Thursday, September 29, 2022

After The Storm

After The Storm
by Lord R.e. Taylor

The rain will stop
The winds will blow away
And the floods will recede
Storms are planned that way
They must make room for something special
God has promised us to put on a show
A sunset beyond all description
Shining pure gold on the ground below
Parting clouds slowly drifting away
They are just there to add to the beauty
God does not punish us by sending the storms
He blesses us by reminding us of the peace He shares
After the storm is gone



Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Beauty Of A Lonely Beach

Beauty Of A Lonely Beach
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Find a nice quiet beach
Somewhere with no people
Walk on the warm sands
Listen only to the breezes
Hear the symphony of the birds
Watch the rhythm of the waves
Finally. let your imagination free
Tell yourself unwritten stories
Remember them to tell your children
Share your life on that lonely beach
That way may they learn of beauty



Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Light At The End Of The Path

The Light At The End Of The Path
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Something always happens on that path
Lights shooting back and forth
Leaving trails of sparks as they fly by
People always share silly rumours
Talking about beings from other worlds
Still, no one knows for sure
No one has ever walked the path into the light
Someday, maybe some will want to know
They will walk the long, lonely trail
And maybe they will find out the truth



Sunday, September 25, 2022

Into Your Eyes

Into Your Eyes
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I fell in love with you the moment we met
I remember both of us being so young
I knew even then that my love was real
We have spent so many, many years together
So many nights we have held each other
Kissing and loving each other until our eyes closed
Then, whenever we awaken in the morning’s light
And I look in your eyes
There is so much love in them
I know that the love that young boy felt for you
It will only get stronger
All it needs is to look into your eyes

© Poem – IX/V/MMXXII


Future King

Future King
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Raised to be a king
He will fill the role
It lives in his eyes



Saturday, September 24, 2022

We Used To Speak

We Used To Speak
by Lord R.e. Taylor

We used to say so much
That was not too long ago
The world has changed
People have been silenced
Afraid of being canceled
So we all cower in fear



Thursday, September 22, 2022

I Am Coming

I Am Coming
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Welcome the first days of fall
It is not so long away now
A special day when the veil thins
And I am allowed to walk the Earth
But there is no reason to fear me
Not on that day above all others
I am coming to celebrate with you
Bringing treats and gifts to your babies
They will be safe on that day
You will all be safe on that day
On that one day I promise you that
After that my promises will not matter
So, enjoy your All Hallows Eve
It just may be your last



The Jack-A-Lope

The Jack-A-Lope
By Lord R.e. Taylor

They think you are mythical
A creature everyone knows
But no one has ever seen
A wild jack-a-lope wandering the world
You are the strangest animal ever created
And the truest of treasures
If only you really existed



Tuesday, September 20, 2022

A Flame To Bring Him Home

A Flame To Bring Him Home
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Her true love went off to sea
Fighting a war she never understood
His ship sank and he was declared lost
But she never gave up on her love
Every night she lights a flame by the water
Hoping that he will see it and come home



Monday, September 19, 2022

A Different World

A Different World
By Lord R.e. Taylor

The world looks so different
Foggy and frightening
Yet also beautiful and tempting
Just on the other side of the fence
Maybe there are fairies living there
Or possibly a giant or a unicorn
But the air is too cool and quiet
The sun hidden by the dense mists
The world looks like something out of a book
And you know that in your heart
You will climb that fence
You will explore as far as you can
And you might find the magic you are looking for



Sunday, September 18, 2022

You Are Nothing

You Are Nothing
By Lord R.e. Taylor

You are just a tiny being
Nothing in the larger picture
Your nations mean nothing
Your race means nothing
In reality you mean nothing
Just animals on a dim blue dot
Not important to anyone bur yourselves
Look at yourselves from the Universe
You do not even exist
So, think what you will think
The universe knows the truth
And it really doesn’t care



Saturday, September 17, 2022

An Irresistible Urge

An Irresistible Urge
By Lord R.e. Taylor

You know not to climb the stairs
They have been in your nightmares
There is nothing for you at the top
Just torture, evil, and pain
Yet you endlessly climb
Your knowledge doesn’t matter
The stairs may end in the loss of you
That does not matter to you
Not at that moment
It is an irresistible urge



Friday, September 16, 2022

Your Final Mistake

Your Final Mistake
By Lord R.e. Taylor

You know me
In your dreams
Waiting and watching
For you to let down your guard
Your final mistake



Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The World Beyond

The World Beyond
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Everyday it is the same
The Sun wakes me up
God knows how many hours at work
A left-over for dinner
And the cable breaks down in the 4th quarter
Sometimes it is just too much
But there is a place I can go
A quiet little village
Resting in a peaceful valley
It is a place that really does exist
All I have to do is open my curtains
And it is all there for me to see
My perfect world beyond my reach
Resting just within my sight



Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Build Your Dreams

Build Your Dreams
by Lord R.e. Taylor

It is a truly amazing world
What happens when a man can imagine
When he allows his dreams to grow
All it takes is to believe in yourself
Do what you really want to do
Create the beauty that only you can see
And the world will be forever amazed



Monday, September 12, 2022

The Fate Of A Dead World

The Fate Of A Dead World
by Lord R.e. Taylor

When the last drop of rain is gone
All that will be left is just the heat
And the scorching winds
Taking everything with them
Leaving only dried mud and sand behind
Maybe a few fossilized footprints
But no life could ever remain
The Earth will become just like the rest
A lifeless ball of cracked and dead rock
Floating in a cold and lifeless universe
A fate that it never, ever deserved
Yet it is the fate which was chosen for it



A Single Spark

A Single Spark
By Lord R.e.Taylor

All it takes is a spark
Doesn't have to be a big one
Just one big enough to be noticed
It just has to settle someplace
Be allowed to grow and spread
And not listen to those who say no
It is too little, too unimportant
Say they will never matter
But all it takes is that single small spark
If it doesn't listen to what is said
It can be enough to change the world



Sunday, September 11, 2022

The You I Love

The You I Love
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I am so happy I know you
And even happier to be in love with you
You are really not the high class woman the world sees
I know that you like beer more than champagne
You cheer at football games
You even sleep in cotton undies
Please do not forget that woman
You are so much more her than your image
She is the best woman you could ever be
And she is the one who I love



A Walk In The Valley

A Walk In The Valley
By Lord R.e. Taylor

On a beautiful day
A lovely woman walks
Through a mountain valley
All alone and still happy



Friday, September 9, 2022

Memories And Regrets

Memories And Regrets
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I cannot remember all of our kisses
Nor can I remember the times we made love
But I do remember the shampoo you used
The perfume you always used
And the smile you had when we were together
Even though that was so long ago
When I do remember my heart beats a little faster
Tears of sadness build up in my eyes
I regret some many things I never said to you
And I even regret some that I may have said
But know now that I still do love you
Even if it just in my memories



Thursday, September 8, 2022

Lady Of Autumn

Lady Of Autumn
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Fair Lady of Autumn
Give us your blessing
Brighten our world
Take away the greens of Summer
And cover the land with your pure gold



Wednesday, September 7, 2022

They Are Artists

They Are Artists
by Lord R.e. Taylor

It could be a few brush strokes
it could be a couple of hundred
Or a thousand or even more
They all come from an artist’s passion
The blood they have shed just to create
Their works make take a few hours
But one piece may take their entire life
Do not allow yourself to pity them
It is the life which they were destined for
It is a life they can never walk away from
They are artists and that is all they ever wanted



Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Moments Of Color

Moments Of Color
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Once every year the rains come
Washing over the driest desert
Bringing color to blank canvases
They last only mere moments
The desert quickly returns
Colors gone until next year



Sunday, September 4, 2022

The Lonely Blue Ball

The Lonely Blue Ball
By Lord R.e. Taylor

A lonely blue ball
Orbiting a yellow star
So many creatures live there
All kinds of life wander its surface
Every shape, description or colour
Most of them get along and survive
The most advanced of them 
Well, they never learned how
They set up invisible borders
Walls to keep them far apart
Way too many gods for their own good
Teaching conflicting messages of love and hate
And choosing leaders who just fan the flames
Wanting more and more power and land
They never cared about their people
People who are just left to die
Still, that blue ball orbits the yellow star
Hoping that someday its creatures will learn
And if that happens and the problems stop
The blue ball will spin with a little more joy
And the universe will finally see what it wanted
The planet. that blue ball, as it was supposed to be

© Poem – IX/V/MMXXII


I Am Crazy

I Am Crazy
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I admit I am crazy
Just a little bit
Not quite dangerous
Just different from everyone else
I do not need a padded room
You do not have to hide sharps
But, if you can just accept me
Realize I do not think the same as you
I think that may just be a good thing
Of course you may not like that idea
So I will try and keep my crazy contained
Share with only with those who appropriate it
And maybe make you smile for just a sec
If not, it’s simply your loss



Saturday, September 3, 2022

The Black Rose


The Black Rose
By Lord R.e. Taylor

There was a day 
She lost everything
It was not over a time
It was in just a matter of minutes
Her tears flowed for far too long
Eyes became lifeless and staring
And her usual smile became extinct
It was far too much for her to bear
She decided that it was her time
A bottle of pills on her nightstand
A short note balled up in her hand
She had a black rose placed on her chest
The rose wilted the second her heart stopped
The only mourner she would have



Thursday, September 1, 2022

The Lost Rose

The Lost Rose
by Lord R.e. Taylor

One rose fallen from a corsage
My heart bled the colour of the flower
The sadness of a flower missing in the sand



Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...