Sunday, January 31, 2021

Lifeless Library

Lifeless Library
By Lord R.e. Taylor

What did The Fates do
A temple for knowledge
Destroyed in moments
So many pages no one will read
Every book left there to rot
They were all pure treasures
It doesn't matter who wrote them
How old or how rare they were
No book should face such a death
Maybe someday some person will care
All the lost books will be restored
They will have the chance to live again
 And a new generation will love them
Hopefully better than we did


Saturday, January 30, 2021

Hey Reaper

Hey Reaper
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Hey Reaper
I hoped you would come
You can try to take me
It won’t be easy
That’s my promise


Thursday, January 28, 2021

The End Of Poetry

The End Of Poetry
By Lord R.e. Taylor

No one knows when
A pen will be set aside
And the last word of poetry
Will be written with a tear falling onto it
Lovers will no longer find each other
Sadness will go on unspoken
And songs will no longer be sung
Poetry will be taken for granted
Eventually forgotten to time
When that finally happens
Humanity will get the end it deserves


Experience Creation

Experience Creation
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Every creation tells a story
Sometimes an escape from pain
Other times it tells a story
Maybe not good, maybe not bad
To someone it was important
So, don't treat it too badly
You may not know the laughter or tears
If you are lucky, someday, maybe you will


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Blessings Of The Dark

Blessings Of The Dark
By Lord R.e. Taylor

The Sun bleeds as it sets
Losing it in a battle to stay
To stop the night from coming
But the dark always comes
Bringing a new kind of life
Where dreams combine with passions
Waves of sensual winds blow
Lowering inhibitions to nearly nothing
And pleasure becomes the norm
So never mourn when the Sun bleeds
Instead, look forward to the night
And everything it has to offer you
It may just make your life


Monday, January 25, 2021

2nd Half Of The Day

2nd Half Of The Day
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Second part of the day
Cooling the world below
Making everything nicer
Allowing relaxation
Waiting for sunset


Sunday, January 24, 2021

Please Lady Pandora

Please Lady Pandora
By Lord R.e.Taylor

Beautiful Lady Pandora
I know we have not been perfect
And we do not deserve your grace
But we have survived so much
Going to hell and back
Year after year
Over and over again
Despite everything we survived
The one thing we needed was hope
The hope you saved for us
So please Lady Pandora
Keep hope safe for a little longer
We need it now to save our lives


Saturday, January 23, 2021

I Hope I Am Bodmin

I Hope I Am Bodmin
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I do not know for sure
But people are talking
Saying things I do not understand
I do write strange things
Seeing things no one else sees
Listening to the voices in my head
They usually have good ideas
So, maybe I am a bit bodmin
At least I hope I am
After all, I would hate to be normal


Friday, January 22, 2021

That Damn Crack

That Damn Crack
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Never saw the crack
Hitting the ground more than hard
Blood covering my leg
I really wish I could walk


Musical Escape Haiku #1

Musical Escape
Haiku #1
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Music playing loud
Relaxing your tense mind from work
Life a bit better


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Bad Thoughts

Bad Thoughts
By Lord R.e Taylor

Every night he thinks
Thought no one should have
How easy it would be
Just forget about everything
Do not care about anybody
And just put an end to the thoughts
He knows how to do it
How to put a stop to it all
Something stops him every time
But one day that something won’t be there
And in just a few minutes it will all be over
Sadly, he will be gone forever
But, at least, the thoughts will have stopped


Marisa’s Secret Garden

Marisa’s Secret Garden
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I cannot believe it
You have a secret
One that you never share
A magical little world
No people or animals
Only the creatures you allow
Mainly fairies and pixies
Magical beings which cause no harm
You give them a home
Where they can be free
And happy knowing your love

Thank you Marisa Bertolottii Agnes
for the beautiful picture


Sunday, January 17, 2021

The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man
By Lord R.e. Taylor

He thinks he is real
But he could not know
He speaks and no one listens
No one sees what he does
He is just outside reality
Loneliness is the only life he knows
So, he just wastes away
Unknown, unseen, and unmourned


