Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A Care Free Walk

A Care Free Walk
By R.e. Taylor

I walk the streets
I can see other people
I know that they have problems
Everyone does
But I do not want to hear them
Honestly, I just don’t care
I do have my own problems
Certainly, I do
I chose to keep them locked away
Instead, I walk the streets
Feeling the warmth of the sun
Savoring the cool Autumn breeze
As I walk I leave my worries behind me
And my mind and heart are as carefree
The same as they were when I was born
A million torments ago

© 2017 Shadowlight Publishing

Saturday, November 25, 2017

God's Painting

God’s Painting

I know the day will come
When I will be standing with God
I hope that I can watch him painting
Using just the right colors
Placing them in just the right places
Stroke after stroke after stroke
He knows just which brush to use
To make the picture appear as a miracle
He wants to make his canvas a new reality
A new world of unbelievable beauty
And if I can just see Him apply one stroke

I will know that I am in Heaven

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Music In The Mountains

Music In The Mountains
By R.e. Taylor

Just six hours away from home
Hidden in the New South Wales mountains
A place where rock and rap cannot be found
Where guitars, banjoes and Jack are friends
Cowboys and cowgirls walk the street
Looking for the right singer singing the right song
But no one ever has to look too far
Million selling singers play on the streets
And take the time to talk to their fans
There is no other place on Earth
Where money takes a second place
They play for their fans and look for their smiles
And maybe some will be inspired to dance
Tamworth is a whole other world
And I hope that someday I will go
Just to listen to the music, sing along and dance

© 2017 Shadowlight Publishing

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Newspaper’s Comeback

Newspaper’s Comeback

At one-time newspapers were king
They were delivered everyday
Thrown by a million boys and girls
Headlines blared across the page
Forcing you to want to read the story
Daily comics and classifies
Coupons inserted every Wednesday
A special way for you to save money
Making them something to look forward to
But that was a generation ago
Now, the news comes twenty-four hours a day
And the news reporters are more important than the news
Brought into the house through TV and computers
Different channels, different sites tell different stories
Some even make up the news they tell you
Maybe someday a child will look at a newspaper
And they will ask what it is
And maybe that child will read it
And maybe print will live again

The Road Less Traveled

The Road Less Traveled
By R.e. Taylor

I never take the popular road
I am just not that kind
If there is a less traveled path
I will take it
If there isn’t one I will make it
Maybe that doesn’t make sense
I might be a little crazy
But there is so much to see
Hidden behind the giant trees
Another world within reach
If you have the nerve to stray
Now, I know this is not for everyone
And I would never expect it to be
But for me it is the way I was raised
And it will be the way I die
Laying in a world no one knows

© 2017 R.e. Taylor

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Reading Girl

The Reading Girl
By R.e. Taylor

She is not a normal girl
She does not like coffee shops
Or shopping for new shoes
She doesn’t talk about her friends
She rarely goes out after work
But she does enjoy discovery
Looking for new worlds and peoples
She loves listening to creativity
And the joy that words can bring
When she goes to lunch
She leaves her world behind
She finds her own place to live\
Alone on a dock in a secluded harbor
She finds the escape she desires
Hidden in the pages of the book she loves

© 2017 R.e. Taylor

Sunday, November 12, 2017

You Are My Disease

You Are My Disease
By R.e. Taylor

I have an incurable illness
I have tried to heal
But there is no hope
When I see you it comes back
Ever harder than it was before
My heart beats extra beats
I breathe harder than ever
My love for you is my malady
And I know that I will suffer forever
But I really don’t mind
As long as you keep staying contagious
I will love you
And I promise for as long as I live
That I will never to be cured

© 2017 R.e. Taylor

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Saga Of A Bushranger

The Saga Of A Bushranger

Six hundred banks behind him
A dozen police on his heels
Lawfully hunted for his crimes
He ran into a field
As shots rang out he fell
Killed by thirty pieces of lead
At least that is the story told
The truth is hidden to history
Yet revealed in legends old
Of a man who slept beneath a tree
Shot once while he laid dreaming
His body mutilated by police
Shot thirty more times in his bedroll
Such is the story of bushranger Ben Hall
A criminal murdered in his sleep
Or was he a man who faced justice
At the end of policemen’s rifles

Monday, November 6, 2017

Enjoying My Life

Enjoying My Life

I awaken on a sunny morning
My heart is sad for some reason
Depression fills my soul
I struggle to the bathroom
Finding my medicine cabinet
So many pills of so many colors
One makes me happy
Another makes me sleep
And another does nothing at all
The one I swallow is my magic pill
It creates such a beautiful world
Swirling colors in the sky
Colors never known by artists
I look at the colors as they envelop me
Wrapping me away from the world
In my mind I know that they are not real
They are born from pharmaceutical magic
But at that moment I do not care

I am finally enjoying my life

Thursday, November 2, 2017

One Moment

One Moment

One moment
Never meant to happen
Yet always planned for
When two of Olympus’ greatest
Apollo and Selene come together
Meeting above our Earthly plain
To look down on the lands below
Deciding our fate for the year
Whether it will be feast or famine
Whether we will have illness or health
If we will live happy or with grief
No one will notice when they dance
Or if they sing their special song
And that moment they will be long gone
But the decisions will be made
We may never know what they decided

And that may be our blessing

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

I Will Listen

I Will Listen

I am not going to be polite
I, rather we, don’t have time for that
We have been fighting each other
Like fools who do not know better
You are either stupid children
Throwing yourself down having a tantrum
Or you are a stupid adult
Measuring your penis against the next guy’s
Either way you are an embarrassment
And no one really cares what you think
So just do us all a favor and shut the hell up
After all we are all humans
We are all shades of brown
And we all bleed red
So, put your anger and hatred away
Sit down and think, if you can
And then come and talk to me
I promise I will listen

Please Little Angel

Please Little Angel by Lord R.e. Taylor Please little angel You have done so much Helping children in trouble Taking them through their illn...