Sunday, March 31, 2024

Just Listen

Just Listen
by Lord R.e. Taylor

The Rainbow Bridge never came
So he hovers above us all
Growling and snarling
Warning us about stupid things we do
No, he does not want to be petted
He just wants us to listen



Saturday, March 30, 2024

To Die Alone

To Die Alone
by Lord R.e. Taylor

No one tells your story
There is never a question
You are not even remembered
Sometime in the past you were loved
Treasured as a part of the family
But suddenly you just got pushed aside
Maybe it was just because you grew old
Could not do everything you used to do
They could have just grown tired of you
So, they left you in a field
All alone with no one to mourn for you
Not even a single person telling you goodbye
You should never have died such a sad death
Still, know that someone may remember you
You will be talked about
Even if no one listens



Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Remember A Better Life

Remember A Better Life
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Remember a time when being a kid was fun
You could play outside and not have to worry
If you got hurt you just walked it off
You took chances which you knew were stupid
But it was all in the name of having fun
Even if you did get hurt there was always a band-aid at home
And your mom sent you right back out
That perfect life was sixty years ago
Kids today are not allowed to play
They are not allowed to get hurt
They live their lives wrapped in bubble wrap
And that is no life at all



Sunday, March 24, 2024

Hell’s Pathway

Hell’s Pathway
by Lord R.e. Taylor

When I was young
Everyone told me how to live
How to find the way to Heaven
It was not that easiest of a path
Rules upon rules to follow
You have to behave their way
But all that is really confusing
I tried to be the person they wanted
I never found the path to Heaven
And guess what … I do not care
I know where I am going
I guess I always did
The pathway is just as pretty
But it fits me and who I am
So, I will see you in Hell
Once my age-long trip is over



Friday, March 22, 2024

Remembering Old Theaters

Remembering Old Theaters
by Lord R.e. Taylor

For so many years
More than we care to count
Movies were the place to go
A single stand-alone theater
With a couple thousand people
All watching the same thing
Showing on a single screen
With an ice-cold Coke
Hot buttered popcorn
And your arm around your girl
Was there ever anything better
Then one-by-one they closed
Replaced by heartless multi-plexes
A few dozen seats and nothing else
But rarely you can still find  a perfect theater
Make sure to go there and relive your memories
Before it is lost just like so many before it


Picture – The Linda Theater, 1745 Goodyear Blvd, Akron, OH 44305 
A truly living theater!


Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The Loss Of Markets

The Loss Of Markets
by Lord R.e. Taylor

The market has always been
A warm world in the cold city
People working in so many stalls
Selling everything you could ever want
So many of the market’s people became legends
With their stories told over and over again
Stories of friendship and love
And maybe a few about hidden treasures
Sadly too many markets and the stories are gone
Lost to a world of Walmarts and Targets



Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Where Are The Heroes

Where Are The Heroes
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Watch old time movies
Men and women were heroes
Where did they go
Wiped away by time
Destroyed by a new reality
If only we could be like that again



Sunday, March 17, 2024

The Light Of Stars

The Light Of Stars
by Lord R.e. Taylor

At the moment the sun sets
He gathered the light from the rising stars
Placing them around the bed of a princess
Just so you will not fear the darkness



Thursday, March 14, 2024

Masterpiece Of Ash

Masterpiece Of Ash
by Lord R.e. Taylor

A few artists truly know how it works
Creation coming from destruction
All it takes is a small flame
Touching the tip of any kind of wood
And when it is used just right
A masterpiece in ash is created for the world to see



Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Hiding Abuse

Hiding Abuse
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Every day it is the same
Hours at the mirror
Adding more and more make-up
Hiding bruises from the night before
Another abused woman no one will ever see



Friday, March 8, 2024

We Remember You

We Remember You
by Lord R.e. Taylor

We remember you
The mighty Titanic sank
2,200+ people died
All because of you



Thursday, March 7, 2024


by Lord R.e. Taylor

Watch the news
Any of them
Biden tries to make sense
Trump pushes the limits
Gaza wants a Big Mac
Israel wants revenge
Elections are just funny
The world is short a bag of chips
We listen and try to make sense
But that is just not ever going to happen
Instead of fretting about it all
Just say “whatever” and let the world go
After all, you have a mind so use it



Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Another Pandemic

Another Pandemic
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Let another pandemic come
I am prepared this time
Hundreds of books with thousands of words
All about love, fantasy, or history
Along with a single cup of coffee
I will be just fine



Monday, March 4, 2024


by Lord R.e. Taylor

I am still just a baby
I did not ask to be born
But I tried to be good
I really did
Believe it or not I loved you
I thought you were my new family
I don’t think you saw me that way
Now, I wait on the side of a lonely road
Waiting for you to come back
But that may never, ever happen
So, I promise that I will be a good boy
If only someone will give me a chance



Wishing In The Mist

Wishing In The Mist
by Lord R.e. Taylor

It doesn’t matter what season
When that moment comes
The one just before the Sun rises
It has got to be that perfect minute
Not too cold and not too hot
Just a soft grey mists surrounding you
That allows your dreams to flow
Maybe, once the mists begin to rise
One or two dreams may come true
But be sure to be quick
Once the Sun rises the mists disappear
Taking your dreams with them



Saturday, March 2, 2024

Untold Stories

Untold Stories
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I look at his face
Resting in death
So many stories
A sad life
And a happy life
Stories wanting to be told
Now, untold and lost to time



Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...