Friday, May 31, 2019

We Are The Same

We Are The Same

I should be afraid of you
But I cannot figure out why
We are both the same
Just creatures living on the same rock
Eating, sleeping and making babies
That is all we were meant to do
So, since we are brothers, I will not harm you
And I trust you will not harm me
For today, tomorrow and forever
Let us both live and be as happy as we can
That is my wish for you my friend
And I hope that it is your wish for me

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Passageway To Heaven

Passageway To Heaven

It is such a beautiful walk
Lined by trees which have seen much
Leaves and grasses line your way
Giving you cool breezes as you walk
And leading you to a temple
The passage between Earth and Heaven
Where God hears our prayers
And He gives us His love

Monday, May 27, 2019

Mother Nature

Mother Nature

We should know better
We shouldn’t challenge her
I don’t even think we could
We are the ones who need her
She would be better off without us
But still we do not respect her
And we sure do not love her
So, she will lay in her gardens and wait
Wait for the moment we go too far
And she will shake us off like fleas
Then she will start all over again
And she will hope that she gets it right

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Carpe Noctem

Carpe Noctem

He was born in the darkest of night
No lights anywhere to be seen
Even the angels fled to safety
Through his whole life he embraced the night
Hiding from the hatred light
Demons welcomes him into their home
And he fit in better than he should
No one knew about his desires
No one knew that he feared the light
And the evil world that it created
Even in his moment of death he rejected the light
His lips formed as the last breath left his body
And you could hear the words “Carpe Noctem”
“Seize the night,” the way he lived
And the way he died

Friday, May 24, 2019

An Afterlife Of Books

An Afterlife Of Books

When my life finally ends
I do not wish to go to Heaven
Nor do I wish to go to Hell
Find a way to take my soul
Into a library with a million books
Please leave me there for my eternity
Do not mourn for me for I am happy
Surrounded by so many stories
I’ll have plenty to do in my forever
But, believe me between all of the words
No matter what I read or how I feel
I will always think of my love for you
That will be my real eternity

When my life finally ends
I do not wish to go to Heaven
Nor do I wish to go to Hell
Find a way to take my soul
Into a library with a million books
Please leave me there for my eternity
Do not mourn for me for I am happy
Surrounded by so many stories
I’ll have plenty to do in my forever
But, believe me between all of the words
No matter what I read or how I feel
I will always think of my love for you
That will be my real eternity

Wednesday, May 22, 2019



There are so many complaining
Tearing apart traditions years old
Not willing to listen or even discuss
They just want to start arguing
And creating hate between people
It is too bad that just because they speak
They assume everyone listens
But if they don’t take time to vote
Or, if they live in a distant country
Worse, if they just make a movie
Their opinions really mean nothing
So just shut your collective mouths
No one will listen to your meaningless words
And the only opinion you will hear
The only one which means anything
Is when everyone has the chance to think
And they will all just say “Whatever”
And get on with their lives

Monday, May 20, 2019

The Edge Of The Universe

The Edge Of The Universe

At the edge of The Universe
Time is just beginning
And time is just ending
All events have never happened
So, they may all be changed
They have also already happened
Thus, can never be different
It is a single particle of time
Which may or may not exist
Not in past, present or future
Yet, in all three at one time
It will probably never be understood
And will always be a mystery
Created by God just because he could

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Redhead’s Curse

Redhead’s Curse

I have known you forever
I have seen both sides of you
The demon with a temper
Which rivals Hell itself
And an angel with a love
Which makes Heaven seem sad
I have always loved you
And I always will
But there is one thing I need to know
Other than mine, which I freely gave
How many souls have you taken
And how many do you still have

River Of Tears

River Of Tears

Flow river flow
From the mountains
Through the valleys
Down to the oceans
Passing so many people
Please collect their tears
And wash them all away
So they will never be seen again

Friday, May 17, 2019

I Am Your Dreams

I Am Your Dreams

Let him fall asleep
I will rise from his body
Like a phoenix from a fire
I will create a new world
Maybe a new universe
All depends on how I feel
I can find as many loves as I want
And make love to any woman I see
Breaking hearts and destroying empires
I will be a king or a god among men
Or maybe I will bake bread
Whether I make demons on a million bunnies
It won’t ever matter
Once his eyes open, he will remember nothing
All of my efforts will fade away as he wakes up
Except the damn bunnies
He will always remember those bunnies

