Saturday, August 31, 2024

Protective Darkness

Protective Darkness
by Lord R.e. Taylor

It was a million years ago 
I walked out of the light
Left everything, I cared about
The darkness wrapped around me 
Feeling so much like Death’s shroud
I never looked back at my past
Never looked toward my future
The darkness became a womb for me
And I had no desire to leave it
So, here I stay
A part of the darkness that surrounds me
Just as it is a part of me



Thursday, August 29, 2024


by Lord R.e. Taylor

Selene I watch every night
Looking for you to come and bless us
Waiting for that one special night
When you are at your brightest
Wishes made to you at that moment
Especially wishes from loving couples
They are most times granted without hesitation
And that is how love grows for us mortals



Wednesday, August 28, 2024

You Will Never Be Alone

You Will Never Be Alone
by Lord R.e. Taylor

It is so sad what someone did to you
Not wanting to be your mommy
She left you all alone on your special day
Not even giving you a name
She wanted you to be alone for eternity
Little did she know that was not going to happen
It didn’t matter how long you were on this Earth
Many celebrated your life and mourned your death
Know that, for as long as you are in our hearts
You will never be alone in Heaven
The angels will make sure of that



Sunday, August 25, 2024

No Map Needed

No Map Needed
by Lord R.e. Taylor

No matter how hard you look
It doesn’t take a map
GPS will not help you in any way
The place you are looking for
Well, it is the most special place on Earth
Treasures no one has ever heard of
And creatures never imagined
All you have to do is discard your maps
Just unplug your computer
Do not think or plan your trip
Let your heart tell you where to go
And you will never be led astray



Saturday, August 24, 2024

Feathered Alarm Clock

Feathered Alarm Clock
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Every morning
Hours before the sun rises
You find that time to laugh
That annoying laugh of yours
Just like a feathered alarm clock
Set you to make our lives hell
It echoes around the entire land
Waking men, women, and children
No one is safe from you
The thing is you rarely travel alone
Two, three, or even more
All hiding up in the trees
Can you grant us one small wish
Please try and sleep in just once
Maybe until say eight in the morning
We may all like you if you could



Friday, August 23, 2024


by Lord R.e. Taylor

I forgot to remember what I forgot 
I wanted to write more but I forgot



Do Not Mourn Us

Do Not Mourn Us
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Please do not mourn for us
We were the best we could be
Maybe we were not good enough
So, please do not mourn for us
It is far too late now



Thursday, August 22, 2024


by Lord R.e. Taylor

Let the daylight burn
Struggling against beautiful clouds
While the planet below waits
Watching the apocalypse above
God will cry upon His throne
But even He may be too late
The world will die
And no one will be left to mourn



Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Locked Away

Locked Away
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Such beauty, such boundless talent
Should never be locked away
It is a gift from a generous God
And should never be locked in a box
It should be enjoyed by millions
The way God intended



Tuesday, August 20, 2024

A Closed Door

A Closed Door
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I had better be careful
I cannot let my imagination loose
It doesn’t take a lot
Even just a closed door can fire it
So many stories locked away
So many possibilities hidden inside
And they will not let me know
So my heart races beyond control
My mind swirls making my head explode
All because of a closed-door
And a really warped mind



Monday, August 19, 2024

Be Different

Be Different
by Lord R.e. Taylor

He was not normal
Not by any stretch of the word
He always wanted to stand out
His life was finding ways to be different
And he was excellent at it
The thing was he was never ever sad
He was always laughing and happy
So be like him
Stick out and be who you want to be
You will never regret it



Eternity Of Nothing

Eternity Of Nothing
by Lord R.e. Taylor

When the daylight turns black
And the light of a new moon cannot be seen
Whispers begin echoing through the air
Voice of souls trapped in the in-between
Neither are they dead nor are they alive
They call out into the night
Screams of torture and pain
Begging for anyone to help them
But that help never will come
They are long forgotten souls
Not given Heaven or Hell
Just an eternity of nothing



