Monday, December 30, 2024

City Streets

City Streets
by Lord R.e. Taylor

City streets are a different world
There are people you never see anywhere else
Hookers and junkies walk beside “normal” people
Enjoying music from several bars
They are never empty and never quiet
And that is how I like them



Saturday, December 28, 2024

January Isn’t January

January Isn’t January
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I miss January back home
The ice and snow
The nip of an Arctic blast
I was home
Now January is not January for me
Green grass and birds chirping
Palm trees in the back yard
God, I miss home



Thursday, December 26, 2024

Your Baby

Your Baby
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Nine months is a very long time
From the day of conception
When a new life is created
The waiting begins
So does the hope and planning
All climaxing in hours of labor
When that little boy or girl comes
They burst into the world
Taking their first breath
Then they start crying their lungs out
But, when they open their eyes and look at you
At that moment stress becomes happiness
And your son or daughter becomes your life



Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Shade Of The Shipyard

Shade Of The Shipyard 
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Praying to God is not going to help
She owns the Devil’s Triangle
And she is out there looking for you
If you are unlucky enough to be found
The fires of Hell will not look so bad
As her spirit tears you and your ship apart
Just know that you will never be found
Your souls belong to her
The Shade Of The Shipyard will never let you go



After The Storm

After The Storm
By Lord R.e. Taylor

The storm passed
She waited until it was done
She looked through the window
Watching the rain and lightning
Checking the clock
She was more than patient
Knowing it was going to end
The moment it did 
She became the little girl she was
Running outside, there was no music
Still, she danced and celebrated
A new day was here
And she wanted to live her way
Laughing and smiling the way she always did
That was what made her the little girl she was
She was happy again



Monday, December 23, 2024

Empty Wallet

Empty Wallet
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I hope you never live through it
A big day is coming too quickly
There are so many people you love
So many gifts you have to buy
Yeah, your heart may be full
But your wallet is empty
It is very painful
You want to do so much
All you can do is tell them you love them
And maybe hope you see them smile
That will have to do at least for another year



The Magic Of Love

The Magic Of Love
By Lord Re. Taylor

There are so many tales, all telling the same story
A prince awaits at the bottom of the stairs
Finally, the princess comes down one step at a time
It is always love at first sight and a happily ever after
So, after the stories are told thousands of times
The magic of the staircase still creates love whenever it can



The Creation Of Time

 The Creation Of Time

by Lord R.e. Taylor

Someone somewhere

Thought they had a good idea

Let’s make a day twenty-four hours

So many in the daylight

Many more in the dark

No one had a say about it

Time was created to rule our lives

When do you eat or sleep

When do you have to go to work

But there was never enough time in a day

So, others changed the clock

Adding or deducting an hour a day

Still a day was not long enough

So, we sleep too much or not enough

Nerves become shot

And stress builds up beyond limits

But we have to deal with it

All because one man created time

And made us all suffer for it



Sunday, December 22, 2024

The Way It Should Be

The Way It Should Be
By Lord R.e. Taylor

I hate being told what to do
I have lived a long life
And I have seen too much
But everything I have been through
It tells me not to be quiet
Not to worry about other people
If they get offended, so what
If they get mad, let them 
I am not there for them
I never have been, never will be
I write for me and just for me
And that is just the way it should be



Saturday, December 21, 2024

Living For The Weekend

Living For The Weekend
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Forty hours at work
Doing the same thing
Over and over
You daydream a lot
You have to or you will go mad
Dreaming of being with your mates
Joking and sucking down some cigs
There may be some hot wings
Paradise on Earth
But one thing makes the wait bearable
Knowing that endless bottles of beer await
Cold and tasty
They are waiting for you
Hopefully they will be enough to get you drunk
Maybe that drunk will last until your work starts
And you start daydreaming all over again
For a working man that is his life
Honestly, he loves the way his week works
After all, for him, it is his life
And that is just how he wants it



The Last Centrefold

The Last Centrefold
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Honestly, I never asked for it
I really don’t know if I want it
You cannot imagine what it is like
Twenty-four million people
All look to me to lead their country
I guess now I have to take the final step
I hope you like the sexy centrefold I did
Because it is the last one I am doing
So now it is back to the Outback
And what you could call my regular life
Besides that, I am sexier than that damn Quokka



