Monday, February 28, 2022

Nadya’s Memories

Nadya’s Memories
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Nadya was such a sweet girl
Every Sunday was her special day
Going into Kyiv with her mom and dad
Starting with a picnic in the park
She played with her friends from school
Then they watched as the city lights came to life
But all of that is sadly gone
Her mom and dad are no longer with her
Killed by the dreams of an evil madman
But every Sunday she goes to the park
But the lights are no longer shining
So, she stands alone surrounded by flames
She is surrounded by the stench of death
All because someone she never met took everything
Everything except that sweet little girl
She is the only one left who will remember
Just how a city could make her life happy
Even if just for a little while

© Poem – III/I/MMXXI


Taylor Needs Her Men

Taylor Needs Her Men
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Taylor,  yes you are special
Rich, talented and beautiful
You have recorded many songs
Mostly about men who have dumped you
Without them your career disappears
And you would be back with your Barbies
So, next time you write a song
Think carefully before you do the lyrics
It may not be the men who still think about you
It is you who cannot stop thinking about them
And good luck with the next man you sleep with
He may be the one to get you back on the charts



Thursday, February 24, 2022

The World Of A Fallen Angel

The World Of A Fallen Angel
By Lord R.e. Taylor

He was the whole other world
So many dark, shadowy corners
Places of lost prayers and wishes
Where nightmares become real
And happy dreams cannot exist
Full of demons and fallen angels
It is not a place for mortals to go
Cast there before the universe began
It became who he always wanted to be
Slowly becoming him and he became it
Souls made inseparable for all time
He will be around for all eternity
Just as he wished



Normal Is Not You

Normal Is Not You
By Lord R.e. Taylor

We all can see one thing
Normal is not your word
You do not like it
You never have
And you never will
That is just who you are
Different from everyone else
We would not love you any other way



Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Gift From Azraelle

Gift From Azraelle
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Far back in the forest
Where light never reaches
And people can never travel
Azraelle planted one flower
It grew and came into flower
Never sending out its children
It was a solo miracle
Living eternally all alone
Created to protect her people
A gift from the Goddess Of Life



Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Dedicated To PM Justin Trudeau

Dedicated To PM Justin Trudeau
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It used to be a beautiful country
Friendly, loving people everywhere
People who cared about everyone
And would never harm another person
The Covid Virus came
And the Nazis took over
Lead by an infantile fake Hitler
The innocent people are beaten
Arrested and their money stolen
Women and children are left to starve
All because the broke their government’s rules
But when elections come around
Citizens can vote them out
And the innocents can be free once again



Children’s Smiles


Children’s Smiles
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Children find the greatest friends
All they have to do is smile
Everyone loves them



Sunday, February 20, 2022

When I Die

When I Die
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It is hard not to wonder
What it would be like
When your heart stops
You can't take in needed air
Still your mind works
Knowing what is happening
Trying to understand events
But not being able to question
Just laying there dying
Finally, even your mind fades
And in that instant
When everything is gone
You simply cease to exist



Saturday, February 19, 2022

The Reward Of Patience

The Reward Of Patience
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Patience is a virtue
Waiting to get things just right
She did that so many times
Waiting for just the right shot
She was willing to take a year
Day after day
Sunrise until sunset
Watching for the right light
The right clouds and perfect weather
When it happens, she takes just one shot
It is the perfection her patience created

© Poem – II/XX/MMXXI


Thursday, February 17, 2022

Listen To The Young Ones

Listen To The Young Ones
By Lord R.e. Taylor

What do the young ones know
They never see color
Nor do they care about lives
Or even what species they meet
All they see is a possible friend
Only when grown-up get involved
Speaking their bigotry and hate
Only then does everything matter
And everything changes for the worst
The world may be a much better place
If only everyone would listen to the young ones
They seem to be the ones who know best



Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Make The Right Choice

Make The Right Choice
By Lord R.e. Taylor

At the split in the path
You face a fork
One well walked and worn
One grown over and unused
You want to choose the worn one
Make the better choice though
Walk the way no one travels
Find a whole new world
Beautiful and colourful
A land of the purest magic
Just make the choice no one makes
And all the happiness can be yours



