Friday, December 31, 2021

Yin And Yang

Yin And Yang
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Such a spiritual place
Quiet, gentle breezes
Yin And Yang of a whole world



Thursday, December 30, 2021

Another New Year

Another New Year
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Another year has ended
One with problems unheard of
But we stood together
Now, another is beginning
So, we leave the past behind
And look forward to the future
A future of light and maybe normalcy
We will be one people
Welcoming 2022 with a smile
A bubbly glass of champagne
And a chorus of Auld Lang Sang

Lord R.e. Taylor


A Woke American


A Woke American
By Lord R.e. Taylor

There is so much they don’t know
They will ask but they don’t like the answers
It is not that they ever question them
They are always different from their beliefs
They will never admit that their ideas are wrong
But they will not admit any others are right
They get offended if anyone calls them on it
Sometimes resorting to crying or hiding away
They are modern, woke Americans
Safe knowing that their ignorance is protected

Lord R.e. Taylor

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

My Loss

My Loss
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I have not seen you in forever
You are in my dreams and my thoughts
Reliving every good moment, we ever had
And wishing there would be new ones
I speak with you sharing my dreams
And I realize what I lost in you



Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Winter’s Lonely Sculpture

Winter’s Lonely Sculpture
By Lord R.e Taylor

Never has winter been so creative
Finding just the right spot
At the right time of the year
A masterpiece of snow and ice
Not sculpted to be seen
Except by the lives in a lonely world



Not Alone

Not Alone
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Somewhere a universe away
Another Earth orbits another Sun
We have no idea what its people are like
Or even if there are any people there
All we can do is hope and pray
Maybe God saw fit to give us relatives
Even though we may never know
We can and will always believe
We are not alone



Monday, December 27, 2021

Beautifully Real

Beautifully Real
By Lord R.e. Taylor

A fantasy land
Not all sleek and shiny
But still more than real
Beautifully real




Sunday, December 26, 2021

Unplanned Winter Wonderland

Unplanned Winter Wonderland
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It does not take much
All it takes is a hill
A descent layer of snow
And a big ol’ bunch of kids
Then the magic starts
Snowmen, forts, and sleds
Just hundreds of kids being kids
And not a sad face in sight
A true ‘unplanned’ winter wonderland

Photo from Goodyear Metro Park
Akron, Ohio



Saturday, December 25, 2021

Let The Child Dream

Let The Child Dream
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Children have a purity
A belief adults have lost
Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy
They are all really real
At least to a child's mind
So please forget about being adult
It doesn't matter how old they are
Let the children believe
Tell them the stories they want to hear
Maybe make up some good ones of your own
Just don't tell them the truth
They will grow up soon enough
And that won't be as much fun



Thursday, December 23, 2021

Nature’s Christmas Decorations

Nature’s Christmas Decorations
By Lord R.e. Taylor

No one around to decorate
Still nature does her own thing
Dusting the tree with a light snow
And a tiny bit if moonlight
Making Christmas a little more beautiful



Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Elizabeth Bathory

Elizabeth Bathory
By Lord R.e. Taylor
I cannot believe that you are you
So many legends are told of you
The world’s first female vampire
You were so much more vicious
Bathing in the blood of virgins
And killing so many more
The men were no competition
You indeed earned you name
The Blood Countess of Hungary
Even today you are a heroine to so many
Elizabeth Bathory you will live forever
Just as you wished.

© Poem – XII/XX111/MMXXI
Shadowlight Publishing


Tuesday, December 21, 2021


By Lord R.e. Taylor

Umbrellas are used to keep rain away
Parasols keep away the Sun
You have something different
It does not block rain or sunshine
You use it to protect yourself
Keeping away the unending pain
Blocking your eyes from seeing the world
Stopping the world from seeing your tears
Hiding you away from pain and happiness
You do not want to see the way people love
You have made the choice you wanted
But until that shield lifts you will never live
It doesn’t matter what people tell you
You will just have to exist with you
And never be the person you could be



Monday, December 20, 2021

Missing Things

Missing Things
By Lord R.e. Taylor

There is something missing
He has no idea what it is
His life is just lacking something
He has looked for so long
He even had a vision of it once
But it left as fast as it appeared
Still, he has never cried over it
His life will go on without it
It won't be as happy as it should
But he will trod along facing life as he should
He has always been just that type



The Miracle Of The Solstice

The Miracle Of The Solstice
By Lord R.e. Taylor

December twenty-first
A one-of-a-kind day
The shortest day of the year
Created by a twist somewhere in the universe
It is prayed for and worshipped when it arrives
Somehow the stars look brighter
As if they are waiting the dead time’s end
With its endless fields of virginal white
The Sun also looks happier as it rises
Starting the beginning of new life
The same fields with grass and flowers
And millions of people with their smiles
The ones they lost during the long winter
Brought back by the wonder of the Winter Solstice



Your Mystical Spirit

Your Mystical Spirit
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It was such a long time ago
Even then girls like you were rare
Some mystical spirit lived in you
A soul who loved total freedom
And the ability to live your own life
Sometimes you would sing or dance 
To songs heard only by you
You should be proud of who you were
You should be proud of who you are
That special, mystical spirit is still with you
And your life is better for it



Sunday, December 19, 2021

Enjoy Our Open Spaces

Enjoy Our Open Spaces
   By Lord R.e. Taylor

The world is so crowded
7.9 billion people in a small place
Such crowding makes life hard
No room for anyone to breathe
Let alone move or even have a life
Some know of a temporary cure
Leaving the entire world behind
Finding a place no one else knows of
A place of clouds and fresh air
Maybe the smell of forests or flowers
Just a place to sit and realize
There is more to life than other people
God gave us all a world to enjoy
And we should take advantage of it
And enjoy the open spaces before they are gone



