Tuesday, February 28, 2023

May It Lead Me

May It Lead Me
by Lord R.e. Taylor

The eagle knows so many things
With sight and hearing far beyond mine
On this day I hope that it will be my friend
Maybe, if I follow, it will lead me to safety
Maybe it will lead me home



Monday, February 27, 2023

Her Places

Her Places
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Her dreams are precious
They are places where she smiles
And be herself for just a bit



Saturday, February 25, 2023

We Are Family

We Are Family
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Yes, we may be strange
Looking different
Living different
But, we do laugh
We do love
And we do cry
We are a family just like you
We just dress better 



Thursday, February 23, 2023

We Are One Planet

We Are One Planet
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Look back toward the Earth
Look very carefully
Do you see any borders
Are there any armies anywhere
Where are the kings, presidents and dictators
Nothing exists
There is only a blue-green world
Home for seven billion people
None better and none worse than the others
So please stop all the crap while you can
Become one planet before you don’t have one



Monday, February 20, 2023

The Beauty Of Snowflakes

The Beauty Of Snowflakes
by Lord R.e. Taylor

She is not quite sure why
Snowflakes always take her back
Maybe something her Mom taught her
How to find the beauty in God’s creations
With a handful of snow and a sharp breath
The beauty travels the world



Speak Out

Speak Out
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Go ahead and speak your mind
Tell the world how you feel
Your words may get out
Someone may hear them
Before the powerful shut you down
They will cover your mouth
Make it so you do not exist
Destroy everything which made you you
But even with all they can do to you
They are afraid of you and what you say
All it takes is just one person to hear you
One person to think the same you do
One person to join you in speaking out
And suddenly, they are the ones shut down
They will no longer exist and we will be free



Friday, February 17, 2023


by Lord R.e. Taylor

Man worries about the entire planet
Worrying it will never recover
Knowing that it always has before
But every year worlds are destroyed
Billions of lives are lost forever
Sometime just one other times an entire species
No chance of those worlds recovering
But man does not care about them
Their lives are not worth anything to him
He only worships the money that he makes
But when he kills the last tree on Earth
And the last animal takes its last breath
What will his money be worth then?



Monday, February 13, 2023


by Lord R.e. Taylor

Often we are inspired by everything
If we see a flower or a child
A pretty woman or some injustice
We have to write about it
Share our feelings and thoughts
It is just how we are made
Sometimes our minds and heart shut down
They cannot see what is in front of us
But, The Muses know us better than we do
They will give us a sign to inspire us
Sometimes as gentle as a butterfly wing
Other times they make us see them no matter what
Maybe a quill filling the sky would help
That would be one hell of a reminder of who we are
Just the reminder some of us need when we need it


Thank you to Beverley Newman Young for the beautiful photo


To Be Young Again

To Be Young Again
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Oh, to be that young again
Living in total innocence
Surrounded by endless wonder
What could be better?



Friday, February 10, 2023

Needed Escape

Needed Escape
by Lord R.e. Taylor

You know what your body and soul needs
Seriously, you push it so far every day
Get those work clothes off and enjoy the sun
Even just one day could be enough to heal you
Make you able to go return to your real life
If you decide to back that is



The New Living Dead

The New Living Dead
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Endless, lifeless glass walls
Hiding the new living dead
Crypts keeping them prisoner
Locked away from fresh air
Never allowed to feel the sun
Creations of the world’s economy



Thursday, February 9, 2023

Alone With The Stars

Alone With The Stars
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I don’t need me no booze
I don’t need anyone else
And I sure as hell don’t need no sleep
I just need a perfect amber sunset
Three nights away from everything
With my Harley roaring between my legs
No signs telling me where to go
Nothing to tell me where I have been
Me and the stars together all night long
Just the way God intended us to be



Monday, February 6, 2023

Leave Us Alone

Leave Us Alone
by Lord R.e. Taylor

So much is going on
Not all good and not all bad
There are things we cannot stop
Other things maybe we shouldn’t
Someone else has to have control of it
I am sure they are laughing
While they watch us stumble and fall
Trying to find answers which do not6 exist
Now, I do not think they will let us die
We are just too much fun to watch
Maybe we should fight back
Or, better yet, maybe we should just become boring
Not be so damn entertaining all of the time
Make them change the channels or turn us off
Just so they leave us alone



Saturday, February 4, 2023

No Straight Lines

No Straight Lines
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Far too many mornings
After far too many late nights
Too many cold beers
And far too many shots of Jack
The world becomes a fuzzy place
Not a straight line to be seen anywhere
But, that could be a blessing
I could never walk straight anyway



Wednesday, February 1, 2023

It Won’t Work

It Won’t Work
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Only man can do it
Building fences to draw blood
Trying to keep peace away
They will never work
Peace will always find a way



Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...