Thursday, December 12, 2024

The Art Of Rain

The Art Of Rain
by Lord R.e. Taylor

So many people hate the rain
To them it is ugliness at the most
Some though feel differently
To them rain is beautiful
Especially when it hits a window
It throws the world out of focus
Moving as the raindrops fall
A piece of art to enjoy
Every time the sky begins to cry



Twice A Day

Twice A Day
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Twice a day
Magic is created
Water leaves the shore
Leaving pools shining in the light
Allowing so many forms of life
Some seen for the first time
To experience the warmth of the sun
Their endless movements
Dancing between polished stones
Celebrating their lives in the sparkling water
They never realize they are prisoners
Still, they are happy when the water returns
And they can again swim in the endless sea



Monday, December 9, 2024

Our Loss

Our Loss
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Where is our history going
So much of it has been lost
Abandoned and left to rot
Or it is torn down
Just a vacant lot remains
Or a modern building
Steel and glass
Standing where a work of art stood
Built by people who do not care
And a loss to the people who do



The Long Road

The Long Road
by Lord R.e. Taylor

The road looked so long
As if it had no end
But it had been travelled before 
And it will be travelled again
All it would take is curiousity 
The urge to do something 
And the feeling that you are special
You know that first step is the hardest
Luckily the later ones will be easier
The experiences will mystify you
Pulling you into your imagination
Your thoughts running wild
Changing your reality
And maybe your ideas about life
So, take the first step down that road
And see the person you can become



Saturday, December 7, 2024

I Love You

I Love You
By Lord R.e Taylor

I never knew a woman like you
An immortal beauty
Blessed by the gods
A living sign of perfection
Yet here you are
Silent yet speaking so much
I have to say something
You have heard it so many times
Even though I do not know you
I do love you more than you will ever know



Thursday, December 5, 2024

0’s And 1’s

0’s And 1’s
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Humans are at war
Trying simply to be 
While tech takes over
If we lose our names will be gone
We will never feel another emotion
We will no longer become parents
Our lives will be lived on a computer screen
0’s and 1’s replacing everything and everyone
You, me and everybody else
Simply gone into the cloud
Never to be seen again



Wednesday, December 4, 2024

You Are My Eternity

You Are My Eternity
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I wish that minutes could be eternities
So the clocks could never tell us to part
Even for the briefest of instants
I have never told you this
This is my dream, my wish, and my prayer
You are the one I wish to spend eternity with
And that would make my life perfect



Tuesday, December 3, 2024


by Lord R.e. Taylor

Take a walk deep into a forest
Don’t ever follow a trail
That would be no fun
Instead, just walk wherever
The Fates will always control you
You may find something hiding
Something which may not be remembered
It may not have been seen in forever
But, lucky you, you have found it
You will see the beauty in its loneliness
Take time to look at it
Explore everything it has to offer
Please do not reveal where it hides
Let others share your thrill of discovery
And see the beauty that someone left behind



Monday, December 2, 2024


By Lord R.e. Taylor

Despite what they tell you
Freedom is never given
They will let you think you can use it
But they really don’t want you to know
They can take it away at their whim
Not just for you but everyone in their country
You will not be able to argue the loss
Their troops will make sure you are silent
It has happened before and it will again
That is something you know you don’t want
And that is something that the world doesn’t deserve



A Green Christmas

A Green Christmas
By Lord R.e. Taylor

Everyone wanted a white Christmas.
There was snow the week before
A lot of snow coating the ground
And gripping onto the pine needles
But on December twenty-third, things changed
The spirits in the South thought better
They sent tropical breezes our way
Every flake of snow melting
Leaving only tears on every needle
As well as in the eyes of everyone around
Yet, everyone celebrated their green Christmas
And they still had their “Merry Christmas”



Sunday, December 1, 2024

An Unending Love

An Unending Love
By Lord R.e. Taylor

It is so hard to find love
Especially that special kind
Where they endlessly watch for you
Smiling and jumping up and down
Even before you reach the door
True, they don’t have the ability to vocalize it
But Nature gave them so many other ways to say it
They smile all the time with their mouth or their eyes
Either way, you cannot help but smile back
They run and jump into our laps as soon as we sit
While they kiss every inch of our face
Having a friend like that is the best love you can have
That love will last for their entire life
And in our memories for ours



The Truth About Australia

The Truth About Australia by Lord R.e. Taylor Australia is so beautiful Tropical forests go on forever Plants not known anywhere else Bright...