Friday, December 17, 2021

I Saw My Love

I Saw My Love
By Lord R.e. Taylor

We were children
I saw you playing
And I fell in love
A lifetime later
We have our own kids
And they have all of our love



Thursday, December 16, 2021

Our Angel

Our Angel
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Look at you
You are such an angel
Not a worry in the world
We all have a prayer for you
May you always be happy
Hopefully you'll never lose your laugh
Everyone you ever meet will love you
No one will ever cause you harm
And you will always just be you
The same angel we see now



Let It Snow

Let It Snow
By Lord R,e, Taylor

Just a few more days
If you are really lucky
There may be a few snowflakes
Drifting down swirling like magical stars
Snow can be a blessing to everyone
Hiding the mistakes, you've made all year
And bringing you all together for one day
To celebrate a special time with one’s you love 
So, if you get snow on Christmas Eve
Don't get angry and curse the weatherman
Go out and dance even if just for a moment
Live for the holiday and let the holiday live in you
Above all, have happy holidays and be safe
Because you are loved, even if you don't know it



Monday, December 13, 2021

Created Beauty


Created Beauty
By Lord R.e. Taylor

A different world
Familiar but not
A universe blessing a forest
Creating a new beauty
One which could be imagined
But never dreamed of



Sunday, December 12, 2021

Stars Above Your Head

Stars Above Your Head
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Such beauty and precision
Fills every piece of your life
Stars and planets are too imprecise
Maybe you see them as too simple
Or just not pretty enough for you
Only one thing could please you
Make you feel relaxed and at home
Snowflakes of every shape and size
Hanging above your head while you sleep
Giving you the world that you want
The world you need



Saturday, December 11, 2021

Strength Of A Woman

Strength Of A Woman
By Lord R.e. Taylor

She was always told to behave
To be like everyone else
Think the same as they do
Never say anything about anything
Always look like normal people
She never liked any of that
So, she dresses as only she would
Crosses in the middle of the block
She screams out everything she wants to
And she does not care what anyone thinks
She is the kind of woman to be admired
A leader without fear but full of passion
There should be more women like her
Women who come out of the shadows
And they show the world who they really are



Friday, December 10, 2021

Our First Kiss

Our First Kiss
By Lord R.e. Taylor

True, the day was not perfect
No sunshine or blue skies
On that cold and snowy day
I fell in love with you
We kissed a kiss to last forever

© Poem – XI/X/MMXXI


Another Kind Of Lockdown

Another Kind Of Lockdown
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Endless rain and black clouds
Stretching as far as the eyes can see
So many weekends ruined
Another new kind of lockdown
It must be some kind of joke
With the way this year has been
It must be Nature's warped humour
We know it really is not funny
But we will survive this too
And maybe we will laugh at the end of it all

© Poem – XII/X/MMXXI


Thursday, December 9, 2021

A Holy Star

A Holy Star
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It happens once a year
On the holiest of nights
A single star rises in the east
Calling out to all of mankind
Sharing the wish of God
Asking for a peaceful and loving world
A world that mankind can create
But only if we want to



Wednesday, December 8, 2021

In Your Mind

In Your Mind
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Whenever eyes close
Your mind starts to wander
Uncontrolled and rebellious
It finds the worst things you can imagine
And it can find the best things you remember
It can make you laugh and cry
Maybe forget something you want to remember
Or it can make you remember something you forgot
All in your mind



Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Her Song Of Winter

Her Song Of Winter
By Lord R.e. Taylor

When the sun sets, she sings her song
Calling in the icy winds in the north
Welcomed by some and feared by others
Landscapes which match her own beauty

© Poem – XI/VI/MMXXI


Sunday, December 5, 2021

Her Best Friend

Her Best Friend
By Lord R.e. Taylor

She met her best friend
On her eighteenth birthday
It was just a pair of jeans
New and totally fresh
They stayed together for life
Sharing so many experiences
Covering the last forty years
Sadly, she aged and so did they
Both needed patches on top of patches
But they stayed together the whole time
Never wavering in their friendship

© Poem – XI/VI/MMXXI


Saturday, December 4, 2021

Snow Empress

Snow Empress
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Just a few days left
The Snow Empress will awaken
She will walk across the land
Her work cannot be ignored
Shining, glistening water
Frozen in its place in mere seconds
Dunes of the whitest snow
Beckoning children to play
She may be hated by some
But you cannot deny her beauty

© Poem – XI/IV/MMXXI


Because You Are You

Because You Are You
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It doesn’t matter who you are
Where you live
What you do for a living
Which religion you believe in
Or even what color your skin is
If you are a good person
Even if you have a few flaws
You should never be judged
And most people will still love you
Just because you are you



Friday, December 3, 2021

Hidden Stories

Hidden Stories
By Lord R.e. Taylor

You died so long ago
Everyone just walked away
No on even remembers you
You do have stories left to tell
So many stories no one may ever hear
Hidden behind little drawers
It would be great if someone snuck in
Checked out those little drawers
Opening one after another
Just so they can learn the stories
And bring a little life back into you



Wednesday, December 1, 2021

From A Book

From A Book
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Souls of eternities past
Stories of unknown futures
All found in open books

© Poem – XII/I/MMXXI
Shadowlight Publishing


Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...