Sunday, April 28, 2019

Her Temple Of Words

Her Temple Of Words

She has taken so long
Buying a book a week
She read every one
Anywhere and everywhere
She read and read
Ten thousand books
Her house is completely filled
Finally, her wish comes true
Her books become the bricks of her temple
A place where she can be all alone
Surrounded by the friends she loves
She knows that she can be herself
Escape the stress of the world
And step into the magic of her world
The world of the printed page

Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Church Of Haight And Ashbury

The Church Of Haight And Ashbury

I know of a church
There’s no alter
There’s no bell tower
And there are no pews
Instead of statues
The prophets walked among us
Singing and playing new music
Jimi, Janis and so many others
Taught of love and peace
They are so long gone
Taken before their time
But the church still stands
And they still walk the streets
All you need to do is stand still
Even for just a few minutes
At the corner of Haight and Ashbury
You can feel them there
And you can still hear their music
All you have to do is believe

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

The Last Ride

The Last Ride

I do not know how many rode the train
Who they were or the stories they told?
I know that they were rounded up
Treated like animals by true animals
But I do lie just a little bit
I knew of one person who was shipped for being old
I heard her story so many times from my mother
She was loaded in and killed as soon as she stepped out
No other crime except living a long life and becoming old
Yes, I do cry for everyone who was forced on that train
The ones who died for not committing any crimes
But my thoughts are still with that old lady
The pain and sadness she must have suffered
And the moment of her death in a cold blank room
I have never met her but I wish I had
My great-grandmother will live forever
In my heart, my mind and my soul

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Siren’s Call

Siren’s Call

Myths told
Beauty living in the deep
Comparing to Aphrodite
They are the best the gods offered
The Siren’s song
Melodic and pure
Calling men to their doom
Everyone knew the stories
But once the song began
No one could ever resist
So ships were lost
And men took their last breaths

All for a hope of love from a beautiful woman

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Autumn Colours

Autumn Colours

I have never seen them
Nor has anyone else
Tiny, magical little creatures
Waiting through the heat of summer
Pacing back and forth
Wearing holes in their floors
Waiting for the first cool breeze of September
They ready themselves for the right moment
Paint buckets by their sides, brushes in hand
When the first breezes of October come
They fly to the cities and forests of the north
Stopping to paint every leaf on every tree
And even though they may only last a short time
Everyone admires their work
And, a few who know who they are
Will thank them and wait another year

Just to see their magic once again

Sunday, April 7, 2019

A Different Insanity

A Different Insanity

There are a few people
Some consider them insane
Others believe that they are free
They will stop where ever they are
And they will just start to laugh
They may dance to no music
Or they may sing for no reason
It doesn’t matter if there is anyone there
Or what others think of them
Or what the crowd says
It doesn’t even matter if they have any talent
They just want to live their lives
Share their happiness with others
And maybe see someone laugh, sing or dance
They feel the more the better
Yes, they may be insane

But that is a kind of crazy we all should admire

Friday, April 5, 2019

The Magic Of The Road

 The Magic Of The Road

So many roads
Each going a different way
Following its own path
They may intersect
Crossing each other
Allowing travelers just a second
Before they go along their way
But rarely two roads combine
Becoming one steady path
Travelers meet and walk together
Getting to know each other
And maybe falling in love
As rare as that is
It does happen to many

And that is the magic of the road

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...