Eating A Chocolate Cookie
by Lord R.e. Taylor
Are you sure you wanted to do what you did
I can imagine that she is a little angel
But you had a combination which would lead to trouble
Did you even look at the cookie before you gave it to her
A pretty little girl and a handful of semi-liquid chocolate
Did you think that anything else was going to happen
Maybe though you never gave the cookie to her
More than likely she found the cookie jar and opened it
And suddenly three or four chocolate cookies disappeared
Now, if that was truly what happened don’t you dare get mad at her
Just grab the one cookie left in the jar
Sit down with her and enjoy sharing her treasures
But Mom or Dad make sure you make a mess eating it
After all, that little girl knew the right way to eat cookies
And maybe you could learn a little something about manners from her
© Poem – XV/I/MMXXV