Saturday, July 29, 2017

A Really, Really Bad Poem

A Really, Really Bad Poem

All I want to do is sleep
Wake me and you’ll hear a beep
I plan on laying quietly in my bed
No, I don’t even want to be fed
I just want to dream of you
Without listening to you argue
I want to see your kisses
But, only in endless flashes
Maybe when I awake
We can get some whiskey and partake
Get as drunk as we can be
And I am sure I will have to pee
I will let you know that you have won
It is you that I will never, ever shun
But, always know that I love you
Even if you can be a shrew
And that will be the last line

Because I don’t want this to be asinine

I Will Never Say Goodbye

I Will Never Say Goodbye

I remember
That moment when we said hello
That word made my heart glow
My love for you began
When I looked into your eyes
And it will never, ever die
Forty years later God has taken you
But I will never say goodbye
And I do know what that implies
But that word is too final
I will see you in Heaven

And once again, we will say hello

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Beauty Of A Rose

Beauty Of A Rose

You have closed your eyes for so long
Not allowing yourself to see beauty
You didn’t want to see it in others
Cause you never saw it in yourself
But, just like the red velvet of a rose petal
The scent it gives off to attract
Your beauty cannot be hidden
Not behind a mask
And not in your heart and soul
Look out from behind that mask
Look into the eyes you share with the woman in the mirror on the wall
And see what the rest of us see
The beauty of a fragile rose

Who does not know what she is worth

Monday, July 24, 2017

Peninsula Ohio

Peninsula Ohio

I am a big city boy
Raised with skyscrapers
Crowds of people
And noise beyond description
My favorite memories are not of the city
Rather a small town
Home to less than a thousand people
But a haven to a teenage boy
It had one police car
One bar and a general store
With a church on the corner
The people were friendly to a fault
Uncorrupted by the stresses of the city
I will always remember the milkshakes
The richest chocolate ever tasted
And the merging of the Cuyahoga River
With the antique Ohio Canal
Currents and waves made a visual music
With changing melodic tones
I am grown now
With sixty summers behind me
Still, that small town sticks with me
I know it will have changed
But, I pray that someday I will go back

And those milkshakes will still be there

Wednesday, July 12, 2017



No one knows what she has experienced
The beatings she has taken
For something she never knew
The broken bones which cause her to suffer
Suffering which she only does alone
She watches others who are happy
She hides behind a pathetic smile
She looks fake happy as they walk by
Holding hands and kissing
Only then the truth shows itself
The pain in her heart becomes too much

And she knows that she is alone

Flowers Of Hope

Flowers Of Hope

The icecaps are melting
Storms tear apart the massive seas
But, the world is still drying
The world is slowly dying
People talk and talk about what to do
Making money from the Earth’s problems
In the end let them talk
For they will soon be long gone
Along with everything on a fragile planet
All blowing away on a long dead field
Past the only life which Earth forgave
A beautiful, gentle flowering plant
Just enough to give hope
Hope to those who take over
Hope that they will do better than we did

But, then again, how could they not

Friday, July 7, 2017



You really have no idea
How valuable you are
You make our hearts beat
You sharpen our minds
And you open our eyes
We look forward to seeing you
Whether it be morning, afternoon or night
We miss you when you are not around
Black, white or brown
Iced or steamy hot
Large or small
You have no idea about all you do
How many lives you have saved
How many drunks you have cured
Everyone simply knows you as coffee
Not as the savior we know you can be
So, bless you coffee

And we will see you in the morning

Monday, July 3, 2017

Kisses And My Barstool

Kisses And My Barstool

Night after night
I sit on the same barstool
Remembering you
And everything we had
When we loved each other
But that was so long ago
Now I only have this bar
And shots of Jack line up before me
A million shots
One for every one of a million kisses
Kisses I lost so many years ago
Kisses that we should have shared
Many say I may have a drinking problem
But I know that I have no problem
I know the drinks take my memories
And they allow me to become numb
And not suffer from my depression
And, although I still think of you
It doesn’t hurt as bad
At least for a little while

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...