Friday, August 16, 2024

My Diet

My Diet
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Okay, I know what you are thinking
I should not even think about it
But damn it looks so good
You know I have been on a diet
Well, I know it too
But I am really hungry
And it looks very very tempting
Maybe just this once I will scarf it down
Just do not look at me like that
After dieting for one day I think I deserve it



Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Not Gonna Happen

Not Gonna Happen
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I try and try and try
It ain’t gonna happen
The clock is too loud
My mind will not shut down
The baby is screaming
I just want to sleep
But, it ain’t gonna happen



Memories Of Home

Memories Of Home
by Lore R.e. Taylor

When she was a little girl
Two wars filled her streets
Her father served as a POW
Locked in a British prison camp
Disease took so many others
Many she knew
Even with all of that, she was a child
Even after nearly a century
She remembered Breslau in its beauty 
The hometown she left behind



Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Last Moment

The Last Moment
by Lord R.e. Taylor

The last moment of light
But it is not gone
The sun travels around the globe
The light is shared with every person
It feeds every plant
Warms the air around us
And tans every inch of our bodies
So, when the sun sets in the west
Just remember that it will be back
Unless it is really cloudy outside
Then you’ll have to wait … sorry



Monday, August 12, 2024


by Lord R.e. Taylor

The sounds of a campfire
Crackling through the forest
Embers glow while marshmallows cook
Small flames reach out
As if they were asking for a rescue
The flames do also do something magic
They light the black night of the forests
They create the flowing smoke
They release the flying sparks
All combined to create perfection
And a world very few get to see



Please Do Not Kill Me

Please Do Not Kill Me
By Lord R.e. Taylor

So, you think you know me
Sneaky and conniving
Well, that is how cartoons show me
I guess you all believe it

I will say I am smart and sly
But I will not harm you in any way
So please just watch me but please don’t kill me
I’ll make a better friend than I will a trophy



Saturday, August 10, 2024

Pains Of Morning

Pains Of Morning
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Morning comes too soon
Disturbing my restless sleep
I feel it dragging me into the day
Of course, I want to resist
My time in bed is too important
But it always manages to win
So, it leads me into a world of confusion
And stresses I could never imagine
Still, without the morning light
The best of my world would never be seen
That moment when your eyes open
When you look at me and smile
That makes it all worth the pain



Thursday, August 8, 2024


by Lord R.e. Taylor

The door was locked for a reason
We do not know what that was
Should we open it now
Should we walk away
I would not want to be the one to decide



Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Away From It All

Away From It All
by Lord R.e. Taylor

The world may be endless and busy
People bumping into each other
With no one saying even a simple hello
Sometimes with all of that going on
It is not really that hard to find another world
One of quiet and peace where you can just live



Don’t Restrict Me

Don’t Restrict Me
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Don’t tell me to watch what I say
Don’t tell me not to comment
And don’t remind me that I may offend someone
It is way too much fun to ignore your rules
I will tell you about a major secret in your life
The more you tell me what to do
The louder I will yell what I have to say
And the worse my dialogue will be
So, just chill and let me say what I want
It may just be better for everyone involved



Monday, August 5, 2024

Knowing Her

Knowing Her
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I would have loved to have known her years ago
Back when she was maybe twenty or twenty-one
If she was anything like she is now
Knowing her would have truly been an experience
But knowing her now is something I would never miss
And I hope that you get to know her too



Thursday, August 1, 2024

Living In A Fog

Living In A Fog
by Lord R.e. Taylor

How perfect would it be
Just walking into a fog
Feel it wrapping around you
Pulling you in deeper
Just until the world doesn’t exist
No more worrying about anything
Just time to sit on a lonely tree stump
Time to contemplate what life is
And how you fit into its plan
Maybe think if you really want to go back
But think carefully
If you make the wrong choice
You may be stuck in a life you don’t want



Your Real Love

Your Real Love By Lord R.e. Taylor I am really surprised I didn’t see it You never needed to find a man  It is easy to see now that you knew...