Sunday, February 25, 2024


by Lord R.e. Taylor

Back when I was a puppy
I ran around and never rested
We used to play in the yard
Chasing balls and bones you threw
We’d walk everywhere we could
Most time I wasn't on a leash
You know I never ran away though
That was really not too long ago
Now I am an old man
But I still wait quietly for you
Hoping we can go out again
Just one more time 
Before the Rainbow Bridge calls



Saturday, February 24, 2024

Auroral Beauty

Auroral Beauty
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Nature can really put on a show
Some we can see every day
Others are more magical
They are literally at the end of the world
Every night space and the Earth merge
Creating sheets of light which fill the sky
Each one more beautiful than the last
Sadly, everyone has seen pictures
But only a few have ever seen the show
That is truly a crime of interstellar propositions



Sunday, February 18, 2024

A One In A Million Picture

A One In A Million Picture
by Lord R.e. Taylor

The world was created so long ago
Billions of years passed
Life came and life went
Each generation better than the last
But some things had to wait
Just the right flower
Blooming at just the right moment
Where the right person happened to be
Then a one in a million picture was taken
And a visual treasure was created



Saturday, February 17, 2024

No Goodbye

No Goodbye
by Lord R.e. Taylor

After so long it has come
My final day and my final night
No more sunrises or moonfalls
I have faced everything you sent my way
Fought with every ounce of my being
Even with that my universe keeps getting worse
Now I stand on the edge of an abyss
Looking down into what I feel is hell
I know that if I take one step and it is over
I also know that I will never say goodbye
My universe doesn’t even deserve that word



Thursday, February 15, 2024

Your Reality

Your Reality
by Lord R.e. Taylor

The picture is always different
You see what you see
That is your reality



Saturday, February 10, 2024

Morning Is Broken

Morning Is Broken
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Laying in bed
Right when the sun first rises
Again sleep evades you
Kind of taunting you
Teasing your tired body with hope
While a thousand thoughts fill your head
Most make no sense but some are priceless
And they are the ones you forget
It is not your fault, it never was
It is all just a warped game
Created at the beginning of time
Designed to drive us slightly mad
It has been perfected over time
A punishment the human race must endure
And endure we will
Endure we must
If we can just stay sane for a bit longer



Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Moonlight In Their Tears

Moonlight In Their Tears
by Lord R.e. Taylor

They never knew what was coming
The moon shone down on them
Reflecting in their shared tears
In that dim light they saw
What had been long missing
And they fell in love



Saturday, February 3, 2024

Two Sides Of Poetry

Two Sides Of Poetry
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Most poetry is born of light
Love, prosperity and hope
Poets hope to make people happy
Creating fantasy in their minds
Others see a differing world
Writing of darkness and the abyss
No caring about what people are feeling
Their desire is to tell the truth
And let the world be damned if they don’t like it



Please Little Angel

Please Little Angel by Lord R.e. Taylor Please little angel You have done so much Helping children in trouble Taking them through their illn...