Monday, March 31, 2014

Turkey Love

Turkey Love

Such a noble species
The royalty of American birds
It struts proudly
Flying wild or farm bred
It creates awe wherever it is seen
The turkey has history in its line
Loved and worshipped by the people
The turkey was as American as the eagle
It was almost the national bird
Almost the pride of America
It survives by the millions
Besides all of that one thing in our minds
They make one hell of a great sandwich
And that is all we need to know

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Let The Light Shine

Let The Light Shine

Let the light shine
Cutting through our lives
Showing that there is hope
Despite what you see
What you hear
Or what you know
Somewhere the light is shining
Showing people how to live
How to change to end the darkness
What need to be done to survive
The light will become brighter
More intense as people learn
As people accept differences
Thinking they don’t understand
Losing hatred raised from ignorance
Let them all know the truth
The light will shine
Knowledge will grow
And life will be better

If we let the light shine

Wednesday, March 5, 2014



Standing on the corner
Afraid to make a choice
Eyes dart back and forth
Trying to find the way to go
Any way to turn
No sense going back
I’ve seen what is there
The other ways are unknowns
Are they better than what I left behind?
Could they be any worse?
I just don’t know
I don’t want to know
There has to be a way to live
Without making such a decision
For now I will just stand here
Looking and watching all around
Thinking about my life
Where I want it to go
Then I will go back to where I started
And leave the unknown until tomorrow

Please Little Angel

Please Little Angel by Lord R.e. Taylor Please little angel You have done so much Helping children in trouble Taking them through their illn...