Friday, February 28, 2025

Please Little Angel

Please Little Angel
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Please little angel
You have done so much
Helping children in trouble
Taking them through their illnesses
Helping their dreams always be good
And when a child dies
You escort them to Heaven
So please, little angel
You, more than anyone
Earned the right to be at peace
You deserve the feeling it will bring
The feeling of being blessed



Monday, February 24, 2025

Outside The Window

Outside The Window
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Looking outside my window
A thousand people gather
Carrying signs and chanting
Protesting today’s world
Are they right or wrong?
Who knows?



Sunday, February 23, 2025

Grandma’s White Velvet Palace

Grandma’s White Velvet Palace
by Lord R.e. Taylor

My finest memories were at my grandma’s house
It was way far out in a forest that she loved
Summer, spring, and fall were beautiful
But, for me, winter was always the best
Only then was her house no longer just a house
It became her palace, surrounded by white velvet



Saturday, February 22, 2025

A Holy Miracle

A Holy Miracle
by Lord R.e. Taylor

It took seven days to make the world
Trees, animals, and birds of all kinds
Then two people who created us all
From that first moment our world was blessed
Now, an eternity later, we still have semi-paradise
A lot of the trees, animals, and birds have gone
But so many remain to make the world beautiful
Our Maker sees that we have loved His creation
Sometimes He will reward us in unexpected ways
Giving us a halo to show that we are still a holy miracle



Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Truth About Australia

The Truth About Australia
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Australia is so beautiful
Tropical forests go on forever
Plants not known anywhere else
Brightly colored flowers bloom
And grasses reach into the sky
So many animals, insects and birds
Life abounds in every meter
You must always be careful
Make sure you wear the right clothes
All Australians know the truth
Everything in Australia wants to kill you
So just stay locked in your car
You may be safe 
But that is not guaranteed



Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The King Of The Forest

The King Of The Forest
by Lord R.e.Taylor

It takes so much
Performing everyday
Walking around
Sometimes playing with toys
Hoping someone would throw you a treat
You may have a friend or two
Other than that you are alone
Just wandering around a concrete cell
You pretend to be happy
You may not know how your kind lives
But then again maybe you do
And in those few moments you do relax
It is possible that you dream
You may dream of forests and salmon fishing
You dream of hibernating through the winter months
And you dream of all of the cubs running around you
When you do I am sure that you will smile
That is who you were meant to be
The true king of the forest



The Lost Hero

The Lost Hero
by Lord R.e. Taylor

You were so famous at one time
Did so many fantastic things
Actually, you changed the world
Yet everyone ignored you
Giving credit to others
People who never did anything
You finally lost all your pride
Locking yourself into your room
You died sick and all alone
Even then the government harassed you
Stealing any evidence of your creations
Even so after long a time after you died
Everyone knows who you were and what you did
Nicola Tesla is who made the world what it is
And now he is the hero he should have always been



Monday, February 17, 2025

The Beauty Of A Volcano

The Beauty Of A Volcano
by Lord R.e. Taylor

The scene is so pretty
Fire bursting out from the bowels of Hell
Dancing in the air to their own rhythm
Its smoke also reaches Heaven
Touching the home of God Himself
Pumice and obsidian spread for miles
Settling as a silent reminder as to events
While red-hot burning lava turns everything to ash
Destroying so very much but still saving history
Some towns have been preserved forever
All because a volcano erupted so long ago
And that is one we will always remember



Sunday, February 16, 2025

Mount Mee, Queensland

Mount Mee, Queensland
By Lord R.e. Taylor

There is a little town
Barely a glitch on a map
Hidden away from the world
It is a beautiful place
With magnificent valleys
However, it is not a place to take a young lady
The name is far too suggestive
How could you ever ask a sweet girl
To go away for the day to Mount Mee

© Poem – XV/II/MMXXV


Thursday, February 13, 2025

America Is Back

America Is Back
by Lord R.e. Taylor

You were always so proud
A leader in the world
Not afraid of anyone
And never backing down
For four years that all changed
Every country walked all over you
But you never fought back
You just hid and let them do it
While your leader hid under his desk
You became nothing
Now you have a new king
One who will not back down
Standing for everything that is right
He will fight for you and all of your people
That may make him hated by the ignorant
But most of your people wanted him
And they knew a good thing when they saw it
So, you may raise your head again
America is back!



