Thursday, April 30, 2020

My Bestest Friend

My Bestest Friend
By Lord R.e. Taylor

We have been the bestest friends
Sharing our lives since I was born
Now I am all grown
I want to share everything with you
Spend all my days and nights with you
You are my life and when we are together
Even when we watch the people below
You are still my bestest friend
And you always will be


By Lord R.e Taylor

Let me walk to Mount Helicon
The home of the ancients
The place where the muses live
Surrounding a magical spring
Created by Pegasus
Blessed by the gods
It is the birthplace of all inspiration
I only ask one thing during my life
Just allow me to tip my fingers in the waters
Gain the insight Pegasus released
The magic found only at the Hippocrene


By Lord R.e. Taylor

I have a new name this time
You know I have been here forever
I have shown you what I can do
So many millions have died
Billions more have suffered
And know they feared me
But you, you people don’t
You think I am not serious
That I will walk away this time
I am not going anywhere
Many more of you will die
Many more of you will suffer
I promise you that
Try and do something about it
I dare you

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Just Play

Just PlayBy Lord R.e. Taylor Suspend your disbeliefLet yourself be five years old againGo out into a fieldYou’ll see so much you have missedFairies dancing, singing and playingBeing the child, you should beDon’t you dare think too muchJust join inLet the fairies show you what life should beAll you must do is dreamLet your life finally be freeAnd for God’s same just playPlay like your life depends on itYou will see how much better you will be Fairy Riding Butterfly by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite

Sunday, April 26, 2020

God’s Eternal Love

God’s Eternal Love
By Lord R.e. Taylor

God does show He cares
Miracle after miracle
He sees some people are alone
They live their lives alone
They die all alone
And they never have any mourners
So incredibly sad
Still, God leaves His mark
He lets those lost souls see His heart
Then they know that they are not alone
And that they are all loved
And they will have a place with Him
Living in His eternal, love

Friday, April 24, 2020

Path Of The Fates

Path Of The Fates
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Billions of years ago
The universe was seconds old
The Fates already knew us
They decided what we would be like
And they gave us each a path
One which we would follow alone
We may intersect with others
They knew that we would
But they made it so that we may meet
And our paths may closely match
We could never share our path
That one was for you and you alone
So, just walk it and do your best

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Abandoned Places

Abandoned Places
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Abandoned places
Lost to time
Left to die without dignity
Far from the concrete roads
We should remember them
Their past beauties
And what they meant to us
The things we did there
The fun we may have had
The moment their doors shut
Remember all the good things
As long as you can do that
It will never be truly abandoned

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

How Will We Survive

How Will We Survive
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Minute after minute
Hour after hour
Day after day
The exact same thing
Nowhere to go
Nothing to do
Just eat, sleep, and drink
With only a single shot left
It has to end soon
One single shot
The rest is long gone
No idea how we’ll survive
Once all the whiskey is gone

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

I Am Just Me

I Am Just Me
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I may have a lot of thoughts
Maybe a lot of feelings
You might not understand
And I may not want to tell you
They are a part of my life
Who I am and who you can see
However, they will not ruin me
I will not allow that to happen
But I will never be like you
And I may never change
I am just me
And that is all I am

Monday, April 20, 2020


By Lord R.e. Taylor

Children are miracles
No matter what ever happens
They are always so happy
All it takes is for someone to smile
Someone to say “Wow, that was good”
But it might take something simple
Sometimes maybe just a dance
On a lonely street
In front of your bestest friend
That could be just enough
To make your life better
And allow you to feel complete
That is so much for a kid
But just enough for a miracle

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Her Only Kiss

Her Only Kiss
By Lord R.e. Taylor

She never had a choice
It was deemed long ago
Before she was born
She was to wander the world
Looking for her love
Trying to find that single person
The one who would give her a kiss
The one person who would make her happy
From her birth she never had a single kiss
27,000 days later
As she lay dying
One young man smiled
Gently kissing her on the hand
Smiling back, she took her last breath
Finally, happy
She was assured her place in Heaven
All from a single kiss

Friday, April 17, 2020

Please Leave Boreas

Please Leave Boreas
By Lord R.e. Taylor

You came to visit long ago
Talking away the flowers
The leaves and the warmth
But you gave us a blanket of white
So beautiful to look at
Watching the kids play in it
And digging ourselves out every morning
But now it is Spring
With flowers and leaves
Warm weather and a lot of sunshine
Now is not your time Boreas
Winter has left and Spring has come
So please just go home
Take your snow with you
In six months, you may return
But for now, just leave
Give Persephone a chance
And let her Spring rise again

