Sunday, September 29, 2019

Beauty Of Age

Beauty Of Age
By R.e. Taylor

Whether an object or a person
Most time age means ugly
It is hidden away
Locked into the darkness
But sometimes age reveals a beauty
Creating a new character
Which was never seen before
Try looking at age in a different way
Look past all of the stereotypes
And see what time and nature created
You may just be surprised

Thursday, September 26, 2019

We Will Watch

We Will Watch

We have been watching you
Ever since you stood on two legs
We have taught you so much
Helped you build your world
We even became your gods
But you were different then
You lived with a kind of honor
You fought face to face
For reasons which you believed
Lying and theft were looked down on
And respect ruled the day
Now, you can lie, cheat and steal
You can kill a thousand miles away
And become a king among your people
There is no honor in your lives
That is not what we taught you
And we do not think that you even care
So, we will not be back for a long time
We will watch and we hope you will improve
Only then will you learn how to live
Only then will you fit into the universe

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Colors Will Dance

The Colors Will Dance

So many colors
Appearing just once a year
Dancing around
Singing a non-heard song
They are celebrated by many
Feared by many others
The blues of the skies
The greens of the grass
The fire of the fallen leaves
Showing the end of life
And the beginning of a sleep
Still, everyone knows
Life will return in a few months
The cycle will continue
And the colors will dance again

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Give The Earth A Chance

Give The Earth A Chance

The world is ending
So, everybody says
Too many people
Breathing and living
Lunatics take to the street
Yelling and screaming
We have to do something
Yet, they are so, so wrong
The world is not ending
We are not going extinct
And everything will be fine
All you have to do is shut your mouth
Stop all your grandstanding
And give the Earth a chance
It can do more to heal itself
Than you could ever think of doing

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Under The Stars

Under The Stars
By R.e. Taylor

Look up in the night sky
Try and find your stars
Whether it is the North Star
The Belt of the Hunter
Or the five stars of the Southern Cross
Know that the one you love
They are looking for the same stars
And when they find them
They will know the path to you
And know that your love
It will be real and blessed by Heaven

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Loving Under The Stars

Loving Under The Stars
By R.e. Taylor

There have been so many nights
In a time when we were in love
I wished we could have found a hilltop
Laying together, just watching the stars
Maybe talking about our future
My waiting for just the perfect time to kiss you
And just the sounds of our beating heart
They should be the only things the stars needs
To know that I love you now
As I have loved you forever

If The Atoms Never Met

If The Atoms Never Met

Long before history
We all began as atoms
Single and floating
In a vacuum of new space
There were no colors
No religions
And no national borders
We were just the same
No differences
Just lonely atoms
It wasn’t until the atoms met
Came together and formed life
Hatred and prejudice were born
And we sank into our own hell
If only the atoms had never met
And space was still just a vacuum
How different the universe would be

Tuesday, September 17, 2019



The world is on fire
Burning from the inside
No one knows it
Or maybe they don't care
New wars breaking out
Armageddon just around the corner
People dying in the cities
Turning to ash before our eyes
Yet, we just stand and watch
Listening to politicians talk
Saying everything is alright
We don't know any better
So, we keep voting them in
Believing all of their lies
Until the world exists no longer
Then we will know the truth
After we are all dead and gone
We will know the truth

Friday, September 13, 2019

Take A Chance

Take A Chance
By R.e. Taylor
© 2019 Shadowlight Publishing

You knew the day was coming
The day you had to prove yourself
Whether or not you had the courage
Whether or not you became you
Now the time has come
You have to make a decision
Yes, the canyon before you is deep
So deep you cannot see the bottom
Will you jump and believe in yourself
Yes, you may fall to the depths
And you may never become who you are
But you may fly over the chasm
Look down and smile as you become you
All you have to do is ignore your fears
And that means that you have take a chance

