Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Winter Is Here

Winter Is Here
By Lord R.e. Taylor

June has come
The first of the month
The death of autumn
Winter’s claws dig in
Strong winds from the west
Antarctic temperatures
Rain forests become refrigerators
Snow arrives in the south
Tees and short pants disappear
And heavy coats come out
Such is June in Australia
But Christmas is a summer holiday
And a good day to go to the beach

© Poem – VI/I/MMXXII


Blessed Love

Blessed Love
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It seems to happen a lot
Two people who never met
They bump into each other
Completely by chance
A few words and a smile
And they are blessed by Venus
A lifetime later they are still in love
That love is shared by a universe
And shared by two special people



Saturday, May 28, 2022

God Will Be Watching

God Will Be Watching
By Lord R.e. Taylor

God will be coming to Earth
He will come because He is angry
He has lost His hope for us
He has no patience to take more kids
He does not want any more children in Heaven
They do not deserve to be murdered
They are His gift to us
He wants us to protect them
Cherish them for who they are
And give them a chance to be them
To play, make friends, and be children
Not even one of them deserved to die
So please do whatever you have to do
Protect them no matter where they are
Because God will be watching them
And He will be watching you



Friday, May 27, 2022

She Was All Alone

She Was All Alone
By Lord R.e. Taylor

She remembers that time
Sometime during the night
The door closed and he was gone
She never knew why
But on that night the moon cried
All because, for the first time
She was all alone



Thursday, May 26, 2022

The Good Old Days

The Good Old Days
By Lord R.e. Taylor

What happened to days of old
Why did we look away
And why did we never look back
Life was so much more fulfilling
There was no stress and life was slower
Time was never anything to be concerned with
Life passed just as it should
People lived lives with happiness
But that was a long time ago
And no matter how much we want it
It will never, ever come back
We were too far too late



Wednesday, May 25, 2022

You And Your Magical Guitar

You And Your Magical Guitar
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Sadly, I never got to know you
Through the years I got to know of you
The music you wrote and played
I listened to you each night
How could anyone write such beauty
And not be a beautiful person themselves
Now, you have gone home to the Father
Leaving your magical guitar behind
I am sure your music is with you in Heaven



Sunday, May 22, 2022

The Path

The Path
By Lord R.e. Taylor

The beauty of an old path
Just the right place 
Perfect for a young girl



Changes Will Come

Changes Will Come
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Changes have to come
Things are never perfect
They can always be better
It may not seem so
But the changes will come
They may be a surprise 
Maybe even a shock
However, they are there
They will always be there
There will always be more to come
And there is nothing you can do



Thursday, May 19, 2022



By Lord R.e. Taylor

It doesn't matter what you do
It doesn't matter what you say
It doesn't matter what you think
There will always be someone out there
Saying that your actions, words, or thoughts
Everything about you is always wrong
At least they are sure that what you do is wrong
You can either give in and cry about it
Or you can stand up and scream that you are right
Scream as long and as hard as you can
Make sure that they can hear you over everything else
No matter how many people say you are wrong
You know you ARE right and that is what matters



Tuesday, May 17, 2022

You Never Gave a Damn

You Never Gave a Damn
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I am sorry to say it
Your baby depended on you
She heard your voice
And she listened to your music
But you never gave a damn
A doctor dug her out
And put her in the trash
Yeah, she knew you were there
But you never gave a damn



Sunday, May 15, 2022

Not Like You

Not Like You
By Lord R.e. Taylor

He is not the same as you
Never learned to be quiet
Always he spoke his mind
Even when he got into trouble
So many thought him untouchable
He often stays hidden in his world
Mostly to save his own sanity
Also, to gather his own thoughts
No one else will ever hear them
But he doesn't care about that
He is who he is and that he is right
To him, that is all that matters

© Poem – V/XV/MMXXII


Thursday, May 12, 2022

A Whole New Vision

A Whole New Vision
By Lord R.e. Taylor

There are so many pictures
Portraits, landscapes, or still-lives
Every one of them has a story
Most times many, many more
Each person will see something different
Sometimes it may just be a small speck
But to that person that speck tells a story
However, that is what an artist does
Creating different realities for different people
And that makes the world go around



Wednesday, May 11, 2022


By Lord R.e. Taylor

Such beauty
Miles and miles
Barely touched by man
A place like that is a blessing
One which is fading away
Because man wants change
He is uncomfortable without it
So, drive as far as you can
As often as you can
Enjoy the planet the way it was made
Before it all disappears under new malls
And ever more parking lots
Making it impossible to get it back

© Poem – V/XI/MMXXII


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Bring The Magic Back

Bring The Magic Back
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Long ago magic was in the world
Everyone believed what they could not see
Then they stopped telling the stories
And the world lost its specialness
But even today the magic tries to survive
Fairies still build small colonies of mushrooms
They all hope that someone will look and believe
Even in today’s troubled world
That would be all it takes to bring magic back



Sunday, May 8, 2022

You Are Worth Knowing

You Are Worth Knowing
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Why do looks matter
For some it is the only thing
No one ever has a personality
No traits to be admired
And brains with no thoughts
They live in a warped reality
If you don't have a perfect body
Perfect hair, skin, or eyes
You are not worth getting to know
That is the saddest part of all
You are a beautiful person no one wants to know
But everyone should



Saturday, May 7, 2022

You Will Not Be Beaten

You Will Not Be Beaten
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Too many times
Something happens
You just have to say something
Most words do not seem right
Swearing seems to be correct
The word cannot be too wimpy
Nor can it be too strong
So, you practice every word
Trying to find just the right swear word
Eventually you just give up
And ‘gosh darn it’ comes out
Then you just walk away
Knowing that swearing did not beat you



Friday, May 6, 2022

A Moment To Love You

A Moment To Love You
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Time has been passing for so long
It is so hard not having you
I will wait forever without hope
Just to have a moment to love you

© Poem – V/VI/MMXXII


Tuesday, May 3, 2022

You Needed A Chance

You Needed A Chance
By Lord R.e. Taylor

You will never know your mommy
She never wanted to see your face
She never was going to call your name
She was never going to love you
To her you were just a mistake
Something to be thrown in the trash
You may have been someone special
Someone who could save the world
Or maybe your own baby would be loved
You will never get that chance
To her you never really existed
It is too bad she never got to know you
Maybe she could have loved you
All you needed was a chance

© Poem – V/IV/MMXXII


Nature’s Art

Nature’s Art
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It is a piece of art
Not made by an artist
Designed by nature
It is pure perfection
Petals of the brightest red
And the scent of Heaven
It is admired and loved by many
But sadly, it never lasts long
Turning into dust as it ages
It simply blows away
Never to be seen again



Monday, May 2, 2022

The Children Will Play

The Children Will Play
By Lord R.e. Taylor

People are learning
Children are not fragile
Finally, they should be allowed to play
To roughhouse with friends
Yeah, they’ll get some bruises
Maybe some cuts or injured bones
But everything will heal
The kids will always go back
And play some more

© Poem – V/II/MMXXII


Sunday, May 1, 2022

That One Instant

That One Instant
By Lord R.e. Taylor

One instant in time
It may not happen right away
Odds are it will take a while
Love may not be immediate
The chemistry may not be there
But as time passes by
It will find its way in
That instant will eventually happen
Your eyes will meet
Or it may come from a touch
It could be from something you say
Suddenly it will happen and you are in love
That one instant will be well worth the wait
If you can find your love with the right one

© Poem – V/I/MMXXII


Please Little Angel

Please Little Angel by Lord R.e. Taylor Please little angel You have done so much Helping children in trouble Taking them through their illn...