Saturday, October 5, 2024

She Still Watches

She Still Watches
by Lord R.e. Taylor

She was born so long ago
Her mother left her after the birth
Somehow she survived
Lost away from the world
Without love or education
She was different from everyone else
Her world was silent
Only the animals visit her
In all her sun rose and set on her
Some guess more than forty-five thousand times
But she kept to her life
Even to the extent of dying all alone
Still her body sits in her favorite chair
Watching a door which never opens
But that was who this poor woman was
Unloved and unknown for her life
And now for her eternity

© Poem – X/IV/MMXXIV


Friday, October 4, 2024

Visiting The Bayou

Visiting The Bayou
by Lord R.e. Taylor

There is a place
Everyone knows about
Although no one talks about it
So many strange things are there
Animals that would love to eat you
Witches and warlocks casting spells
And the living dead looking for you
Please, if you do not live in a bayou
Do not take the chance of visiting
So many people have gone in for the day
A lot of them never found their way out
No one knows what happened to them
Or if they do they will not say
So, listen to the tall tales
Believe what those who escaped have to say
And stay out of the Louisiana swamps

© Poem – IV/X/MMXXIV


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

All Hallow’s Eve

All Hallow’s Eve
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Every year a month comes along
Dreams of candy and costumes
Parties for the grown-ups
Yelling “trick or treat” for the kids
Ghost stories are told
Still, no one hears the moans in the wind
The feeling that something bad is coming
Maybe some bones scattered around
All Hallows Eve is coming
The dead know when it is
And they want to come out and play
So, get your candy but remain safe
They will be watching to be sure you are

© Poem – X/I/MMXXIV


Tuesday, October 1, 2024

A Long Lost Hero

A Long Lost Hero
by Lord R.e. Taylor

When I was a kid, I loved picking apples
There was a tree standing on the top of a hill
It always had the best-tasting fruit
And we fought for the ones from the top
It was nearly two centuries old
Surviving so many blizzards and storms
Untouched by so much until last year
A gale came up from the lowlands
The leaves blocked out the sun for two days
Revealing a grave from so long ago
After that day when we went to gather apples
We thanked Captain Spencer Tate for his tree
And the apples we picked
A lasting tribute to a long-lost hero

© Poem – X/I/MMXXIV


A Cassowary’s Warning

A Cassowary’s Warning
by Lord R.e. Taylor

How dare you come to my land
We never said that you were welcome
You just came and took over
Just as if you owned the place
Well, guess don’t
We are the Alphas here
We decide who comes and who stays
So, if you know what is good for you
Go back to where your kind came from
Or try staying in your cities
You might be safe there
But we haven’t decided yet
Maybe we will let you know when we do
Maybe not though
That is all up to you



She Still Watches

She Still Watches by Lord R.e. Taylor She was born so long ago Her mother left her after the birth Somehow she survived Lost away from the w...