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

My Smiling Dunny

My Smiling Dunny

My job is the lowest of the low
Cleaning rooms where people have to go
I have seen so much
Most would make you cry for me
But I have to handle it all
When I get the chance
I try and change my corner of the world
My spirit flies when I am not too serious
So, if you need to use my room
I will warn you to look around
Just before you have a seat
Something may be looking at you
And maybe you will think of me
And you will smile knowing that I am smiling
Just as big as that seat which you will use

Just Be You

Just Be You

You know who you are
What you want to be
Who you want the world to see
But when you go out people look
They think that you are a freak
Someone to be ignored
Just because you look different
You shouldn’t worry though
They do not know you
They do not see what you see
You are you and you cannot be anyone else
So be yourself and don’t try to please them
You are perfect and that is the best you can be
Just live, be happy, and be you
That will really piss them off

Monday, May 13, 2019

Notre Dame

“Notre Dame”

A morning in April the world changed
And something which no one ever expected
Happened to a building in Paris
Hell reached up and grabbed a piece of Heaven
And the cathedral of Notre Dame burned
Millions cried as God’s soldiers fought the blaze
So much history and so much religion died that day
The fire turned the cathedral into a smoldering skeleton
Even after the inferno some of the faith survived
Icons and relics collected over the centuries
Rose from the ashes into the morning sun
As long as just one relic or one stone had made it through
Notre Dame will live forever

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Blue-Green Earth

Blue-Green Earth

Once man takes his last footfall
When his influence died off with him
Nature will once again rise up
And it will take a very short time
For man to be totally forgotten
Jungles and swamps will reappear
Erasing the building and roads
The deserts will fade away
And the Earth will again be blue-green
The way that she was meant to be
And the way she will remain
For as long as man is forgotten

Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Heat Of Winter

The Heat Of Winter

I used to hate when snow came
All of the cold and falling
The bleakness of everything
There was nothing to love
Winter will be here in a few days
With no snow or cold
And everything is still leafy trees
And millions and millions of flowers
So, I cry when I look out of the window
I miss the snow and the ice on the windows
Maybe I will put on my shorts and tee
But my thoughts will be about the snow of home
I will go out and get a sunburn again
And complain about the heat of winter
Just like everyone else does

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Walk Away From the World

Walk Away From the World

It wouldn’t bother me
If my neighbors were five miles away
I wouldn't care if I had no cell phone
No WIFI wouldn’t bother me
Neither would a lack of TV or newspapers
I would not need a thing man has to offer
I would want a stream with some fish
A tree to sleep under
And maybe a cricket to chirp at night
That could happily be my life
If I could just walk away from the world
And leave it all behind

Monday, May 6, 2019

The Beauty Of Cobblestone

The Beauty Of Cobblestone

I remember a sound
One which is not heard any longer
Almost extinct in American cities
That was the sound was walking or riding
On a cobblestone street
Bikes made the most annoying noise
But it was also the most beautiful
There was something most people knew
A cobblestone street has an artistic beauty
Created my masters who knew what they did
One by one they have been covered up
Torn out or just abandoned
Europe keeps them alive
Making sure the next generation knows them
If only America could learn something
A valuable lesson they have seem to have forgotten
Not everything old should be replaced
And not everything new is better

Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Flower At The Grave

The Flower At The Grave

He hates walking through cemeteries
It isn’t all of the tombstones
Nor is it the sadness of loss
His eyes tear up when he sees certain graves
Ones where the deceased are forgotten or ignored
No one ever mourns for them
Has there ever been a tear shed for them
Does anyone even know that they are there
He stops at each one and each person by name
Leaving a single flower on each one
And saying a prayer for each person
He knows it probably doesn’t make a difference
At least not to anyone he knows
But if just one soul smiles because of him
He believes that he made a difference
And that makes him happy

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

A Place For Dreams

A Place For Dreams
By R.e. Taylor

I always learned the same thing
The dreams you have come from the mind
Intellectual and well thought out
With hidden meanings
Known only to some but not by all
I never believed any of that
The dreams I have come from my heart
They never show my intellectual thoughts
I let my emotions flow within them
They tell what I should do, how I should feel
So, I don’t need anyone to tell me the meanings
I know in, not my mind, but rather in my heart
The place where dreams belong

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...