Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Death's Rhythm

Death's Rhythm

Death beats a steady rhythm
Sounding loud within my chest
Starting at the time of conception
So strong and powerful
It counts down second by second
You try to really live your life
Doing things that make you happy
Finding the love that God gave you
No matter what you can do
No matter what you can say
You cannot plead your case
Death still beats a steady rhythm
All you can do is live for the moment
Ignore the steady pounding in your chest
Forget that time is short and precious
Live, love, enjoy what you are doing
Then when Death's rhythm stops
You can laugh in his face
Taunt him for eternity
Tell him that you lived a good life
That you have been happy
Tell him that you have made others happy
Then, as final words, tell him you are ready
You have no regrets
Then get your wings and enjoy eternity
Always remember that you lived
And that you had a good life
That is all you will ever need

Wednesday, November 21, 2012



Red eyes glow as you walk through the forest
You search in the darkness
Looking for an innocent creature
Claws sharpened as you wait
You know what they can do
You know just where to strike
The creature doesn't suspect
It is just living its day
You wait
You strike
The battle lasts a mere moment
The creature is now among the dead
Creatures you have killed during your life
You stand tall
Full of your latest conquest
And after all is said and done
You will live to fight another day
But only when your eyes glow red
Until then sleep in the forest you control
And the land will be at peace

Shadow Of Fear

Shadow Of Fear

It follows me where ever I go
Nipping at my heels
It torments my body
Tortures my soul
I know it hides in the light
Coming out in the night
The perfect disguise
I face it down but I know
I know that it knows me too well
It knows my weaknesses
It knows what the world is truly like
It knows my feelings toward life
The shadow of fear is immortal
Haunting one and then another
Hunting for the weakest of us all
Yet it doesn't kill
It watches as we lose our minds
Terrified of even ourselves
Even when we are suicidal just watches
Pushing just one step further
Not letting us turn away from the pain
It takes me to the limit and beyond
And it just laughs

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My World

My World

Why do you want me to leave?
My comfort is the blackness
The demons claw at my feet
My ears echo the screams of a million souls
Fire is my bed at night
Sulfur is the smell of my garden
I never had a choice
My ideas scared you
Nightmares crept into your dreams
The thought of me scared you
Made you question your own reality
You drove me into Hell
Keeping me away from humanity
Keeping your existence safe from me
Saving the souls of your children
I am here watching you
Seeing everything you do
I will bide my time in my paradise
Burning with my thoughts simmering
When the time is right
Your faith shaken by questions and doubts
I will be there to take you by the hand
I will lead you into my world
You will see what the darkness offers
And your screams will join the others
I will just sit back and listen
You are in my world now!

The Aged Actress

The Aged Actress

She walks on stage
The people have all gone
The light have faded to black
Still she walks to center stage
Her eyes glisten in the light from the exit sign
Her looks have long since gone
Age has taken a bad toll on her
Yet, she remembers the days so long agao
She would take the stage
Singing and dancing
She owned the stage
To the audience she was their goddess
A beauty beyond what God could create
Now she stands before an empty house
No one wants to see her dance
No one wants to hear her sing
She is a has been no one cares about
Still she stands on the stage
And lives a life only in her memories
Memories that will soon fade
The star that she was flickers and dies
And she will be gone
Even from her own mind

I Am Human

I Am Human

My eyes shut for another night
Images flow across my eyes
Barely shadows they float by
Some grey clouds on the horizon
Birds fly by going nowhere
A stagnant lake lies before me
Not a single wave or ripple
The birds swoop and die before me
Dragons and demons tear the world apart
Leaving me in a world of complete dark
Screams of pain and terror
They fill the early moments of sleep
Somewhere pleasure comes from the suffering
I want to open my eyes
The terror holds them shut
Not allowing me a chance to escape
I can feel them tearing into my mind
I don't care what they do me
The world is one of my design
Scary and deadly to others
It is my home
It is where I choose to be
Alone and fighting an unseen enemy
Yet, knowing that I am immortal
I am a god in my world
The all powerful god of the underworld
I will reign until the sun rises so far away
And I change into a mortal human
With of their faults and foibles
I am human

The End

The End

The end is nearing
The final day is at hand
Time to be judged
Sent to Heaven
Sent to Hell
Did you life a good life?
Did you laugh with the sinners?
Did you cry with the saints?
Maybe you didn't care
You may have chosen to live life
Your choice could have been to hide
Living your life through an ancient book
Words meant to restrict life
Deciding for you how you should live
What you can say
Who you may or may not love
The judgment will be swift and final
You will not have the right to appeal
They just want to know one thing
Did you live a good life?
Did you laugh with the sinners?
Did you cry with the saints?
Maybe you just didn't care