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Ice Wine

Ice Wine
By R.e. Taylor

Aging fruit
Just a touch of snow
Freshly harvested
Carefully pressed
Make the sweetest wine

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Our Special Place

Our Special Place
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I remember the first time we came here
We were merely children
The day was warm, and the sand was smooth
We felt the warm breezes
And saw so many things in the clouds
Even at that age I knew something
I wanted to share it with you
But we were to young
At least that is what everyone said
I wanted to tell you that I loved you
That was so long ago
Things happened and we grew apart
But I still love you
I go back to our place every year
Hoping that you will be there
Just for even a moment
I will say those the little words to you
And maybe you will say them back
From that day
If it ever happened
Our special place would become magical

21st Century Life

21st Century Life
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Just another day
One out of many
The Sun comes up
Way too early for him
But the light is too bright
So, the easy chair comes into use
The TV comes on
And he spends his day doing nothing
No going to the market
No having drinks with his mates
Nothing but pooping, eating and sitting
And maybe sometimes a decent pee
Then he prays for night to come
Such in life in the twenty-first century

Monday, April 13, 2020

My Redheaded Demon

My Redheaded Demon
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I have known you forever
Or so it seems
But I have heard so much
How redheads can be a terror
Demons sent to punish man
By controlling us with your glance
You love stealing a man’s soul
Adding each one to your number of freckles
You have done so much more than that
My heart and my soul have been stolen
However, you never knew the truth
You didn’t really steal them
They were never mine to steal
I gave them to you on the day we met
I always loved you my redheaded demon
Maybe, just maybe, you will love me too

Sunday, April 12, 2020

My Mother’s Love

My Mother’s Love
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I was not an easy birth
Forty minutes before my first breath
I became my mother’s miracle
While I grew, I was never a model son
Getting into trouble more and more
Yet, she never gave up on me
Even as she lay dying
Her thoughts were of me
I managed to sleep that night
Through the tear I prayed for her
But, her love for me was still there
A gentle kiss in the middle of the night
Just a gentle breeze felt on my cheek
And I knew that we were going to be alright
And I knew that my mother’s love would never die

© 2020 Shadowlight Publishing

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Juliet Is Gone

Juliet Is Gone
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Every day he stands
Waiting for her to appear
His love to come to her balcony
Even though he gave his heart
That girl could not love him back
So, she walked into the darkness
Never to be seen again
Romeo’s heart may have been broken
But he still waits under the balcony
Waiting for his Juliet to return

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Dying Alone

Dying Alone
By Lord R.e. Taylor

She lived so long
Raised numerous children
And helped raise many more
Grandchildren and greatgrandchildren
She did live a long, full life
Sometimes sad but most times happy
That was just the kind of woman she was
But she stepped too close to someone
Became infected by a new disease
No cure and no treatment
With that she couldn't live long
She died alone
No one there to say goodbye
She was buried alone
No one to cry over her
At least there were so many remember her
Even if she went to Heaven alone
She will always be loved

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Worth The Wait

Worth The Wait
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Beauty can be hard to find
It may take just a second
Or a minute, a day or a lifetime
But in one instant it will appear
It is so much harder with people
Sometimes you have to look
Not at what is on the surface
Rather look at what is inside
It will be the most beautiful you will ever see
You just be patient and wait
It may take just a second
Or a minute, a day or a lifetime
But in one instant it will appear
And it will be well worth the wait

Friday, April 3, 2020

Use Your Mind

Use Your Mind
By Lord R.e. Taylor

The human mind is a miracle
It can help you make a baby smile
Or it can darken the world
It controls everything in your body
Everything you feel or think
And everything dream you’ll ever have
It can and will make you overthink
Fear things which will not harm you
And face things which may destroy you
It can also allow you to follow the herd
Believe everything thing that someone says
And do whatever they tell you to do
So, whether you herd or not
Use the miracle God gave you
And think things over before you act
Then think again and again
Take time to make up for those who don’t
And, for all our sakes,  just don’t be stupid

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Going Out

Going Out
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I went out today
Just a trip to the store
But it was another world
Not a single car on the streets
No one else was shopping
Hell, no one was anywhere
My mind wandered
Making up stories about where they were
Not one of them made any sense
Then I heard the sound of a cough
It was far away but clear
Whoever it was, was hiding
From what I do not know
That was the only sound I heard
Then it became too quiet
And I knew the world had ended
Not in a roar
No fire or brimstone
No needless war
Rather it ended with a cough
Kind of poetic ain’t it

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...