Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Butterfly Beauty

Butterfly Beauty
By Lord R.e. Taylor

How did God do it
Gathering every color from everywhere
Finding the ideal brushes
And using the perfect canvases
Not too big and not too small
Even though they do not last too long
Butterflies are works of art
Perfect, beautiful, and graceful
Just what they were created to be


Monday, March 29, 2021


By Lord R.e. Taylor

My imagination is strong
We never met but I loved you
Showed you in many ways
When we met and fell in love
My imagination was weak


Sunday, March 28, 2021


By Lord R.e. Taylor

No matter what
I do something
I forget why I did it
I go somewhere
I forget where I am
And why I went there
But I know my mind still works
At least I think it does
I may have forgotten though
Maybe someday I will run for president
If I could just remember where Washington is


Friday, March 26, 2021

The Fantasy Prince

The Fantasy Prince
By Lord R.e. Taylor

She has been in love so many times
Every one of them left her
Some were at least polite
Others left nothing but endless tears
Finally, she found her perfect love
Who only lives within her dreams
Nights of impeccable kisses
And passions only found in magic
Her Prince Charming was not real
But sometimes fantasies can be so much better


Thursday, March 25, 2021

Don’t Be Normal

Don’t Be Normal
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Sometimes normal just doesn’t work
Being silly or stupid fits better
So, don’t listen to other people
They will usually tell you no
You know it will be the thing to do
The best thing you can do is just do it
After all, it is your life so just live it


The Phoenix

The Phoenix
By Lord R.e. Taylor

There are so many stories
Told over the last three thousand years
You were always the hero
A god who always fought for right
Returning in a ball of flames
Whenever the fates turned against you
A single phoenix traveling free


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

The Magic Of The Moon

The Magic Of The Moon
By Lord R.e. Taylor

The magic of the universe
So rarely seen by man
But it created beauty all around
It even graces a dead world
A beauty so amazing it has been treasured
Written about in stories and poems
Sung about by so many singers
It is a beauty covering a sleeping world
A miracle of magic from a loving God


Tuesday, March 23, 2021


By Lord R.e. Taylor

Honor cannot be taught
Nor can it be learned
It must be born in your heart
And raised within your soul



Monday, March 22, 2021

Your Heaven

Your Heaven
By Lord R.e. Taylor

What is Heaven like
God sitting on a golden throne
Saint Peter guarding the gates
Maybe angels flying between the clouds
Or is it tent sitting on a small island
Smooth cool water under a billion stars
And a roaring fire cooking your dinner
Whichever you choose is right for you
Your Heaven will truly be a paradise


Saturday, March 20, 2021

The Playful King

The Playful King
By Lord R.e. Taylor

You are a true king
A warrior and a god
Defending your lands
All while loving your family
You rarely allow your true self to be seen
The prince you were as a cub
Playful and funny
A child hiding in an adult's body
Praise be to the younger you
Long may you reign


Friday, March 19, 2021

The Beauty Of A Sunset

The Beauty Of A Sunset
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Everyday people gather
Standing on the beach
No matter of heat or cold
Some kiss as the sky turns gold
Others pray to ancient spirits
Still others just admire the beauty
God gave us sunsets for many reasons
One reason above all
To show us the love He has for us
And the hope of a new day


Thursday, March 18, 2021

The Curse Of Thinking

The Curse Of Thinking
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Thoughts can be good
And they can be bad
Especially when they come all at once
Or even so awfully close together
Without giving you a chance to rest
Headaches and lack of sleep follow
But the opposite is just as bad
When your brain refuses to work
And you cannot find a thought anywhere
All you would have is a brain full of nothing
Without a path to anything
Bringing you headaches and a lack of sleep
That shows that thinking is a lose-lose situation
So, just do not do it
And save yourself all that pain


Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Happy SPD

Happy SPD
By Lord R.e. Taylor

We have waited so long
Locked away in beautiful prisons
Though now the day has come
Break the mandates if you have to
Shatter the iron which holds you
Break through the doors
Run the streets and yell
Head to the bars and fill them
Drink everything they have
And forget the last year 
Above all remember one thing
“Happy St. Patrick’s Day”