Thursday, November 15, 2012



Standing at the West Virginia state line
Looking into the green mountains of Kentucky
Seeing a past that I would long to forget
Memories of moonshine and watermelon wine
Of a girl with a sweet Georgia accent
And the smell of magnolias in her hair
A house in a town of 300
Seven children sharing a single bed
They cuddle close for warmth from the winter cold
Reading by firelight late into the night
Coal dust covers everything I own
A world made up of just shades of gray
A life of sadness and depression
Their faces are black from coal dust
Their lungs filled with cancer
No one will mourn their deaths
Everything and everyone by the company
Even their souls are owned by the mines
People live and die never knowing better
Never looking out of their small town
Never seeing beyond the entrances to the mines
Their eyes tell of such suffering
Children starving and unable to learn
As their clothes fall apart and fall in the mud
No one knows of how they live
No one knows how they suffer
No one knows how they die
No one cares as long as the coal keeps coming
No one cares

Friday, November 9, 2012

Hero Cowboys

Hero Cowboys

The peaks of the Rocky Mountains
The  mighty rivers of the northwest
The epic wastelands of the south
The endless miles of grass in the east
Men wandered surviving them all
Horses were their only family
Their guns their only friends
Every hill could bring a new life
Every turn hides death from a piece of lead
Names like Gene, Roy, Tom and Audie
They lived every Saturday afternoon
Fighting in a small town’s saloon
Shooting the bad man in a gunfight
They never hurt an innocent
They lit up a dark movie screen
To millions of boys they were heroes
Always fighting for the power of right
They always got the girl in the end
Where have the western heroes gone
The ones who were faithful to their characters
Hollywood has moved on
They don’t make heroes any longer
They are only found in fifty year old reruns
If you are lucky enough to find them

Wednesday, November 7, 2012



Mommie, I was born just hours ago
You looked at me
My eyes were barely open and could see your face
You were happy for a moment
Then your look changed to hatred
What could I have done in such a short time?
Was I that bad of a child that you despised me?
I know I cried
Calling for your love for just a moment
But you would not let me look into your eyes
Now, I lay into the cold winter's winds
There are no blankets to keep me warm
Rotting food surrounds me
I am too young to survive on it
I cry harder than I ever had before
Yet, no one hears me or no one cares
Half of my life I have been alone
Something no baby should ever feel
Tonight will be my first night
Tonight will be my last night
I never even had the chance to be held
Never had the chance to smile
Never had to chance to be love
I just have the chance to die

Monday, November 5, 2012

Life In The Jungle

Life In The Jungle

Walking through the jungle
It appears to be hell on Earth
Dark and humid it draws your soul
Snakes hang down from the trees
Hoping that someone wanders close
Spiders the size of cats live in the trees
Their venom poisonous enough to kill with one bite
Cats wander the jungle looking for their prey
Some died at the hands of the deadly paradise
Others wasted away trying to find their way out
Yet, there is a temptation to go walking
To see what the jungle has to offer
They forget that it is an alien world
A world humans are not welcome
They enter under their own risk
Some come back changed
Others are just unheard of again
Such is man's life in the jungle

Two Warrior Hearts

Two Warrior Hearts

Two warrior hearts
Beating separately
The sound is deafening
Telling all other hearts to stay away
They have been alone for so long
Fighting different battles
Under a dark moon they meet
The stars fade away as they get closer
Their beating is the same
Sounding as if they are just one heart
One heart wounds the other
The other hearts wounds the ffirst
Cutting a vein in each other's hands
The weaker heart beats even stronger
That night they shared the sting of blood
Such passion erupts without a word
The two hearts become one
They are united for all time
They are not married
They are bound by blood
A stronger bond cannot be found
A Klingon love is eternal
As it should be when two warrior heart meet

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Lost In My Mind

Lost In My Mind

Lost in my own world
So hungry
So thirsty
Where are the animals?
Where is the water?
Where is the light?
There isn’t one star to guide me
The sky is full of faint lights
To far away to help me find my way
No hope of ever seeing the sun again
It is a world of black
My mind is making me do without
Maybe it wants to kill me
I do not know
I do not care
Let it bring starvation
Let my tongue swell with thirst
I will fight with my last breath
Struggling against my mind
I will not let it win
I cannot let it win
I am stronger than anything my mind can create
It can keep its barren world
It can keep the dry river beds
I will survive despite my mind
I will survive

Outside The Window

Outside The Window by Lord R.e. Taylor Looking outside my window A thousand people gather Carrying signs and chanting Protesting today’s wor...