Sunday, February 13, 2022

Love After Life

Love After Life
By Lord R.e. Taylor

When we first met
My heart skipped
My breathing changed
And I fell deeply in love
I knew that my life would be yours
My love would last my entire life
I never knew it would last longer
Far beyond the end of my life
Know that it will never end
I will love you for eternity and beyond
I just want you to know that



Saturday, February 12, 2022

I Am Just Me

I Am Just Me
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I may be strange
I may be different
But I don't want to be rich
I don't want to be famous
I am who I want to be
Just a normal type of person
No ego or pretence 
Just a friend you can talk to
A buddy to have a beer with
Or just hang out and look at girls
In other words, just a freaking guy



Friday, February 11, 2022

Not Now

Not Now
By Lord R.e. Taylor

No, No, No
It is too early
I just closed my eyes
You are lying
It cannot be time yet
No way
Just leave me be
And be here tomorrow



Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Sing, Dance, And Laugh

Sing, Dance, And Laugh
By Lord R.e. Taylor

The world may suck
Life is not what you want
But you are still you
With your hopes and dreams
And a killer smile
So, when things are wrong
Wait for a rainstorm to come
Rush outside into the middle of it
Sing, dance and laugh
Be yourself and enjoy
And tell the world two simple words
‘BITE ME’ seems the right choice
Say it and mean it
I promise you will feel better

© Poem – II/X/MMXXII


Nothing Else

Nothing Else
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It doesn’t matter
If we kiss or cuddle
If we make love
Or if we just sit and talk
If we are together
And if we are happy
Nothing else matters
As long as we love each other
And we are one forever
There is nothing else



Valentine’s Day’s Letters

Valentine’s Day’s Letters
By Lord R.e. Taylor

He has a handwritten letter 
Written years ago when he was a boy
A special letter to someone special
He wrote it on Valentine's Day
Asking his secret love to be his
But it was never delivered
He just kept it locked away
He never worked up the courage
But he didn't know that she wrote a letter
She also wrote it on Valentine's Day
It spoke of her love for that young man
But it was never delivered
So, they both missed out on love
All on a Valentine's Day

© Poem – II/IV/MMXXI


Tuesday, February 8, 2022

My Poems Are You

My Poems Are You
By Lord R.e. Taylor

There is one day I hate
Well, not really
I write so many poems
Every time I type a word
You are in my heart
All I write is for only you
So, when Valentine’s Day comes
Even though we are far apart
Remember how much I love you
Know that you are a part of me
And you always will be



Monday, February 7, 2022


By R.e. Taylor

Life changes
People change
Sometimes a new place is best
Just someplace different
For a brand new life



Sunday, February 6, 2022


By Lord R.e. Taylor

Birds are the most beautiful
Appearances and songs
They are signs of perfection
As harmless as they are
They just as defenseless
Prey for any other beings
The gods decided that was wrong
Such creatures needed protection
They chose a strong powerful woman
Gave her everything she needed
Releasing her into the world of nature
She protects the weakest of creatures
Safe from the dangers of animals and man
She is the answer to their prayers
And they each have a place in her heart



Friday, February 4, 2022

The Woman I Love

The Woman I Love
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I wait all night
Watching for morning
When I notice you awaken
Only then may I look at you
Loving the sparkle in your eyes
The beauty of the smile I want to see
I gaze upon the woman I fell in love with
The woman I will always love
Even if she wakes up as a grump

© Poem – II/V/MMXXII


Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Tabloid Beauty

Tabloid Beauty

By Lord R.e. Taylor

No one thought you weren’t real
The subject of so many dreams
But no one ever met you
No one ever talked to you
And no one has ever seen you
But so many people know you
Your stories and secrets
Your likes, your dislikes, and your loves
All told in tabloids you would never read
Is it safer for a beauty like you to be quiet
Or should you become a real woman
And you should speak your mind
That is all up to you and who you want to be


Tuesday, February 1, 2022

The Raven

The Raven
By Lord R.e. Taylor

You so love taking souls
How do you decide which to take
What makes one soul more than others
It seems that you don’t really choose
Why don’t you just admit it
You take anyone who meets you
So, you are just a host to bad luck
Just ask anyone who runs into a raven
If they still have their souls that is
Which would be doubtful going by history



That Child

That Child
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Every family has one
A child unlike the rest
One who does things for fun
Not care what anyone thinks
That child may be the one to save the world

© Poem – II/I/MMXXII


Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...