Friday, April 30, 2021

The Perfect Joey

The Perfect Joey

By Lord R.e. Taylor

Joey was always a bit strange

There was nothing wrong with him

He always did things his own way

Joey always saw the world in a different way

That made him just the perfect Joey


Thursday, April 29, 2021

Join Me In Darkness

Join Me In Darkness
By Lord R.e. Taylor

You want me to behave
Act and think just like you
I can tell you it ain't going to work
You tell me what do and what to say
That ain't me and it never will be
I cannot be who you want
Being bad is so much more fun
More fun than being a saint
So just let me be who I am
And if you can't just let me be
You know i will bring you in with me
Maybe you will see what being bad offers
And you will love me for that


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Time Passes

Time Passes
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Times comes and flies away
Just like the salty breezes
There is no stopping it
Or even slowing it down
All we can do is watch as it passes
And know it will never return


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

He Does What He Does

He Does What He Does
By Lord R.e. Taylor

He really does not know what he is doing
Nor does he know why he is doing it
But something guides his heart and mind
Making his hand write such beautiful words
He does not want to be rich or famous
Instead, he writes for people`s enjoyment
So, if you see his words think of him and smile
That would be the best gift he could ever receive


Monday, April 26, 2021

Behind The Door

Behind The Door
By Lord R.e. Taylor
Photo by

My mind tells me to think
There cannot be anything there
It is standing all alone
Your heart tells you different
Not all is as it seems
The door may lead to another world
It may show you things you never knew
Or it may just be a single door
A gateway to nowhere special
But if you listen to your mind
You may never know what could be waiting
Just beyond the door


Saturday, April 24, 2021

Being A Kid

Being A Kid
By Lord R.e. Taylor

What happened to kids
They used to be invincible
Made so by caring parents
Allowing kids to play outside
Challenged them to get dirty
Get hurt, even broken bones
Yeah, they cried but Mom never saw that
It was all part of being a kid
And they shared illnesses
Sleeping in the same bed
Drinking out of the same glasses
Anything to get sick
But they survived
Every one of them
Stronger than they started out
All because their parents love them enough
To just go out and be a kid


Thursday, April 22, 2021

All I Have

All I Have
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I don't have a lot to offer
Barely two pennies to rub together
I do have a heart which I could give you
There are more than a few dreams
It would be my pleasure to share 
A million hugs and kisses saved for you
And an entire lifetime of my love
It may not be that much
But it is all for you


Tuesday, April 20, 2021

I Love My House

I Love My House
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I am so glad to have a house
Away from my neighbours
With at least a semblance of privacy
So many will never realise that dream
Too many people crammed in tiny boxes
Stacked on top of each other
Dwellings separated by tissue paper walls
With the only fresh air coming from tiny windows
Humans were never meant to live like that
I am so glad to have a house
Away from my neighbours
With at least a semblance of privacy


Monday, April 19, 2021

The Same Yet Different

The Same Yet Different
By Lord R.e. Taylor

They may look alike
Possibly impossible to tell apart
But they are different from each other
Maybe as different as night and day
One of them is an angel
Well trained, friendly, and loyal
The other was born to hunt and kill
To run wild in isolated forests
Both should be respected
Admired and taken care of
They should be left to be who they truly are
Just the way we SHOULD treat other humans
Too bad we never learned that


Saturday, April 17, 2021

The Promise

The Promise
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Darling, we have been apart so long
I do want you to know that I am here
I so hoped that you could move on
Find the someone I know you need
Somehow, I knew that would never happen
Our love was far too strong for that
I still can hear our hearts beating together
Darling, please know that I am in the Good Place
And I swear that I will be here waiting for you
But until the moment that you join me
I will always be right here behind you
With you for every moment of your life
I can and do promise you that


Friday, April 16, 2021


By Lord R.e. Taylor

People have needs
Food, water and a home
There is one need people have
It digs deep into their soul
Claws at their heart
And lingers in the mind
Sometimes it is hard to find
It is usually around
All you have to do is look for it
Cuteness is all over the world
And so are the smiles that come with it


Thursday, April 15, 2021

I’m Still Alive

I’m Still Alive
By Lord R.e. Taylor

There is blood flowing within me
Heated by the fires of Hell
And given by a million demons
When everyone fears life
I stand and laugh at the storm
Because I know that when the lightning flashes
The winds blow stronger than ever before
And the rains destroy the planet
I will remain standing on the mountaintop
Laughing because after everything
All the world has thrown at me
I am still alive