Saturday, January 16, 2021

Heart And Blood

Heart And Blood
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Writing is my heart
Creativity is my blood
Without either I could not live
I honestly don’t think
I would ever want to


Thursday, January 14, 2021

Cicada Song

Cicada Song
By Lord R.e. Taylor

To most people it is just noise
Loud and never ending
Bad enough to explode your head
But to many, many others
It is a song sung by a million
Wave after wave of beautiful music
Echoing through the forest
The song of the cicada
One of nature's truest love songs
Something to enjoy as time passes


Life Will Always Be

Life Will Always Be
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Everything is gone
Burnt to ashes
No trace of what was
Not even a single memory
But there is hope
There is always hope
Life will not allow our demise
Life will fight for us all
It always has and always will
Even just a single flower
Fighting to reach up to the sun
That is life showing us all
Life will always be here


Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Sadistic Time

Sadistic Time
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Time can be too fast
It can creep along
Slower than a snail's pace
There is nothing we can do
It was all designed with one purpose
We were meant to suffer
Yell and loudly complain
Sometimes even shed tears
But somewhere and somewhere
Someone is laughing as they watch us
Sadistic beings in the heavens


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The Blessing Of Sunrise

The Blessing Of Sunrise
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Night after night
Hour after hour
I lay awake in the dark
Watching imaginary creatures
Listening to silence surround me
Waiting for the Sun to rise in the east
Waking the sounds of the local birds
And the laughter of the kids rushing to school
But most of all it gives me permission
To finally fall asleep and maybe dream


Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Light Of Hope

The Light Of Hope
By Lord R.e. Taylor

He is part of a sad generation
Seeing so much suffering
Still, he has the hope of youth
A bright light he carries
Unlike so many he cares about others
Sharing hope anywhere it’s needed


Saturday, January 9, 2021

Changing For The Worst

Changing For The Worst
By Lord R.e. Taylor

When did the world get so bad
Kids are no longer allowed to get dirty
They cannot get hurt
Or catch childhood diseases
Winning and losing does not happen
And it all occurred in one generation
We all, every one of us grew up
Getting dirty, hurt, and sick
We knew how it felt to win
And how we felt when were the lovers
The thing was, we grew up strong
We grew up knowing what life had for us
All because we all had parents who knew kids
What we were and what we could handle
And we loved them for it


Friday, January 8, 2021

Darkening Memories

Darkening Memories
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Every memory I ever had
Has become dark
Almost black but not quite
I know so many are lost
Some I treasured more than life
Some I never truly cared about
They may never come back
Lost to the never and the forever
They never did anything for me
Just causing sadness and regret
So, I know I will not miss them
I just hope they are happy wherever they are


Thursday, January 7, 2021

Child Of The Universe

Child Of The Universe
By Lord R.e. Taylor

No one knows of you
You are the child of the universe
Born to save all of reality
Innocence surrounds you
The ultimate blessing
Still, you are a true warrior
Ready to fight for everything good
And compassionate enough for those who need you
So, when you grow please never change
Stay just as you are
And everything will be perfect
Because you are here


Wednesday, January 6, 2021

I Miss Up North

I Miss Up North
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Moved to Queensland
Always too warm
Never any snow ever
God, I miss up north


Tuesday, January 5, 2021

You Wait Alone

You Wait Alone
By Lord R.e. Taylor

How long have you been alone
At one time you must have been loved
A family shared their lives with you
Then one Christmas Season it changed
Something happened you never expected
They suddenly just up and left
You were sad but you never cried
But the never came back to you
You waited and you are still waiting
You just hope to be loved again
Just like the rest of us


Monday, January 4, 2021

You Are My Everywhere

You Are My Everywhere
By Lord R.e. Taylor

The universe is so big
Still, I know that you are in it
I don’t even have to see you
There is just a positive feeling
That feeling is all around everything
It is you who makes the universe
And you who makes life livable
For everyone and everything



Sunday, January 3, 2021

Dream Girl

Dream Girl
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I knew you long before we met
So many times, you came to me
Living deep within my dreams
We spent days relaxing in the sun
So many hours kissing
And many, many more making love
Do you truly exist
I may never know
But, as long as I dream
You will be there, and I will love you


Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...