Saturday, December 31, 2022

Hearts Of Love

Hearts Of Love
by Lord R.e. Taylor

We were born on the same minute
Friends made by God
We have never spoken
But we have hearts together
Hearts full of unending love



Thursday, December 29, 2022

Hidden Beauty

Hidden Beauty
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Beauty of water and earth
Separated worlds on our world
Both are largely unexplored
Hiding undiscovered life
Just waiting to be found



Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Locked Away Emotions

Locked Away Emotions
by Lord R.e. Taylor

He is like no one you have met
At one point he was normal
Then he met his life
So many things happened
All at once he changed
He could no longer love or hate
Be happy or feel sadness
The only emotion left was fear
Fear that his emotions would return
Fear of what even one would do to him
So he bottled up all of his emotions
Placed them on a shelf
And he never felt them again



Sunday, December 25, 2022


by Lord R.e. Taylor

We never thought it could happen
It must have been building up
But neither of us realized it
All it took was just a single word
And world war three started
You would not listen to me
I would not listen to you
In the end there was never even a goodbye
There was just a you and a me
Never again could we ever be an us



Saturday, December 24, 2022

Blessings Of the Gods

Blessings Of the Gods
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Apollo travels across the brightest blue sky
Shining his light on to the land
Showing the most beautiful of colours
When he sleeps Diana rises to take his place
The darkness and the shadows are hers
Along with the light from infinite stars and the beautiful moon
But there is a very short time
When Apollo and Diana touch hands as they pass
They fill the sky and the land with pastels
Creating a beauty as fleeting as time itself
It is then when mere humans look in amazement
And celebrate the blessings of the gods



Friday, December 23, 2022


by Lord R.e. Taylor

Life is so many moments
Passing by at the speed of light
Impossible to capture
Still, they are locked away
Imperfect copies of our lives
Changed to reflect who we are
But in the end those moments don’t matter
They are all lost in one final moment
Into a universe where they never happened



Wednesday, December 21, 2022

I Was Never Told

I Was Never Told
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I was a good little twig
My mother taught me so much
How to be the perfect Xmas tree
But she never warned me of the dangers
The children and the pets
Too bad she can’t hear my screams this year



Sunday, December 18, 2022

Hidden In The Page

Hidden In The Page
by Lord R.e. Taylor

The page was never blank
It always had the story
The poem of the drawing
Hiding deep within its fibers
All it would take was the right person
The only one who could see past reality
And see what the page could be



Saturday, December 17, 2022

One More Step

One More Step
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Standing on the edge
Beauty lives before her
But her mind cannot see it
It is surrounded by a darkness
She no longer smiles
No longer has any enjoyment in life
Her thoughts are all on one more step
And the peace the cool water would give her



Sunday, December 11, 2022

The “Perfect” Tree

The “Perfect” Tree
by Lord R.e. Taylor

You may not be the perfect tree
Most only want a perfect, high costing, tree
But, there will be a young child
One whose family has no money
For them you will be perfect
For them you are Christmas

photo from 


Saturday, December 10, 2022

My Long-Lost Friend

My Long-Lost Friend
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Dedicated to Cleopatra

I knew you since the day you were born
That moment you climbed up onto me
I knew that we were going to be more
We were never just friends
It was then I knew we were family
We played every game you could imagine
Walked through city streets and into the forest
However, times drastically changed
We lost everything we had
I could not keep you with me
I could never make you live the way I had to
So my tears flowed on the day I gave you up
But know that even so many, many years later
My heart still breaks when I think of you
I can only pray that you had a good life
Because I know that I didn’t



Thursday, December 8, 2022

From Home

From Home
by Lord R.e. Taylor

It is so amazing
Fourteen thousand miles from home
A sparrow lands on a branch
And, it seems, home came with me



Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Share Your Pain

Share Your Pain
by Lord R.e. Taylor

The tears and the pain
The abuses you have suffered
Somehow your face hides it
But your heart knows
Your soul knows
Please open up
Share your pain
Please, just let us help you



Monday, December 5, 2022

The Battle

The Battle
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I was there when the Devil lost his battle
Never ever had such shame been seen before
Both tried to do what had never been done
But when the bows went across the strings
And chords were played which were never heard
The mountains eternally echoed the music
The Earth shook and babies cried
It was the night when Johnny got the fiddle
It was the night the Devil got the finger
When angles appeared from Heaven
And the gates to Hell slammed shut
It was a night to be remembered


Picture by Sheila Rosamond


Saturday, December 3, 2022

The Sun Doesn’t Rise

The Sun Doesn’t Rise
by Lord R.e. Taylor

The sun never rose this morning
Yes, there was a slight amber glow
But, the light of day never came
The night fog never burned off
And alarm clocks never went off
Confused people wandered the streets
Looking for the daylight they were due
Instead they found a timeless world
Existing without the daily stresses
But, every man, woman, and child
They all knew something was wrong
The stresses they depended on were gone
They were gone but no one was happy
The sunrise needed to come every morning
Only with its stress can they survive



Friday, December 2, 2022

The Goddess Of Local Veggies

The Goddess Of Local Veggies
by Lord R.e. Taylor

She knows the village streets
Every person and every shop
Harvested from her rooftop garden
She makes daily trips with her fresh veggies
Flavoring for so many local dishes
Making sure her veggies are just right
None are ever too mild nor too hot
She is the goddess of taste in a small town



Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...