart to me
Allow me to love just once more
If you grant me that
My life will be complete
And I will once again

Be the fairest in the land



I knew
From the second the sun came up
It was going to be a special day
Made even better when I found that penny
Bright and shiny
It glowed in the light
When I picked it up
A girl started talking to me
She was beautiful and sweet
Short, curly red hair
And a smile which killed
We talked before I had to leave
As I walked away I kept looking back
Her smile never faded
“My name is Penny,” she yelled

And at that moment I fell in love

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Double Dog Dare

Double Dog Dare
By R.e. Taylor

Being six years old
It is hard time
New friends to be with
And five words
You didn’t want to hear
You knew if anyone said them
Your life was going to change forever
“I double dog dare you”
A phrase you never wanted to hear
But one you loved to say
Whether walking on a wall
Eating a bug
Or kissing that little redhead girl
It was all the same
Potentially deadly
Always something you didn’t want to do
But you were double dog dared
So, you walked that wall
You ate that bug
And you even kissed that girl
That girl you eventually married
Thank God for double dog dares
They make life exciting
So, comment on this poem
If you liked it
I double dog dare you!

© 2017 R.e. Taylor

Monday, June 12, 2017

Only For You

Only For You
R.e. Taylor

What memory do you have
Was it someone you loved
Someone who treasured a rose
Above everything else in the universe
Or was it a memory from eons ago
Something of faith and hope
Brought back by love
Whatever it was
It was special to you
Now you have it with you
For all eternity
A piece of art
Placed to remind you
Of a certain moment
Something so special
A gift from the Muses
Only for you to cherish
Only for you to understand
Only for you

© 2017 R.e. Taylor

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Ungranted Wishes

Ungranted Wishes
By R.e. Taylor

A million billion points of light
Each a wish
Made by children
On a million billion worlds
Some for health or happiness
Some wish that there would be peace
But not one wishes for violence
Not one wishes for anyone to be harmed
But their innocence will fade and die
Hatred will enter their hearts
And their wishes will go unanswered
Left in the endless universe
As a million billion points of light
Each an ungranted wish
Made by children
On a million billion worlds

Friday, June 2, 2017

Dancing In the Rain

Dancing In the Rain

I love the rain
Falling down on us
As we dance
The coolness doesn’t matter
The wetness doesn’t matter
I only know that you are in my arms
And that my eyes are looking into yours
Our heartbeats drown the sounds of the drops
And I know that I truly love you
With so many rains to come
Our love will only grow
And be so infinitely better when the sun shines
So, let it rain
And let us dance together

Please Little Angel

Please Little Angel by Lord R.e. Taylor Please little angel You have done so much Helping children in trouble Taking them through their illn...