Sunday, April 30, 2023

Little Ones Are Too Cute

Little Ones Are Too Cute
by Lord R.e. Taylor

God created babies for one reason
And He knew exactly what He was doing
He made each and every one them
Human or animals they are all cute
They can never do wrong
All they do is make us smile
They are way too cute for anything else



Wednesday, April 26, 2023

That Beer Shampoo

That Beer Shampoo
by Lord R.e. Taylor

How many years ago was it?
Almost fifty I think
I can still smell that shampoo
Made from beer it was hard to forget
But, for me, it will always meant you
Now, when it is in my memories
It makes me remember us
And the love we once shared



Saturday, April 22, 2023

Your Eyes

Your Eyes
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Ever since we met
Your eyes have haunted me
Never have I seen such beauty
Now, I cannot get them out of my mind
Everywhere I look I see you looking at me
I can see the love in your heart
And I know how much I love you



Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Nature’s Embrace

Nature’s Embrace

by Lord R.e. Taylor

Untouched by man
Built by Mother Nature
With a firm footing
While reaching into the stars
It grips to her only child
A symbol of a mother
Given with every bit of her love
Her embrace to a still young Earth



Sunday, April 16, 2023

What You Say

What You Say
by Lord R.e. Taylor

How can you be a good person
What you said yesterday
It is a major sin today
What you say today
It will be a major sin tomorrow
No one tells you what is right
They make you guess what is wrong
They will punish you anyway
That is the world they have created
It is the world we have accepted
It will be the end of society
Just you wait and see



Friday, April 14, 2023

The Return Of Beauty

The Return Of Beauty
by Lord R.e. Taylor

The war lasted so long
So much was destroyed
So many were killed
When the bombs stopped
When the bullets stopped flying
Life survived as it always does
In time peaceful moments returned
And beauty returned to the world



Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Tidal Worlds

Tidal Worlds
by Lord R.e. Taylor

At every sunset
The tides go out
Showing another world
With so many of her creatures
You watch them so closely
Scampering over the rocks
Hiding in tufts of seaweeds
Yes, they are strange
But in their own way they are cute
When the moon rises
The tides return
Hiding that world beneath the waves
Sheltering all of her children
Keeping them safe within her hug



Monday, April 10, 2023

A Long Time

A Long Time
by Lord R.e. Taylor

It has been a while
Adopted by two families
So far apart for so long
I have missed you so much
I sure could use a hug



Tuesday, April 4, 2023


by Lord R.e. Taylor

The Sun came up too soon
I do not have any coffee
Nor do I have cigarettes
And the Jack ended last night
There is nothing left for me
So, I will just sit and pout
At least until lunchtime
Then who knows



Saturday, April 1, 2023

A World Of Magic

A World Of Magic
by Lord R.e. Taylor

When we were young
The world was so different
We knew that magic was real
Mystic creatures lived in the woods
Watching out for us
Waiting for us to need them
Parents and teachers lied to us
The magic world never existed
Sadly we believed them
But those creatures do exist
Still living in those same forests
And they still watch out for us
Waiting for us to need them again



Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...