Tuesday, February 11, 2025

No To Death

No To Death
by Lord R.e. Taylor

You had your chance
The day he was born you touched him
You tried your best to take him
But even then he said no
So, you have been following him
Walking behind him every second
Trying every chance to had
But he never spoke to you
Except to tell you to leave
He ain’t ready and he never will be
So why can’t you show some pride
Walk away and leave that man alone
Just go and never come back
You may be better off because you do

© Poem – XI/II/MMXXV


Monday, February 10, 2025

He Sits Alone

He Sits Alone
by Lord R.e. Taylor

He sits alone 
Crammed into a six foot by nine-foot cell 
All he can do is think 
He had happiness before 
A wife who he thought was the most beautiful woman 
He also had a daughter he may never see 
They were the loves of his life 
But that happiness is all gone 
Taken away by the sound of a cell door locking 
Now all he has are memories and dreams to keep him going 
Well, those and the sounds of zydeco from a few cells away 
But he hopes someday to be free even for a moment 
Just long enough to hold his wife and daughter close  
To make sure that they know that he has always loved them  
And that he always will 

© Poem – X/II/MMXXV


A Sign Of Hope

A Sign Of Hope
by Lord R.e. Taylor

All hope is gone
Covered in white
A single crocus climbs out
Breaking through the snow
Returning hope to the world

© Poem – IX/II/MMXXV


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Take Time To Read

Take Time To Read
by Lord R.e. Taylor

Human life is so hectic
Very little time to live
Much less try anything new
But there is something you can do
Open a book and start reading
It doesn’t matter what kind
You can read as you listen to music
As you sit in a forested park
Or spend your time in the bath
Where you do it doesn’t matter
Just enjoy the words in front of you
And let them take you wherever
Life will be waiting when you get back
I promise you that

© Poem – IX/II/MMXXV


Saturday, February 8, 2025

An Oasis

An Oasis
by Lord R.e. Taylor

From a distance
It is the most beautiful thing
An oasis created by God
Out in the middle of an empty sea of grass
A symbol of life abounding
With the chattering of birds
And the scurrying of the animal
It is a place to be left alone
Admired from a distance
But it should never be destroyed
Nor should it be bothered in any way
It is there for a reason
A reason neither you nor I can ever understand



Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Abandoned Church

The Abandoned Church
by Lord R.e. Taylor

How long have you been alone
People used to gather around you
Helping each other
Praying to their God
But their God walked away
The doors were locked
And the windows were nailed shut
All of the people left
Finding other places to worship
You were left all alone
To sit in a field and watch the world pass by
At least until you become just debris
And then everything will be all over

© Poem – IV/II/MMXXV


Monday, February 3, 2025

No One Will Listen

No One Will Listen
by Lord R.e. Taylor

I try talking 
But it never works 
I speak the same language
Maybe a different dialect 
But mostly the same words
I try and try again
It's always the same
If I ever have to talk again
I might try staying home
Maybe try talking to the kids
The wife or maybe even the dog
Ah, but they will not hear me
So, I will just talk to my mirror
At least then, I will have an audience of one
And I know he will at least hear me



Sunday, February 2, 2025

The Power Of The Moon

The Power Of The Moon
by Lord R.e. Taylor

As the moon rises in the east
Life settles in for a rest
But the life of the night rises
Screeching and howling
Flying in endless flights
Many souls leave their bodies
Leaving decaying corpses behind
Still, there is an apparent beauty
Cast by the shadows the moonlight creates
But it will only last so long
The power of the moon will be lost
And life will carry on just as before

© Poem – I/II/MMXXV


Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Truth

The Truth
By Lord R.e. Taylor

No matter what you do or say
Twenty thousand years after you die
Your bones will tell the truth



For The Love Of Music

For The Love Of Music by Lord R.e. Taylor They have been around forever Playing in taverns and fairs On any street corner with people around...