Monday, August 28, 2023

A Real Poet

A Real Poet
by Lord R.e. Taylor

It is such a temptation
Modern day makes it easy
No talent required
Even a stray cat could do it
Just push a button and wait
Some program learned all of words
Knows their meaning and how to use them
Yes, AI can write a poem about anything
But it will lack the feeling only a poet has
After all, we all know love and hate
Happiness as well as sadness
We are the only ones who can write a poem
It may not be good but it will be real
And that is something no robot can ever do



Sunday, August 27, 2023

We Need One Voice

We Need One Voice
by Lord R.e. Taylor

It might not be the time
Things may not be bad enough
But everyday they get worse
No one has the nerve to speak out
And those who do regret it
However, the time is coming
Maybe sooner than you expect
The minority will be beat back
Their voices will no longer matter
It will take all of us to join together
Raise our voices with one
Only then will things finally get better



Thursday, August 17, 2023

Line By Line

Line By Line
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Line by line
They all combine
Touching in just the right way
Creating the artist’s vision
Each with its own beauty
And its own story



Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Queensland Summer

The Queensland Summer
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Red Hot nights
No relief in sight
Sleep is a distant memory
You lie in your bed
Unable to  breathe
Even the water you drink is too hot
So you suffer and you pray
Wishing for even a gentle breeze
You realise you may be being punished
Maybe for some sin a lifetime ago
So, you apologise to the universe
But it does no good
You are in a Queensland  summer
And that, my friend, will never end



Sunday, August 13, 2023

He Is

He Is
by Lord R.e. Taylor

He is not that type of person
Not one to be who you think
He is a person unto himself
Now, he may not be the man you’d want
But he may be the man you need



Monday, August 7, 2023

You Are You

You Are You
by Lord R.e. Taylor

You are unique
You really are
Sitting in a perfect world
Your mind still wanders
Exploring new dreams
Creating brand-new ideas
And telling stories never heard
You are the person you should be
That is just who you are
And you are who we love



Friday, August 4, 2023

Sorry Mum

Sorry Mum
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Who knew life was so good
All the milk I could ever want
Cuddles and kisses 24/7
I could not have wanted better
How could I know what was waiting
They never saw me when I took my first bite
It was such a shock to my body and soul
But at that moment is was hooked
I wanted more and more solid food
Milk just wasn’t going to do it anymore
Sorry Mum!



Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Worth The Risk

Worth The Risk
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I know I should not
Far too much sugar
A diabetic’s nightmare
Well worth the risk
But if it kills me
It is worth it



Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...