Sunday, January 29, 2023

My Darkness

My Darkness
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I may be different
Not what you wanted in a daughter
Never a sweet little girl
Playing with dolls and make-up
Fairy tales were of no interest to me
That just wasn’t who I was
I am more into dragon and demons
Maybe a cemetery or two
But Daddy, even though my darkness
I am still your baby girl



Saturday, January 28, 2023

It Ain’t Me

It Ain’t Me
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I cannot believe it
So many cats
All doing stupid things
Yes, I am embarrassed
Still, it is not me
At least not yet



Wednesday, January 25, 2023

It Is Me

It Is Me
by Lord R.e. Taylor

It does not matter
I could be alone
Or in a crowd
The melody comes
I cannot stop it
It is me



Tuesday, January 24, 2023

The New You

The New You
by Lord R.e. Taylor

You were the perfect daughter
Never any trouble
You always had perfect grades
And never went out to parties
Now you work and work
No time for love or family
You never realize what you need
Just one day all by yourself
Time to just relax and let the world go by
Maybe one day you will say screw it
Take the day and just be who you want to be
The who you never allowed to exist
You just may like the person you meet



Sunday, January 22, 2023


by Lord R.e. Taylor

Life has been too long
Friends we knew before
They are dying one at a time
So often without a goodbye
No chance to mourn the loss
They will just leave an empty hole
Which definitely will last forever



Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Unmatched Beauty

Unmatched Beauty
by Lord R.e. Taylor

So far away
A world we can never visit
Hell as a gaseous sphere
But with a strange beauty
Unmatched anywhere



Tuesday, January 17, 2023


by Lord R.e. Taylor

We know one thing
For the most part walls are bad
They separate people
By race, religion, or by nationality
Sometimes splitting up families
In some rare cases though
Walls can be beautiful
Even necessary for the landscape
So, when you look at a wall
Please do not judge it too harshly
It may not be a bad wall
Just one which will make you smile



Monday, January 16, 2023

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Men, you had better beware
Storekeepers already know
Created by candy makers and florists
Valentine’s Day is a curse to man
Women have it timed to the second
They have it all planned
God forbid that you forget
The dog house, the couch or the Motel 6
That, my friend, will be home for the night
So take every penny you can gather
Get chocolates, roses, and diamonds
Don’t you dare forget the card
Hopefully, you will still see Feb.15th
And she will be happy until next year
When it all starts all over again



Sunday, January 15, 2023

The Scale

The Scale
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Why is she so happy
Every time she stands here
She gets skinnier everyday
I gain a kilo everyday
I hate this crap

Photo from imgPlay



Saturday, January 14, 2023


by Lord R.e. Taylor

When I close my eyes 
I can feel my heartbeat
It feels so very strange
Most everything is gone
But Charon I can see you
How long have you been watching me
Just waiting for my last second
I would love to travel with you
Cross the River Styx beside you
If that is to be my fate
I will board the ferry with a smile
If my fate is to not stand with you
Then please wait for me
I promise I will return to you
Carrying two silver coins
My fare for Hades’s Ferryman



Friday, January 13, 2023

My Forever Promise

My Forever Promise
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Baby Girl
You have been through so much
So many tears have colored your cheeks
We found each other
And our love grew
There is no longer a need for tears
But if one ever appears
I promise I will be there for you
To wipe that tear away
And return a smile to your face
That is my forever promise to you



Thursday, January 12, 2023

A Friend In The Heavens

A Friend In The Heavens
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I have the Southern Cross
You have the North Star
Each of us under a different Heaven
But some nights our skies combine
And a friend appears above us
Living just above the horizon
Those nights we both can see him
On those nights he sends us a message
And the hunter becomes the god of love



Monday, January 9, 2023

A Magical Place

A Magical Place
by Lord R.e. Taylor

No one has ever been there
Not that they would know what it is
Hidden in an isolated valley
Only magical beings are allowed
Protecting their next generation
Each infant guarded by a mushroom of gold
They all rise and become mystical fairies 
And magic lives on for another generation

© Poem – I/IX/MMXXII


Saturday, January 7, 2023

The Lonely Bench

The Lonely Bench
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Nine months out of the year
That bench is a popular place
Parents watching their kids
Fishermen hoping for that trophy catch
Young people sharing their first kiss
And older people talking to lost loves
But once the first snowflake falls
That bench is left all alone
Frozen and forgotten it waits
Listening for the sound of a human voice
Just so it knows that somehow it still exists

© Poem – 1/VII/MMXXIII


Thursday, January 5, 2023

Just A Tower Of Rocks

Just A Tower Of Rocks
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Who was it who passed here
But that never mattered
Just a tower of rocks
To say that they existed

© Poem – I/V/MMXXIII


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

She Is Unready

She Is Unready
by Lord R.e. Taylor

She is too young
Her soul is too innocent
Unready for what she may see
She covers her eyes
Hoping it will all go away



Her Perfect World

Her Perfect World
by Lord R.e. Taylor

She is a true city girl
Living and working in concrete and glass
But her spirit lives a world away
Where trees and grasses grow
Whenever she sleeps
Her eyes close and she smells the fresh air
She sees creatures who could never live in her world
They come to welcome her as a friend
And, for the moment, her life is perfect



Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Year’s

New Year’s
by Lord R.e. Taylor

It is so hard to know
One year becomes another
People drink and celebrate
Making promises they'll never keep
But does any besides a number change
Do our problems suddenly fade away
Are we happier, healthier  or safer
Just because a day changed
Maybe New Year's is just another day
Made popular by liqueur companies
Anyway happy New Year
May you get what you want in the new year
And the bad memories of last year
May they all be gone forever



Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...