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Flowers In Her Eyes

Flowers In Her Eyes
When you were just a little girl
You planted your first garden
A single daisy in an old clay pot
As it grew and bloomed
You planted more and more
Soon hundreds of plants filled your yard
Fairies, unicorns, and friendly rabbits
They all called your garden home
That garden became your life
It was in your heart and soul
Becoming the only thing you could see
And when you died so many years later
The flowers of your garden were in your eyes
And, wherever you ended up
We are all sure that that little girl will be there
And so will the little daisy plant which started it all

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Live Every Moment

Live Every Moment

Stop just a second
Don’t look back
The past is gone
And it ain’t coming back
The future ain’t here yet
You may think you can change it
But it was decided for you
Back when time was just a dream
So live in the moment
You can live your whole life in a moment
You can dream or make a wish
There is nothing you can’t do in a moment
It is the only time which matters
So, live each one with all you can
And each one will give you a life

Monday, September 9, 2019



In the heat of a summer night
Sleeping naked upon cotton sheets
Or in the freeze of a winter’s night
Covered in as many blankets as possible
Sleep evades a true insomniac
It doesn’t matter whether a full moon
Traveling through a billion stars
Or a new moon with no light to cast down
So, we lay upon the bed
Not sleeping but not fully awake
So many ideas enter and leave our minds
As well as thought about being a better person
Eventually the time comes to curse the night
And pray for morning to come
Just so we can leave our self-imposed cell
And still know that another night is coming
But maybe if we pray, we will find sleep
Even if just for a few hours

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Last Words

Last Words
By R.e. Taylor

I can visualize your lives
Men, woman and children
All going on with daily routines
But one day you were gone
All of you.
Not one person left
There was no warning
No messages were left anywhere
No sign that you were even there
Except the buildings you left behind
Even with those we do not know you
I just want to know one thing from you
As your world fell down around you
What was the last thing you said
It had to have been good words
I would not expect anything less from you
And I don’t think I would be disappointed

Seeing What I See

Seeing What I See

We don’t see things the same way
Nor, do we hear or read thing the same way
That does make the world a better place
And opens eyes to new possibilities to learn
Even though we do listen to what others say
We only know what our minds tell us
We create our art by what we see
It may not be exactly real
But it is the world we choose
And the world we create from what we see
It won’t look like what you see
But yours will not look like what I see
That’s what make it true art

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Held Away

Held Away

He walks around in circles
Looking through the metal bars
Watching the sun dancing in the trees
And the breeze blow so softly before him
But he will never feel the warm sun
Or smell the sweet scent of a breeze
Instead he envies those beyond the bars
Wondering how it would feel to take a step
But he will never know how it feels
Other have set his fate for him
And they never want him free
So, it will never change
Until God comes down and frees him

Friday, September 6, 2019

The Girl In The Shoes

The Girl In The Shoes

I didn’t even have to see her
Just the clicking of her heels
And the glint of red from her shoes
I saw her so many times, but I never met her
Her looks and her attitude always scare me
I am not sure by they did but they did
So, I sit and watch her walk by me
And up to the chair where she drinks her wine
She only drinks a glass i\or two before she leaves
And my heart leaves with her
She will never know how I feel
But I don’t care
I will love her forever
Even if I can never tell her

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Don’t Believe The Mirror

Don’t Believe The Mirror
By R.e. Taylor
@ 2019 Shadowlight Publishing

Every day it’s the same thing
Stop at a mirror and stare
Looking for new grey hairs
Or a new wrinkle or two
If you don’t find any
You look closer and closer
Never quite sure if you see them or not
Then the make-up comes out
And your real face disappears
I just watch in amazement
Watching you change before me
Don’t you know that every wrinkle
Every grey hair on your head
And every little imperfection
They make you unique and so beautiful
It’s just too bad that you can’t see it
But, I can and so can everyone else
So, try one day just being you
Because you are beautiful beyond belief

Monday, September 2, 2019



Everyone learns one lesson
There will be times when you need to talk
Your Mom and Dad won’t do it
Neither will any of your friends
Even if you’ve known them forever
They are just not the ones to talk to
You need that one person
A brother from another mother
A sister from another mister
Someone who shares your soul
And has shared your fears and tears
They will always be your true mates
Watching your back and caring for you
Just as you would always do for them

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...