Monday, March 15, 2021

You Are A Masterpiece

You Are A Masterpiece
By Lord R.e/ Taylor

I do not know you
Where you are from
How old you are
Or even your name
I know someone cared about you
They took time to paint you
Allowing your beauty lasts forever
You go ahead and keep your secrets
I probably would not want me to know
I will just admire you hanging on my wall
After all you are a masterpiece
And I bet you always have been

Artwork by John William Waterhouse


Saturday, March 13, 2021

Prowling The Night

Prowling The Night
By Lord R.e. Taylor

He prowls the night
Hunting for God knows what
But he has no choice
His blood surges
Memories of an ancient past
When panthers were his kin
But the needs for the hunts are gone
Replaced by a need for belly rubs


Friday, March 12, 2021

Song Of The Flowers

Song Of The Flowers
By Lord R.e. Taylor

The time is coming
It is only days away
Life will return to the world
Life’s song is beginning to be sung
A song written by Earth itself
So faintly sung by every flower
Maybe you can hear it
Just a sound on new Spring breezes
If it only lasts a few seconds
Or if it lasts the entire season
Listen to every single note
Then thank the flowers
Thank the Earth for what you hear
And celebrate life as you never have before


Thursday, March 11, 2021


By Lord R.e. Taylor

So many lies
In such a short time
More and more
Told everyday by the ones we trust
We are not given a choice
We are forced to hear them
And made to obey them
That is the new normal


Monday, March 8, 2021

My Darkness

My Darkness
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Darkness wins its battle
The light hides away
The angels of the day
Run into the few remaining spots of light
While wolves howl outside
And vampire bats own the air
It is best for innocents not to be seen
For their eternal souls will be in danger
The dark is for the guilty sinners
Allowing them to live the desires they all share
Know my friends, the world of the dark is my world
And that is where you will always find me
Living and loving among my own kind
In ways that you could never imagine


A Place Of Beauty

A Place Of Beauty
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I am sure a place exists
A place where every song is sung
Every poem is read
Every story is told
And every piece of art is displayed
That place could be on a mountain
Hidden deep in a sun lit valley
Or a flower covered hillside
But it is most likely a place in our minds
Where their true beauty can be admired
And maybe they will last forever


Friday, March 5, 2021

Your Body Knows

Your Body Knows
By Lord R.e. Taylor

The doctor doesn't know
Nobody can see the symptoms
But your body is acting strange
Your heart beats in perfect time
But it only beats for her
Your mind works as well as ever
But all of its thoughts are of her
Your body hurts so badly
But it only hurts to hold her close
You guess your body is just telling you
What your soul already knew
As long as you are alive
You will be in love with her
And that will never, ever change


Thursday, March 4, 2021

Always A Masterpiece

Always A Masterpiece
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It always takes a while
Usually, it creates a masterpiece
Sometimes it creates tears
But with every movement
Whether their art is good or bad
The potter creates a piece
They put their heart and soul into it
Then, no matter how it looks
Their work is always a masterpiece


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Man Will Not Be Hidden

Man Will Not Be Hidden
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Nature takes the world back
Covering it all under a blanket of clouds
But man’s accomplishments will not be hidden
They will always rise and be seen


Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Down A Dirt Road

Down A Dirt Road
By Lord R.e. Taylor

There is something perfect
Everyone can do it
All you must do is want to
Driving through a country forest
Down a little used dirt road
No stop signs or traffic lights
No road signs whatsoever
Just you and the road
A little snow and a deer or two
What could be better


Monday, March 1, 2021

Her Search For Love

Her Search For Love
By Lord R.e. Taylor

A gown of virginal white
Lit by the lights of a golden sun
Made from her wishes and dreams
She wanders the forests alone
Her heart looking for what her eyes cannot see
Her one and only true love
A Prince Charming which may or may not exist
But that does not matter to her
It never has and it never will
She has a strong hope which leads her
And she will never give that up

© Poem – MMXXI – Shadowlight Publishing


Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...