Monday, May 31, 2021

The Truth Behind The Smile

The Truth Behind The Smile
By Lord R.e. Taylor

You have such beauty
More than any woman should
However, there is a sadness in you
You try to hide it with a smile
But a single tear tells the truth
A truth that you cannot hide


Sunday, May 30, 2021

You Do Like Poetry

You Do Like Poetry
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Okay, you don’t like poetry
Maybe we can understand
But maybe we can’t
We see you in your car
We were not supposed to
You thought you were in private
But guess what, the world saw you
Driving along singing with the radio
It does not matter who it was
Their lines rhythmed over and over
Isn’t that the definition of a poem
So, maybe you always did like poetry
You just didn’t know it


Thursday, May 27, 2021

So Much To Do

So Much To Do
By Lord R.e. Taylor

So much to do
So little time
Hurry up
Never stop
Every second is precious
A minute never exists
Do not ever sit down
You can't stop running
Everything must be done
Nothing can wait
Tomorrow is never good
Today is the perfect day
Finish everything
So much to do
So little time
Modern life
Who needs it


Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Temple Of Nature

The Temple Of Nature
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Walk with me through an alien world
Created an eternity before man
Massive trees reaching for the sky
Animals still running wild
Scampering through giant ferns
Birds filling the branches
Singing songs taught through the ages
It is a mystical untouched land
A temple to the Church of Nature


Sunday, May 23, 2021

A Dog Is A Dog

A Dog Is A Dog
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Dogs come in the same colors as humans
White, black, brown, yellow, and red
But they never see it
Everyone is the same to them
There are even dogs of many colors
Still, that does not matter
A dog is a dog is a dog
No differences, just another dog
Just like a human is a human is a human
No differences, just another human


Saturday, May 22, 2021


By Lord R.e. Taylor

Another day
Something happens
Nothing important
Nobody noticed


Friday, May 21, 2021

Perfect Water

Perfect Water
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Imagine a calm lake
No breezes or winds
Not a sound to disturb the surface
You there all alone
Just stand and stare out
Marvel at such perfection
But all it would take is a grain of sand
A ripple barely seen as it entered the water
And the pristine surface would be gone forever
Never to be seen again


Thursday, May 20, 2021

A Single Spark

A Single Spark
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Unhappy for so long
Finally, a single spark
Just enough to make a smile
It should be shared
So, unhappiness can finally end


Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The New America

The New America

By Lord R.e. Taylor

I really want a beer

You cannot do that

The Governor says so

Maybe we can go somewhere

Not right now

The government took our gas

Can we have a safe and secure home

Nope, the President said we can't

Illegals will be given them before too long 

Too many people have died

Too much hatred filled the streets

Too much control over everything

What has America become

It is no longer what it was

Changed and not for the better

And that should be wrong

But not today

Not with our leaders


Monday, May 17, 2021

My Confusion, Your Words

My Confusion, Your Words
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I listen to what you say
I can’t believe these words came from you
It was a really strange idea
So, of course I look confused
I usually do when we talk
And today ain’t any different


Sunday, May 16, 2021

Never Think

Never Think
By Lord R.e. Taylor

The people in the palaces
The people with the crosses and collars
The people who stand up to teach you
They want you to listen only to them
Learn their ideas and follow what they say
Never speak out on your own
Never think any non-approved thoughts
And never, ever say that they are wrong
If you do ever speak out against them
You will disappear into an unknowing Hell
Lost to the world, the universe and loved ones
Our leaders have spoken and condemned
And even God Almighty cannot help you


Saturday, May 15, 2021

Fly Free

Fly Free
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I was only wasting time
Watching you fly above me
Wide circles covering the sky
You have no limits
No borders below you
No one telling you what to do
Or what you cannot do
Your life is what every life should be
Total freedom to do what you want
All you have to do is be happy
It is too bad human cannot live like that


Friday, May 14, 2021



By Lord R.e. Taylor

He was always so smart
Smiling and friendly
He really lived his life
But that was a lifetime ago
Now his body is failing him
And his mind is long since gone
Now he just sits and stares
No more smiling or living life
He just is a shell
Nothing more and nothing less