Our Time Of Love

Our Time Of Love
By Lord R.e. Taylor

We share the warmth of the Summer sun
The beauty of the sky as the light fades
Maybe a wish on the first star of the evening
The best part has nothing to do with the heavens
It only matters that I am here with you
And that our hearts become one all over again


Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Truth Or Dare

Truth Or Dare
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I will not do it
I will not tell you
This game sucks 
And I am too sober
So, I am going home
And sleep


Monday, April 12, 2021

D And Nothing But The D

D And Nothing But The D
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Darkness fills the air
Daring the brave to emerge
Dragging armour and sword
Determined to have honor

Dragons leave their caves
Drumming their wings
Dirt flying up behind them
Descending on the village

Down the mountainside
Defenders take position
Demanding soldiers give their lives
Dying to save their motherland

Dozens do die
Destroyed by a powerful enemy
Dead men can no longer scream
Deafened by the cheers of the others
Daytimes shows the results of battle
Defenders standing over dragon bodies


Sunday, April 11, 2021

I Am Your Puppy

I Am Your Puppy
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I may not be the smartest in the kennel
I cannot sit, or play catch, or roll-over yet
I know I can give you a million kisses
And we can go on endless walks down forest paths
Just know that I am not that smart
But I am really, really cute
And that is the important thing


Saturday, April 10, 2021

The Garden Of Heaven

The Garden Of Heaven
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I have lived a thousand years
Wandering through the layers of Hell
Without a shred of hope
All I knew that I had lost something
Someone who I truly loved
Someone who would never join me here
Still, I pray that I will find you again
The Gates of Hell would open
I would once again walk hand in hand
We would share the gardens of Heaven
And maybe we can fall in love again


My Perfect Girl

My Perfect Girl
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I cannot believe that I met you
A living piece of perfection
Beauty and personality
Unmatched by any in our world
But you are also a secret
So many things I cannot see
So many things I would love to know
Someday I may ask you
But I do not feel that I should
So, I will get to know what you want me to know
Until then I will just look at you with my heart
And talk to you as my friend


Friday, April 9, 2021

Please Be A Dad

Please Be A Dad
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Okay, you can be a father
But can you be a dad
Will you love your child
Take time to play with them
Give them one thing…a smile
I will make a bet though
And I am pretty sure to win
You will never ever know their name
Or when they were born
So please if you become a father
Make sure you can be a dad
Your child deserves it


Thursday, April 8, 2021

Goodbye And Good Luck

Goodbye And Good Luck
By Lord R.e. Taylor

You are just one of trillions
A mere microscopic insect
Existing on a microscopic planet
There’re really is no difference
Between you and a bacterium on your skin
So, there is no need to hate other creatures
Just because you are not alike
So, sit down and shut up
Because if the world comes to an end
It will not be anyone’s fault
But no matter who you are
No one is going to survive
So, to all the trillions dying on Earth
Goodbye and good luck
That is all anyone can say so accept it


Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Our Kids Need Better

Greetings Friends, I wrote this piece after watching some teachers using every excuse they can think of not to go back in the classroom. Rather, your union tells you to teach illegals at the border. Believe me, it is not about the good teachers who actually care about their students and, even if it is only three days a week, go to class and teach just as the should. You all deserve to be honoured, the rest of you should be shamed and fired!

Our Kids Need Better
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Kids are dying
Losing their minds
All because of teachers
They still get their money
Even though they haven't taught
Haven't seen a classroom in a year
But they still get their money
Maybe they are lazy
Or maybe they are just greedy
There is one thing for sure
They do not care about kids
And that should be criminal


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

My Empty Heart

My Empty Heart
By Lord R.e. Taylor

My heart should be full
With love you showed 
Knowing you will leave
My heart will never be happy
Just an empty shell


Telling The Tale

Telling The Tale
By Lord R.e. Taylor

She has been around for a long time
No one knows how long exactly
She has seen so much
Good and bad times
And even times no one should ever have
She never gave up on anything
But her wrinkles sadly tell the tale


Sunday, April 4, 2021

Tribute To A Log

Tribute To A Log
By Lord R.e. Taylor

We have all written of love
The happiness of a child
And the sadness of a loss
We see what others don’t
Beauty and darkness everywhere
Even born in the deepest forest
A mighty tree
It gave life to so many animals
Cool breezes to so many others
All it ever asked for was water and sunshine
And that was what God gave it
We have no idea how long it lived
What it may have seen before man arrived
Hours later all that was left was a single log
But it has a story that should be told
Only if anyone cares to listen

© Poem – MMXXI
Shadowlight Publishing


Please Little Angel

Please Little Angel by Lord R.e. Taylor Please little angel You have done so much Helping children in trouble Taking them through their illn...