Wednesday, May 12, 2021

My Beautiful Daughter

My Beautiful Daughter
By Lord R.e. Taylor

The day you were born
You opened your eyes
I knew that I was blessed
Such a beautiful daughter
The prettiest ever


A Touch Of Magic

A Touch Of Magic
By Lord R.e. Taylor

The world is made up of greys
Nothing is black or white
Everything is just grey
But one night a year that changes
A thousand fairies come to our world
Flying across all the lands
Spreading magical seeds before moving on
Our world comes alive with color
Maybe, just for a little while, there is beauty


Monday, May 10, 2021

Hunting Bear In Oz

Hunting Bear In Oz
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I need my true mates
Not just my friends
Only the mates who have my back
We will not use guns, arrows or spears
Still we will go out hunting bear
And none will escape us
Every Bundy Bear will be devoured
Until the last possible drop
Then we will move on to the next hunting ground
Until no bear is left standing
For that is the kind of guys we are


One Moment

One Moment
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Humanity has waited far too long
So many times it was within a breath
But it was just never quite right
Not the way it is tonight
Just the perfect sun in the right place
Clouds with a power of their own
And colors never been seen before
Tonight, this moment is special
It is an instant which may never be seen again
We should be honored that Nature shared it with us
And we should give thanks for such a beautiful universe


Sunday, May 9, 2021

The Real You

The Real You
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It does not matter who you were
Where you spent your childhood
Or what you have done or have not done
None of those things are the real you
All that matters is the you in your heart
The you that shows in your eyes
The one and only real you


Saturday, May 8, 2021

Stars Of The Garden

Stars Of The Garden
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Stars fall from Heaven
Landing in fields all over
Brightening every day
As they follow the Sun
In its journey across the sky
Such is the miracle of a sunflower
Stars given to us by a happy universe


A Magical Sunrise

A Magical Sunrise
By Lord R.e. Taylor

The Sun rises in the east
Promising brand-new day
Leaving the old one behind
New dreams and wishes
Promises which need filled
All coming with the fresh light


Friday, May 7, 2021

Growing Up

Growing Up
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I refused to grow up
That started so long ago
A family which kept on growing
So many jobs came and went
And pains where pains shouldn’t be
But I never did grow up
Now I see people walking with canes
Forgetting what they were doing
They have the same silver tint as I do
And giving up their fave spicy foods
Then it hits me when I talk to them
We are the exact same ages
Some are even younger
I realize the one thing I never wanted to
I DID grow up and there was nothing I could do


Thursday, May 6, 2021


By Lord R.e. Taylor

I cannot forget you
All I want is to hold you
That fills my mind all day
And all night
No matter how long it takes
Days, weeks or forever
I want only you
My one and only obsession


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Black Tears

Black Tears
By Lord R.e. Taylor

She has not lived that long
Living a life of pain and sorrow
Rejection and loss
She had no one to talk to
So, her problems built up
Far beyond what any human should endure
Her heart and soul became dark
Now she cries as she watches others
Tears as black as pitch flow down her cheek
A symbol of her pain the world can see
One that she can no longer hide


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

A Softer World

A Softer World
By Lord R.e. Taylor

The world is stressful
Brightly coloured
Loud noises
Too many people
We need to tone things down
Lower the volume  
Get away for a while
Paint the world with pastels
Sure as anything the stress will die
And you may be able to live


Monday, May 3, 2021

All Alone Girl

All Alone Girl
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Every day I see you in the same place
Sitting on the edge of the dock
All alone staring out at nothing
Are you waiting for someone
Maybe someone who will never return
Or are you a masterpiece made real
It is impossible to know for sure
So, I will just admire your beauty
I will marvel at your serenity
And I will leave you to your solitude
Just as you desire


Sunday, May 2, 2021

Standing On The Edge

Standing On The Edge
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Let the chasm open before her
Call her to the very edge
She is up for the challenge
The darkness does not scare her
The fire is nothing for her to fear
She was born into a world of death
Surrounded by needless hatred and violence
So, there is nothing hiding the chasm
Nothing and no one who can defeat her
She has seen it all before in a place called home


Saturday, May 1, 2021

A Good Day

A Good Day
by Lord R.e. Taylor

It may not be the best day
Cold and rainy
With birds crapping all over
Even with that we are together
Nothing else matters
And, the day does not seem so bad


Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...